The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4620: , double-edged sword (2)

Luo Ji's meaning can be said to be very clear.

If you want stability, you have to spend time, and if you want efficiency, you have to take risks. There is no such thing as having both.

And how could Henry Bohr be unfamiliar with this set of remarks?

Because before that, he had only said it once when he was talking to General Iverson, and now Luo Ji said it to him again.

It can also be seen from this point that the ideas of the two of them are highly consistent, which is the main reason why they can get along and cooperate so happily now.

In this wave, it is not Luo Ji, but the military faction that is anxious. Although Henry Boer's reminder just now is a good idea, the question is does he have another choice? No!

Facing Luo Ji, who was full of headaches in his tone, Henry Bol smiled awkwardly, and then patted the other person on the shoulder.

"I can only wish you good luck. By the way, if you need my help, feel free to say that I can help as much as possible. If those human beings want to do something, I will definitely try my best to help you, so that you won't be let by them. It's easy to empty."

For Luo Ji, a human being, Henry Boll, who is a Flügel, was not easy to make this promise.

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Of course there were some friendships in it, and he and Luo Ji really got along very happily.

Of course, it is impossible for a guy like Henry Boer to be easily emotional. In addition to getting along with Luo Ji more happily, there is another very main reason why he supports Luo Ji. For those prisoners of war who had hatred against the Holy Light Holy See, Henry Bol was undoubtedly more willing to believe in Luo Ji.

Henry Boer came here this time, to put it bluntly, to inform him, and Luo Ji had no room for refusal. This time, what Luo Ji could choose, to put it bluntly, was about the specific time for those prisoners of war to take over.

But in fact, there are not many choices, just a few days.

"This trouble will come sooner or later. If I can make any arrangements in the past few days, let's do it tomorrow. Can I pick the first batch of people in person? Are there any lists, files, etc.?"

Henry Boer still understood Luo Ji's state of mind at this time, and he would probably have the same idea.

In three months, the task of taking over ten Xiacheng districts has basically fallen.

Under this premise, instead of lingering for two days, it is better to get the first group of people over earlier, and get familiar with them for two more days.

"You have to pick it yourself, of course you can, but I'm afraid there is no such thing as a list file."

After all, they are a group of prisoners of war. On the mine side, they are responsible for mining and transporting mines, which is the simplest and most basic coolie work.

Giving them a list and creating a file is pointless in the eyes of the wing people.

Not to mention that in the Holy See Nation of Holy Light, they still use vellum, and the price is not cheap. There is no reason to use it to record the names of prisoners of war.

"Okay, then I'll pick it up tomorrow? Or how to arrange it?"

Luo Ji had no doubts about this matter, and was not surprised at all.

As for Luo Ji's question, Henry Boll said after a little thought...

"The guarding work over there has already been officially taken over by the border army. After I go back, I will go and give a special warning. If you want to go there tomorrow, you must pass through Shangcheng District. Come to me first, anyway. By the way, I will send you a team of wingmen guards, and with them, the guards over there will not embarrass you."

"Okay, let's settle this first."

After negotiating the matter with Luo Ji, Henry Bol hurriedly left. He undoubtedly had a lot of things to do next, and this was the same for Luo Ji.

At the same time, with the fall of a large border star field, the border army raised a flag to rebel, and soon shocked the entire Holy Light space field.

At this moment, the frontier army has already launched a high-speed advance towards the main planet of their Holy Light universe.

This kind of urgent action will cause them to not have much time to stabilize the border star field they just won.

The reason why these border starfields did not fall into turmoil immediately after the border army left was the result of the border army operating on the border for many years.

But this still cannot change the reality that their rear positions will appear relatively weak.

At the same time, this is also the main reason why the above is so eager to urge them and let them quickly strengthen the urban governance, which is to stabilize the rule behind them, so that their rear positions will become stronger and not fall off the chain at a critical moment.

As for this matter, of course, the entire border army could not rely on Luo Ji. In fact, during this time, many people received the same order.

Including the wingmen.

In the next three months, the number of uptowns Henry Bolle will need to manage will also start to increase substantially.

But the difficulty here is incomparable to Luo Ji.

The development of Shangcheng District has not been a big problem in the first place. Yiren took over the management, except that the workload will increase, and there are basically no troubles.

Which is like Xiacheng District, that one by one is basically a mess.

It is no less difficult to manage one lower urban area well than to manage five upper urban areas! Even this sentence is a bit polite.

Back to the topic, after the border army's rebellion was spread to the Holy City, they realized that the wrong religious faction was in power, and quickly sent news to the other side of the border as soon as possible, and wanted to urgently recall the presiding judge and the trial knights. .

But at this moment, the presiding judge and his judgement knights have already arrived at the frontier battlefield, and now they want to go, it is not a simple matter of distance.

But the frontier army is basically a member of the military faction, and his trial knights are in the frontier, want to leave? How can it be so easy?

At the same time, UU reading, as an enemy who had fought with the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light for so many years, in the border camp of the Zerg, the Zerg King was leaning on his throne boredly.

Years ago, he had a fierce fight with the 'God' of the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, and that fight almost destroyed half of the star field on this side of the border.

As a result, both sides were beaten and lost. After being rescued from serious injuries, the 'God' of the Holy See Nation's life and death was uncertain.

On the contrary, the Insect King, relying on his powerful genetic power, was reborn from the cocoon in a dying state, and his strength is stronger than before.

After that, he attacked several times, and defeated the frontier army of the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light several times, causing it to fall into a large area of ​​Star Territory.

But the purpose of the insect king is not these, he wants to fight with that 'God' again.

But unfortunately, after the battle, the other party never appeared again. According to the speculation of the insect king, he was probably dead.

This also made the Insect King completely lose interest in the battle here, and later stayed behind to recuperate.

Until this day, news came from the battlefield on the other side...

"What? Bemon is dead?"

When I first heard the news, the Insect King was undoubtedly a little unconvinced.

The difficulty of defeating an opponent and killing an opponent is completely different. As one of his generals, Beimon's strength is not low, not to mention that the opponent also used evolution fluid to evolve.

Under this premise, Bemon died in battle, which the Insect King did not expect at all.

"Is it those humans again? Interesting, I have to go there myself!"

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