The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4754: , 1 stone arouses 0 waves

The latest website: With the body of the dead Barry Rand, the issuance of this order can be said to have caused a thousand waves.

At this point in time, compared to Pompeii Rand, who had begun to gradually gain power, the words of the old emperor Barry Rand were undoubtedly more useful.

Upon receiving the order, the troops of the Dark Iron Empire stationed in the capital and the border were quickly dispatched.

In order to ensure the safety of the elf king on this trip, although he brought a large-scale **** fleet, he still has no chance of winning against the frontier army of the Black Iron Empire, let alone the five elf ships on the capital side. ship.

At the same time, Pompeii Rand, who was dealing with government affairs in the government affairs room at the time, undoubtedly received the news at the first time, and then rushed to the meeting room with his own personal guard.

Before Pompeii Rand arrived, the Imperial Army of the Black Iron Palace had already arrived.

By the time Pompeii Rand arrived, the Custodians were already picking up the slack.

In the process of simple understanding, Pompeii Rand learned that before the arrival of the forbidden army, all the guards guarding the door had died, including of course the guards on the elves' side.

In the conference room, Barry Rand fell weakly to the ground, holding a blaster for body protection.

Two corpses were lying down not far away, one had his head blown off, and the other had his chest blown off.

The corpse whose chest was blown up, although one shoulder was blown away, but it was still able to see its face clearly, it was the deputy chief of guards of the Elf King.

And the headless corpse, through the costume and shape, can basically confirm the identity of the other party, it should be the elf king Jason Rust.

Combined with the information, from the situation at the time, this should be the result of their emperor's legitimate defense.

Although they wondered why the Elf King did this, under the circumstance that His Majesty the Emperor had made a clear statement, the Praetorian Guards of the Black Iron Palace, of course, chose to trust their Majesty the Emperor unconditionally.

During this period, such a rapid military operation was destined to be too secretive.

The news that the elven ships docked in their capital and border were attacked by their Dark Iron Empire garrison, and even destroyed on the spot, soon spread within the Dark Iron Empire.

For the people of the Black Iron Empire who were still celebrating the conclusion of the Millennium Covenant a moment ago and cheering all the way, their first reaction when they heard the news was that someone was spreading fake news!

After all, the news was too nonsense to them.

You know, the Dark Iron Empire has just concluded the Millennium Covenant with the Elf Kingdom, and then you said that we sunk all the ally's mission fleet as soon as we turned around?

Even if you want to make up a lie, you should make it up in a decent way, right?

But what they didn't expect was that images and videos soon spread on the Internet of the Black Iron Empire.

But based on this matter, it is too unreasonable, so even if the video image has been put in front of their eyes, the people are more willing to believe that the video is fake, not the real video.

However, this situation obviously cannot continue like this forever.

The video images that were spread on the Internet were quickly confirmed to be true, and at the same time, multiple testimonies and follow-up detailed information were constantly revealed.

Let the people of the Dark Iron Empire clearly realize that their garrison of the Dark Iron Empire really sank all the ships of the Elf Kingdom Mission!

Once the news was confirmed, the hearts of the black iron people could only be said to be beeping a dog, and the whole state was not only confused, but also confused.

And with the announcement of the news from the Black Iron Royal Family, they were even more confused!

The elf king failed to assassinate the emperor?

What is this all about?

At this moment, the black iron people simply feel that the world is crazy.

Why did the elf king assassinate the emperor? After all, if the Elf Kingdom wants to assassinate, why should the Elf King come in person? Isn't that taking a risk?

There was an air of nonsense from the beginning to the end.

But soon, at the royal family's latest external press conference, the ugly Barry Rand personally came forward and told the matter.

Or it was an indignant condemnation of the Elf Kingdom.

Considering the popularity that Barry Rand has accumulated in the Dark Iron Empire over the years, the people still trust his words.

Although there are still many black iron people who think this matter is nonsense, when their emperor has already made this statement, like the imperial guards, they are of course more willing to believe their emperor's words. of.

The Millennium Covenant, which was sworn in, was completely torn apart in less than a day after it was officially signed.

At the end of the press conference, Barry Rand made an unabashed declaration of war! sparked even more riots.

In the case of the assassination of the Elf Kingdom, their Dark Iron Empire naturally condemned it from the Emperor who supported them.

But the matter of declaring war is too much involved.

As soon as Barry Rand stepped down, some ministers couldn't help but make remarks, thinking that Barry Rand's declaration of war was too impulsive.

You know, their Dark Iron Empire is now on the cusp of itself.

The original millennium covenant with the Elf Kingdom should have greatly eased their situation.

As a result, this time...

Not only did the Elf King die, but at the same time, their Majesty made such an assertive statement at the press conference to declare war! This is undoubtedly too serious!

But these remarks obviously angered Barry Rand, who immediately ordered that the ministers be executed.

Thanks to the timely arrival of Pompeii Rand, several ministers were saved.

On the way back to his bedroom, Barry Rand was leaning against the soft seat of the mobility spaceship. He was short of breath, and his face was tired and uncomfortable.

This is not a but because the condition of this body is really bad.

It is not easy to parasitize an emperor, let alone the emperor of a powerful empire.

Originally, with this identity, many of the next plans would be easy for him to execute.

But now, it's obviously impossible.

He held this press conference at the fastest speed.

At this moment, he could feel that this body was really reaching its limit, and he could even hear the remaining countdown.

The main body of their parasites is very fragile. For his own safety, he must now hurry to find another host.

With this thought in mind, the parasite that controlled Barry Rand silently turned his attention to Pompeii Rand, who was in deep thought...


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