The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4789: ,big trouble

At that moment, Miyamoto Shinxuan's eyes gleamed with blood, and from a distance, he seemed to be transformed into some kind of evil spirit in human skin.

With the outbreak of scarlet murderous aura, with Miyamoto Shingen himself as the center, the surrounding ghosts only felt a chill all over the body.

In an instant, Bai Gui didn't even know what happened, and his body was already divided into two!

"It's a slash! A quick terrifying slash!"

As one of the 'Hundred Ghosts' of the Hundred Ghost Empire, the general of the Kama Itachi clan reacted immediately.

But looking at Miyamoto Shingen in the distance, he didn't dare to move at all.

The Kama Itachi family are monsters that can control the wind, and they are known for their speed.

And it is precisely because of this that he is very clear that in the face of a faster speed than himself, they have no resistance, and once they fight, they will die.

Under this premise, Miyamoto Shinxuan's knife was so fast that he couldn't even see it clearly. Just through this, he had clearly realized the strength gap between the two sides, and he didn't exist at all. The capital to fight against.

However, Miyamoto Shingen wouldn't stop himself just because the other party didn't move!

In a flash, Miyamoto Shinxuan turned into a scarlet streamer on the spot, circulating in the army of hundreds of ghosts. Wherever he passed, the soldiers of the hundreds of ghosts were immediately divided into corpses. In a blink of an eye, the void was full of corpses. Drifting, mixed with various blood and visceral fragments, the whole scene was set off like a **** on earth.

During this process, the general of the Kama Itachi clan, who had long been hiding, suddenly shuddered.

At this moment, he clearly realized that he was locked, and he was at a disadvantage in speed, and there was no possibility of escaping.

In the instant of life and death, he didn't even have time to think about it, and immediately burst out all the demon power, waving the demon sickle in his hand, and slashed behind him with a storm slash that was enough to draw a crack in the space barrier! Trying to win the silver lining!

Faced with an attack of this intensity, Miyamoto Shingen, whose eyes were scarlet, finally became a little more serious.

The sword around his waist was unsheathed, and with the flash of the scarlet sword light, the amazing slash that seemed to be condensed by a storm suddenly collapsed, and even the general of the Kama Itachi clan who was behind the slash and still maintained a slashing posture, also It's an instant decapitation!

Because everything happened so fast, the surrounding ghosts couldn't see what was happening at all, and at the same time, they couldn't react in time. On the contrary, their emotions before death were not greatly stimulated.

However, the troops in the distance were still completely frightened by this battle, and they quickly reported the news here.

At the same time, the news that the position of the Hundred Ghosts Army was attacked by a powerful enemy also spread quickly.

And Cyrelia, who was in a meeting at the time, just got the news.

During this period, Cyrelia, who seemed to realize something, was completely soaked in cold sweat on her entire back.

Because listening to the other party's description, how did she sound like Miyamoto Shingen!

As the most powerful and important member of the bodyguard group, Ceralia undoubtedly had a clear understanding of the origin of Miyamoto Shingen before she set off.

For Miyamoto Shingen, if you want to talk about trust, it's really not enough. If you want to say it, you can only say that they have no conflict of interests, and to a certain extent, belong to the community of destiny, so the other party is willing to help them. Also unlikely to betray them.

But what's the situation now?

In fact, before the start of work today, Cyrelia discovered that Miyamoto Shingen was missing and did not know where to go.

It's just that Cyrelia didn't care too much at that time, and only thought that Miyamoto Shingen had gone somewhere to drink secretly again. It was not the first time that the other party had done this kind of thing.

Although Cyrelia hadn't caught it directly, more than once, she smelled a stench of alcohol from Miyamoto Shingen.

Of course, in a strict sense, the other party is not their subordinate, and considering the other party's strength, as long as Miyamoto Shingen doesn't cause them trouble, Cerilia will go with him.

As a result, who would have thought that when the other party turned his head, it seemed that he would cause her a huge trouble!

Although there is currently no way to be 100% sure that it is Miyamoto Shingen, but listening to that description, Cyrelia really feels that she is inseparable.

Under this premise, the most terrible thing is that she is now the interpreter of this meeting, and she can't even leave the venue early.

At the same time, if you find a reason to leave early, there is also a small possibility that it will lead to suspicion.

After all, just like Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were being watched by the wingmen, Cerilia has also clearly noticed that she was being watched by the wingmen recently.

You know, Yiren has seen Miyamoto Shingen for the time being.

Once let them find out, this trouble is really big!

At this moment, Cerilia's heart was really broken.

However, as a member of Ye Tianxiong's secretarial group, the professional quality was temporarily full of Cyrelia. On the surface, she still managed to keep her face intact. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

While coping with the meeting, I kept thinking about various countermeasures in my mind.

During the period, it was not that Cyrelia did not think about it, and informed the representative of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce in this meeting, so that the other party could cooperate with her to resolve the crisis.

But the problem now is that this time, not only representatives of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce, but also representatives of other forces participated in this meeting.

There are so many people! It made Cyrelia not dare to act rashly.

Fortunately, when such a thing happened, the representatives of all parties could not sit still, or had no heart to talk, so the interview was directly suspended.

This is undoubtedly what Cyrelia wished.

The only regret is that after the interview was terminated, Cerilia had to follow the wingmen back to their positions, and there was no chance to contact the representatives of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce alone.

After returning to her studio, Cyrelia directly called her deputy. This deputy was arranged by Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan, and she was considered a trusted subordinate.

"Where's Miyamoto Shingen? Where is Miyamoto Shingen now?"

Cyrelia, who asked this question, tried her best to keep her tone calm, otherwise her deputy would catch the clue.

"It seems like I haven't seen him all day today."

Speaking of which, the deputy quickly said...

"I'll go find him."

While speaking, the deputy was about to turn around to find Miyamoto Shingen, but was stopped by Cerilia.

"Wait a minute, you don't have to look for it, I'll just ask casually, anyway, in all likelihood, where did you hide and drink again."

Having said that, Cerilia waved her hand.

"Okay, go and do your own business."



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