The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4627: , take over the new site (2)

After taking over the first Xiacheng District, Luo Ji immediately took over the second and third Xiacheng Districts.

At present, the whole situation is still within the scope of their abilities. According to the manpower under his command, he will take over the three Xiacheng districts in half a month. If they want to stabilize them, it is not a big problem.

After all, it had been said before that within three months, Luo Ji was capable of taking over five Xiacheng districts.

This is naturally a result that he has calculated about his own situation.

Of course, it is logically impossible to count the remaining seven in Xiacheng according to the frequency of three in half a month.

Because the more cities you manage, the more difficult it will be to manage. After the number reaches a certain level, the difficulty will increase exponentially.

Luo Ji took over the three Xiacheng districts in one breath, and he had already brought himself into a state of saturation in a short period of time.

As for the fourth Xiacheng District, considering the three-month time limit, he would have to wait at least half a month before considering it.

However, according to this efficiency, it is undoubtedly unrealistic to want to take over the seven Xiacheng Districts in the remaining time.

And if you want to do it, you have to take into account another key point, and that key point is the prisoners of war he picked up from the mine.

[First release on this site, fastest update]

These people, their foundation has been laid long ago, and their basic cultural level far exceeds the human beings in the Holy See Nation of Holy Light. It will take half a month to a month for them to understand the situation, adjust their state, and then take appropriate measures for them. observation.

If all goes well, they will soon be able to function.

Under this premise, in the remaining time, it seems that it is not impossible to take over the seven lower urban areas.

To put it simply, it depends on the effect of taking over this batch of prisoners of war.

In order to improve this effect, they must also do something, it is impossible to let these prisoners of war fully understand.

And this ideological work was mainly handed over to Lu Yang.

Of course, just a while ago, Lu Yang himself was a prisoner of war, also worked as a coolie in that mine, and was also the leader of a large internal group.

Entrusting this kind of work to Lu Yang, if the other party takes this opportunity to recruit people, then these humans who come out of the mines will definitely be led by Lu Yang, forming their own faction. Invisibly, it has already increased. This eliminates the risk of Luo Ji being overridden.

It was impossible for Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan to not be aware of this, and Lu Yang was equally aware of this.

But they still do.

There is no need for suspicious people, and people are not suspicious. This practice is undoubtedly to show their trust in Lu Yang.

Lu Yang was also a smart person, he couldn't have known this, even when Luo Ji made this decision, he took the initiative to bring it up.

And this matter finally fell on his head.

In this regard, Lu Yang also reciprocated, showing his due ability to do things properly and properly.

Right now, the difference in strength between the humans and the winged people can only be said to be too obvious. Basically, the prisoners of war in the mines who have received sufficient education are not fools. Lu Yang only needs to explain the situation to them a little, and they will be able to fully understand the situation. According to their understanding, according to their strength, there is no possibility to compete with the winged people.

Under this premise, all they can do now is to develop well and increase the status and value of the human group in the Holy See of Holy Light, in exchange for a better future for their descendants.

The reason is very simple and clear, but in this world, not everyone will act rationally. In fact, in human society, many things that sound unbelievable, even magical, are made by emotional humans.

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan, as well as Lu Yang and the others, are undoubtedly worried that these humans will have emotional problems.

Therefore, in order to stop this from happening, they need to add some 'shackles' to these humans...

Individuals with mandatory shackles will undoubtedly attract their rejection. Therefore, after a brief discussion, Luo Ji and Lu Yang focused on another point, that is, children!

Over the years, so many children have been taken away by the wingmen from the mine. Don't their biological parents want to get their children back?

I believe that most parents want to find their children back.

In fact, quite a few prisoners of war who had been picked by Luo Ji during this time had taken the initiative to raise this matter with him.

Naturally, Luo Ji and Lu Yang didn't mind pushing the boat along and helping their family reunite.

According to the equipment on the Holy See Nation's side, it is obviously unrealistic to do DNA identification, but the testing equipment in the medical room of the spacecraft behind them has the function of DNA testing.

Let Xu Ji make some modifications and send the equipment to them.

After that, it will undoubtedly be simple. First, issue an order to conduct DNA sampling on all the children in the orphanages in the Xiacheng District, as well as the prisoners of war here.

Of course, considering that there have been many children who have left the orphanage over the years, Luo Ji also used the news to send out a message to get these orphanages from Xiacheng District residents to come for sampling.

After successful sampling, only a simple DNA comparison is needed to quickly lock the identities of the parents and children.

The whole thing went very smoothly.

In a short period of time, dozens of prisoners of war have been helped to find their children who were sent away.

This part of people may have their own brains and do irrational stupid things, but now the children have returned to them, and their motherland has long since perished.

Next, if they go to extremes, all the actions they do are simply venting their anger, and they are suicidal venting their anger, which has no practical significance at all.

Anyone who cares about family affection, thinks more about their children, should also recognize the reality and give up their extreme ideas.

So far, the effect is quite good.

But Luo Ji and Lu Yang couldn't guarantee that everyone was like them.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the vast majority of people can stabilize, the remaining small number of people, after all, have limited strength and can't make much waves.

With this idea in mind, various plans are being carried out simultaneously.

It is unrealistic to expect any earth-shaking changes in the three Xiacheng districts that were officially taken over in a short period of time.

But there is one change, which is indeed very obvious, that is, the security situation has improved.

This is of course thanks to the presence of the police force and the city defense army.

No matter what their thoughts are, the outlaws in the lower city will definitely be restrained when they see the fully armed city defense troops and patrol police patrolling back and forth on the streets, as long as they are not stupid.

This allowed Luo Ji to gradually gain the support of many people in Xiacheng.

After all, this matter needs to be compared. When the previous manager was in charge of the Xiacheng District, the Xiacheng District was still a mess, and there was no improvement. When Luo Ji came, he didn't say anything else, and the security problem became better. It's real.

After comparing the front and back, with the predecessor as a foil, the people must be more inclined towards Luo Ji.

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