The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4753: , Death of the Elf King

Latest website: The warm brain of Elf King Jason Rast splashed directly on the face of the old emperor Barry Rand, until the headless corpse fell, Barry Rand could not even react.

All this happened too suddenly, and the stimulation brought to Barry Rand was too great. His physical condition was not good, and even Barry Rand, who was still in bed recently, how could he withstand such stimulation?

"you you..."

At that moment, Barry Rand was breathing extremely fast, his fingers pointing at Gerald trembled slightly, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

The next moment, Barry Rand's face changed, and the intense colic felt in his heart, making the old and vicissitudes of life old emperor, clutching his chest and fell to the ground. After several spasms and convulsions, his eyes turned black. , lost consciousness.

Seeing Barry Rand who couldn't bear the stimulation and fell to the ground fainting, a hint of surprise flashed in Gerald's eyes.

This situation is a bit beyond his expectations, but it doesn't matter, his goal has been achieved anyway.

As the elf king, although Jason Rust himself does not have much combat power, and at the same time is not young, his physical fitness has also declined, but he has a lot of magic equipment on him.

The most obvious is undoubtedly the ring and bracelet on the other party's hand.

As for whether there are other magic equipment hidden, Gerald is not clear.

Under this premise, if he fails to kill the opponent with one blow, then with the magic equipment on his body, the Elf King really can't help the opponent, and he may even be killed by the opponent.

So when they came in, Gerald deliberately said that their ship was seized by the Dark Iron Empire, so that the elf king Jason Rust's attention shifted to the dwarf emperor Barry Rand who was in the same room, and gave the his chance to do it.

And when he started, Gerald directly chose to blow up Jason Rust's head, which was also considered.

After all, in a short period of time, there are only two fatal points that can kill you in one hit, the head and the heart.

Jason Rust's chest was partially hidden under a gorgeous robe, and Gerald didn't know if there was any magical equipment under the robe.

On the other hand, the head is completely exposed, which is something he can confirm, so this is a safer choice.

At this moment, Jason Rust is dead, and Barry Rand's fainting has saved him a lot of things.

I saw Gerald walking to Barry Rand's side in two steps. After confirming the other's life characteristics, his expression was startled.


The old emperor's physical condition has deteriorated to such a degree that Gerald never expected it.

But it's not a big problem.

The next second, I saw Gerard's body suddenly twitched in irregular spasms, and then, Gerald's mouth opened, and sticky tiny tentacles stretched out from Gerald's mouth.

Needless to say, this is a parasite wearing Gerald's body.

The real Gerald had already died on the frontline battlefield.

At that time, the idea of ​​the parasite was very simple, that it was parasitic on Gerald's body and mixed into the army of elves.

However, due to the serious injury of Gerard's left arm as an auxiliary hand, even if cured, it can no longer support the high-intensity battle, so the elf army decided to let him retire and return to the elf kingdom.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for the parasite. It is just this opportunity to find out the situation behind the coalition forces.

As for the problem with this host's left arm...

Although this body is now controlled by it, it cannot restore Gerald's left arm to its original state.

This is like a car, after it breaks down, although it is repaired, it can only drive to 100 yards at the fastest, and there is a risk of failure any sooner.

Even if you change the driver to drive, this problem cannot be changed.

So the parasite's idea at the time was to first use Gerald's body to infiltrate the Elf Kingdom, and then look for other healthy bodies.

But after following the fleet back and forth and returning to the Elf Kingdom, an order changed the original plan of the parasite.

Gerald was a junior officer when he was on the front line.

Its ability cannot be said to be excellent, but it has always done well.

Under this premise, he still has a little background.

That was Gerald's father, a former comrade-in-arms of Jason Rust.

There is a tradition in the elven royal family that after reaching a certain age, no matter whether you are good at it or not, you have to go to the military for some training.

Jason Rust was no exception, and during Jason Rust's service, Gerald's father happened to be a comrade-in-arms in the same class as him, so he also had a little revolutionary friendship.

So after learning that the son of his old comrade-in-arms had retired from the front line with injuries, and that the other party had good management skills, he asked him if he would like to join his bodyguard group.

The parasite will naturally not miss this perfect opportunity to approach the leader of a country.

Finally there is this scene.

After killing Jason Rust, the mission of the parasite was basically completed.

However, the occurrence of some of these unexpected situations is tentatively caused by the parasite making a certain degree of adjustment to its original plan.

At this moment, the parasite was directly separated from Gerald's body and got into the body of the old emperor Barry Rand.

"Damn, this body is worse than I expected!"

At the moment of taking over this body, the parasite clearly felt how weak and old this body was.

I feel that if you do any big action, you may fracture, and there are cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases that cannot be ignored.

Even if Barry Rand didn't suffer from sudden death just now, his time is probably running out.

This made the parasite just transferred, and had to start thinking about finding the next host.

They don't mean that they can be parasitic as long as a corpse is left there.

To give a simple If you throw a mummy there, the parasite cannot parasitize it, because the other party is already dead and weathered.

It is best to directly live parasitism, or simply that the other party has just died, and the parasite will immediately parasitize and replace it.

But a body that naturally ages and dies is useless.

Because parasites control the body by controlling the nervous system, physical condition is important to them.

A creature that naturally ages and dies, its bodily functions have been completely reduced to the death line, and there is no room for control. You parasitize it in, and let it return to the light for a while, and you may not even be able to do it.

In the blink of an eye, the parasite took control of Barry Rand's body and pressed the emergency button that the old emperor next to him didn't have time to press.

"The elf king Jason Rust intends to assassinate, and orders the various armies to encircle and suppress the fleet of the elf kingdom!!"


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