The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4617: , Scarlet Shock

Spring is a rainy season, even in the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light.

The pattering light rain has been falling non-stop, making the wing people very upset, especially when you have to go out.

"Damn it, when is the rain going to end?"

"Okay dear, if you keep complaining, you'll be late today. The newly bought umbrella is by the door."

"Got it, dear."

While speaking, a middle-aged winged man picked up an umbrella and pushed the door out. When the umbrella slammed open, for some reason, his mood was inexplicably better.

And at this time, the same voice came from next door, which made the middle-aged winged man turn his head to look subconsciously.

At the same time, the neighbor next door who was also preparing to go out just turned his head to look over.

At that moment, they looked at each other, and then looked at the umbrella with the 'Scarlet' logo in each other's hands. After a little stunned and a little embarrassed, the eyes they looked at each other quickly became...

"You kid has betrayed."

"Isn't your kid too?"

Then they looked at each other and smiled, reaching a consensus.

In the past Holy Light Holy See country, there was no rain gear. On rainy days, the wing people would choose not to go out as much as possible.

If they had no choice and had to go out, they would wrap up a cloak and run as fast as they could in the rain, striving to reach their destination as quickly as possible.

In fact, there are still many such wingmen on the road today.

But the difference is that there are also many wingmen with umbrellas and raincoats on the road.

Although they also came and went in a hurry, at least they didn't need to run all the way on the road.

And on those umbrellas and raincoats, all of them were marked with 'Scarlett'.

Needless to say, it turns out that the products of the Scarlet Group are gradually penetrated into the lives of the uptown wingmen.

After all, who would refuse something that would obviously bring convenience to his life?

In comparison, what benefit does boycotting bring them apart from passing their time?

Of course, among the boycotters, there has been another remark recently, that is, the Scarlet Group is draining their wealth...

There's really no denying this.

However, those winged people who were emptied of their wallets did not suddenly realize and overreact as expected, and it could even be said that they did not have much reaction.

Because the reality is that they're getting a better, more comfortable, and more convenient life with the money in their pocketbook, which makes them feel like it's worth the money.

In fact, the people living in the wings of Shangcheng District are generally well-off. Even if they are not rich, every household basically has spare money in their pockets.

In this era of lack of entertainment, after excluding living expenses, they can't afford to buy too expensive and luxurious things, and they won't buy them, and they basically have cheap things. There's really no definite use for it.

If you insist that you can do something, it is probably donating to the church.

The faith of these wing people may be strong or weak, but they are generally believers, so under the premise of having a group of wing people believers with spare money, unlike the church in the lower city, the church in the upper city, that is every A large number of donations are received every month.

But this kind of thing, for most of the winged people who are not fanatical believers, the feedback that can be brought to them over time and frequency is nothing more than the degree of 'completed one thing', which is basically impossible to bring. Give them feelings like 'pleasure' or 'satisfaction'.

But this "pleasure" and "satisfaction" they found in the Scarlet Mall.

Leaving aside the chess and card room and restaurant on the second floor, as some people in the wing became familiar with the Scarlet Mall, they quickly discovered that the first floor was actually quite powerful.

Needless to say, there are various practical daily necessities. In the food area, in addition to the foods commonly used by people in their daily lives, there are actually some better foods.

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Like cheese, bacon and sausage that are a little more expensive, but also more delicious...

These delicious foods can bring them a long-lost sense of satisfaction and happiness.

Although this also increases their daily expenses, they already have spare money. For ordinary wing people, where is this money not spent?

In the process, as the products of Scarlet Mall gradually spread among the wingmen in the upper city, its influence, no doubt, became more and more invisible.

At the same time, more importantly, this situation will not continue to spread.

This is doomed that the influence of Scarlet Mall in the winged group will only become larger and larger.

During this period, the resistance of these winged people to human beings will become smaller and smaller.

The reason is very simple, because the staff in the Scarlet Mall are all human.

If you want to consume and play in the mall, it is impossible not to have contact with humans.

And in this process, some of the prejudices of many wingmen against humans were gradually broken.

Just like before this, there were many humans in the lower city who demonized the winged people. In fact, under the hype of the religious sect, the human beings were also demonized on the winged people's side.

In the Winged people's indoctrinated concept, human beings are dirty, stinky, despicable, thieves and criminals, and also have a disgusting infectious disease.

But many of these notions are self-defeating once you have contact with the staff at Scarlett.

Let's say humans are dirty and smelly...

In fact, they are very neatly dressed, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is not only not smelly, but even a little fragrant.

The fundamental reason is that the human beings in Xiacheng basically bathe with something called 'soap'.

This stuff is not expensive, but it can make them wash more clean and at the same time let them bring some light fragrance.

After discovering this, many wingmen realized another thing.

That's what really stinks, as if they were themselves...

When there is no cleaning product with sufficient cleaning power, even if you wash your hands diligently, you will still have some smell on your body.

Everyone was the same before, and the wing people certainly wouldn't think anyone was stinky.

But once someone washes up with Scarlett's soap, your scent will be different from the other wingmen around you.

Under this premise, your nose that was numb due to olfactory fatigue will naturally distinguish the odors of other wingmen from yourself, and perceive the odors of other wingmen.

As soon as this matter spread, it immediately caused an uproar among the winged people.

You know, the winged people are still very arrogant in their bones, especially when facing humans. To put it bluntly, they feel that they are better than humans in everything, so they have a sense of superiority.

The matter of soap and body odor is just a cause. In fact, although humans did not offend them during this period of time, their own various discoveries were a sense of superiority to themselves, which gradually caused devastating damage. Shock…

Chapter 4617, Scarlett Impact

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