The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4621: , border changes

The Insect King did not know the rebellion within the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, so he chose to leave for another battlefield.

In fact, even if you know it, it doesn't matter to the insect king at all.

It's like for some rich people, after a certain amount of money, money becomes a boring number.

Their Void Zerg has occupied a large number of universes. From the perspective of territory alone, the Zerg King has not been interested in territory for a long time.

Under this premise, the reason why their Void Zerg is still invading other universes is more to vent the aggressive instinct contained in their Void Zerg bones.

In comparison, the Insect King has a higher intelligence and does not completely follow the aggressive instinct, so his purpose is more clear. He pursues a more powerful opponent, and enjoys crushing it, The process of defeating.

As for the weak, the current bug king basically has no interest at all.

Just like there are few people who are so bored that they stand on the side of the road and step on ants to play...

The departure of the insect king made the Void Zerg's offensive here slightly restrained.

When the Insect King was there before, he made several shots, and the army of the Void Zerg quickly captured a large area of ​​Holy Light Holy See Kingdom.

But the other party's territory is still so huge that they can't see the end at all. At this point, the brainworm commander here has already realized what kind of behemoth Holy Light Holy See Nation is.

The battle here will not end in a short period of time, and the insect king has left again. For the sake of safety, it is necessary to restrain the offensive a little.

Anyway, in the previous battles, they have captured a large area of ​​territory, nesting and multiplying in these territories, and some tossing.

On the Holy See Nation's side, the wingmen of the military faction chose to launch a coup d'état during the war purely because there was no other way.

The rule of religious factions over the Holy See Kingdom is deeply rooted. In normal times, they have no chance at all, or the success rate is too low, and the risks and possible costs to bear are too great. .

Only in this situation can they achieve the greatest success rate.

At the same time, from another point of view, when the religious factions send their troops, they can also take down the Holy City at a lower cost of casualties!

Of course, there are also risks here, the biggest of which is undoubtedly the Zerg army that is eyeing the outside world.

But what no one thought was that the insect king was by accident and left at this time, causing the Zerg army to converge on the offensive and greatly reducing the risk...

The frontier army, who was unaware of this, was now sieging the city all the way, taking down planet after planet at the fastest speed, sweeping towards the main planet of the Holy See Kingdom of the Holy Light.

During this period, the religious leaders in the holy city basically had trouble sleeping and eating.

The Cathedral of Holy Light, located in the heart of the Holy City, can be said to be the stronghold of religious factions.

But tonight, in the conference room of this base camp, it was not calm.

"How dare, how dare they?!"

The bad news that just came back made these people in power who were aloof on weekdays completely lost their calmness in the past.

The sudden turn of the military faction was something they never dreamed of.

At the same time, I didn't expect that the other party would do such an amazing job!

Now that I think about it carefully, in the previous seventy-two-wing meeting, five six-winged holy-winged from the military faction left the holy city one after another, which is simply the biggest doubt!

It's just that the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light has been at war with the Zerg, and during the war, they didn't think much about it.

Now, one of the five six-winged Holy Wings of the military faction has appeared on the border, holding the presiding judge, and the other four are still unknown where they are.

Under this premise, the six-winged holy winged seed from the official faction was still in the holy city, but after the border army rebelled, the other party began to close the door to thank guests.

It would be better to say if he simply did not want to be involved in the fight between the two factions.

But now I am afraid that the other party has fallen to the military faction.

Because looking back on their past behavior, there is absolutely no reason for the other party to fall back on them.

Of course, all of this is just their speculation.

In the process, they had proposed the idea of ​​controlling each other first, but this idea was quickly overturned.

If the other party is still neutral and the two do not help each other, then when they do this, isn't it the same as pushing the other party to the military faction?

When the other party closed the door and thanked the guests, those in power of the religious faction who did not know what the other party's attitude was, are now completely afraid to act rashly.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

But at this time, their 'god' was still in a deep sleep.

This makes them want to invite 'God' to come forward, but they can't manage the overall situation.

It can also be seen from this point that this action of the military faction has definitely been planned for a long time!

This feeling can only be said to be too bad, they have never been so crazy in their lives!

Compared to the powerhouses of the religious factions who have been mad enough to sleep and sleep lately, Luo Ji, who is far away on the frontier planet, has only just received a troublesome matter, but he is very calm.

This is also a major advantage of the mechanical family.

Although Luo Ji's emotional richness is basically the same as ordinary people, he is very calm.

From the point of view of 'calm and composure' alone, he is even above Ye Qingxuan.

After Henry Boll left, he held a meeting with the cadres of his cronies, and after discussing this matter, he basically waited to pick someone early tomorrow morning.

Of course, after nightfall, he tentatively confirmed the details and precautions with Ye Qingxuan.

In this wave, taking over the first batch of prisoners of war and making them available to them is not difficult to say, nor is it simple, Ye Qingxuan tentatively gave Luo Ji a rationale.

After all, although Luo Ji knew about prisoners of war, their mechanical clan had no actual experience in resurrecting prisoners of war. In comparison, when their young lady Ye was traveling through the universe, she occasionally stumbled and was a prisoner of war for others, and at the same time He has also captured others, and in this matter, he can be considered experienced.

"It is indeed a troublesome thing to hate the country and the family. Considering the situation of the Holy See Nation, we are afraid that we will encounter those people with a single brain, or simply idiots."

Speaking of this matter, Ye Qingxuan's thoughts are still very clear, and there is no doubt at all.

"After all, many years have passed since the war with the Empire of Humanity, and those Empires of Humanity have long since been destroyed. Smart people can see the situation clearly and know how to weigh the pros and cons, so there is room for discussion, and those who have one brain Genjin, the guy who only thinks about revenge, there is no need to talk about it, and there will definitely be a big mess."

Having said that, Ye Qingxuan paused.

"But it doesn't matter. Anyway, the first batch of people is definitely not a big problem. After that, I will slowly toss it."


Chapter 4621, Border Changes

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