The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4626: , take over the new site

Before Luo Ji, there were very few people who could use it, but there were undoubtedly even fewer people who could handle government affairs and give government affairs to those who handled them well.

This also led to him being temporarily arrested by Guo Jia to share the work even though Guo Jia was obviously not good at this job.

But now, with Lu Yang's help, Guo Jia can undoubtedly be liberated and can return to the military work he is good at.

After that, the arrangement for Lu Yang was quite simple. First, he arranged to go to the Secretary Department of the City Lord's Mansion to assist in the work of the City Lord's Mansion.

Although Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan had high hopes for him, Lu Yang had just arrived after all, and directly assigning him to the secretary's office was already a special case. It is difficult to convince the public, and there must be a process in between.

The next morning, Luo Ji personally confirmed the three hundred people and asked them one by one what they were doing, what their specialties were, and so on.

Basically, each of them can be assigned to a suitable position, and among them, Jarrett is undoubtedly assigned to the Ordnance Research and Development Department.

And here, I need to mention it specially, because the city defense army's ordnance equipment was basically researched by Xu Ji who was far away on the spacecraft.

Therefore, in the Xiacheng District, there is no ordnance research and development department itself, and they are generally only responsible for production.

In this way, this Ordnance Research and Development Department was undoubtedly newly established by Luo Ji, and the members of the department were basically new recruits. Under this premise, it would not be a problem to directly appoint Jarrett as the head of the department.

As for the existence of Xu Ji, it is naturally kept as a secret. Even for Lu Yang and Jeret, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan did not tell each other that they were in the universe outside the Holy Light universe. A spaceship that is not small in size can meet them at any time.

After a week passed, the prisoners of war behaved fairly honestly. After all, their life was much better now than when they worked as coolies in the mine before.

During this period, Lu Yang had already made a list for Luo Ji.

Needless to say, the people on this list are all coolies from that mine.

Luo Ji was clear about the situation and layout of the mine, but when it came to the character and ability of the coolies, Lu Yang was definitely better than Luo Ji.

Therefore, with Lu Yang's help, Luo Ji could quickly select useful talents from the many coolies in the mine.

As for the specific job of selecting people, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan handed it over to Li Ke after discussing it.

One of the reasons is that Li Ke has rich experience and is old-fashioned. In addition, the main reason is that Li Ke, like them, comes from modern society. Therefore, he has a clearer thinking about them and knows what they need now. what is.

Taking this into account, and after comprehensive consideration, Li Ke can be said to be the most suitable candidate at present.

And at the same time, Luo Ji also officially began to prepare to accept the ten Xiacheng Districts.

Of course, the ten Xiacheng districts definitely couldn't be thrown to him in one go, in that case, anyone who came would have to blow up.

According to the above meaning, in three months, no matter what you want to do, you have to pick up these ten Xiacheng Districts for me.

Under this premise, Luo Ji and the others have their own strengths at this stage. As for the first Xiacheng District, the sooner they can take over, the better, so that they can be more relaxed later.

In fact, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan had already arranged the propaganda work and investigation work in the ten Xiacheng Districts they were about to take over as quickly as possible after Henry Boll mentioned this matter to him. down.

There is nothing to say about the investigation. It is nothing more than to look at the situation in these Xiacheng districts, and then make a statistical report. At that time, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan will first formulate a governance plan based on the report content, and then adjust it according to the actual situation. So as not to make temporary arrangements, in a hurry.

In terms of propaganda, the main propaganda content is nothing more than the fact that the city is about to be handed over to Lord Scarlett for governance, and he is bragging about him. Anyway, the battle will be sorted out first.

Then, the day to officially take over soon came.

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that Henry Bol took over the upper part of the city three days before them.

At this moment, under the **** of the city defense army, Luo Ji's motorcade was so majestic and arrogant that it passed through the upper urban area and entered the lower urban area that was about to be brought under his management.

Theoretically speaking, after the frontier army occupied the city, the selected humans should have taken over the governance work and obtained a considerable degree of governance rights in the Xiacheng District here.

However, from the perspective of today's Luo Ji, the overall feeling of Xiacheng here is exactly the same as the feeling they had when they were just sent to Xiacheng by Henry Boll.

From this, it is enough to see that the previous managers basically did not play much role.

But this is also a matter of course, the human beings in Xiacheng District, their cultural level is there, even if they are talented people, limited knowledge and limited thinking, UU reading www.uukanshu. com will also limit them to a large extent, making it difficult for them to do anything.

Let them manage it for a few years, and while accumulating experience, it will also give the Xiacheng district time to develop. At that time, they may be able to make some appearances.

But today's military factions are obviously not that patient.

The original manager of this Xiacheng District, after hearing that the power in his hands was going to change hands, his first reaction was not hostility, but a sigh of relief.

This power is really not so easy to grasp. Only those who have really experienced it will know how hard it was to sit in this position.

Therefore, when he received this news at that time, he really felt relieved, and he even wished to move his position immediately and give this power to his hands!

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Luo Ji, who had already received the dispatch report in advance, had a good idea of ​​the situation in Xiacheng here.

Now it's not all that big of a fuss.

It was different from when they started running the Xiacheng District from scratch, this time, Luo Ji had his own team directly.

Under the circumstance that the City Lord's Mansion has been built long ago, they only need to settle in directly.

In addition, he can also directly hand over the security issues in the Xiacheng District to the transferred guards and city defense forces.

But it really takes a little more time for economic development. In short, let his Scarlet Group settle here first...

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