The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4790: , ghost cut

This time is undoubtedly a sensitive period. If they go to Miyamoto Shingen in a hurry, they may be noticed by the winged people.

The current situation is not so much complicated as it is because there are too many unknown factors.

And she has no way to inquire about this information now.

After the deputy left and closed the door of her studio, Cyrelia's face quickly turned solemn.

Prepare for the worst, if the white-haired man who attacked the Hundred Demons' army is really Miyamoto Shingen,

Then, after the incident, the winged man, who had doubts about her, would imprison her in all likelihood.

As for putting her to death...

It shouldn't be, because as soon as she died, the wing people lost their important translators. As a result, the wing people couldn't communicate with the coalition forces, which was also an extremely troublesome thing for the wing people themselves.

Under this premise, the more troublesome thing is on their eldest lady's side.

Cyrelia doesn't know what's going on here, whether it will affect their eldest lady.

She can't even convey this information to their eldest lady now.

Because the returning fleet of the winged people just set off three days ago, Ye Feixing was also in that fleet, and brought the latest information to report to their eldest lady.

In a short period of time, it is impossible to reach the front line again.

Under this premise, if she specially sends other people back to subpoena, the question of whether the subpoena can be trusted will not be discussed. This uncharacteristic move is very suspicious in itself!

Of course, according to the wit of their eldest lady, they must be able to guess that something happened here. At the same time, if the winged people take action, the 'dark net' headed by Jessica should also be able to capture the news in time.

At that time, they only need to push the matter here completely.

It really doesn't work, it's a big deal and just run away.

With Luo Ji around, considering Luo Ji's combat power, it shouldn't be a big problem for the group to use Luo Ji's space transfer ability to quickly escape to their spaceship.

Mainly considering her current situation, even if there is a problem, Cyrelia is powerless.

During this period, within the war zone of the Hundred Ghosts Empire, Miyamoto Shingen, whose eyes were emitting scarlet blood, waved the dark sword in his hand and slaughtered all the way.

In a short period of time, there were already thousands of monsters buried under his slaughtering knife. In this empty battlefield, the blood flowed into rivers, and the bones of monsters piled up into mountains, but Miyamoto Shingen did not want to withdraw the knife means to quit.

Even in a whole state, there is a feeling that the more you kill, the more crazy you are!

The information from this side was quickly fed back to the headquarters of the Hundred Ghosts Army. Before Tamamo, who learned about the situation, he secretly observed the figure who was slaughtering crazily on the battlefield through sorcery.

At the moment when his line of sight came into contact with the figure, the dark golden pupils in front of Yuzao suddenly shrank like needles, and on the seductive face, there was a panic that could not be concealed. stand up.

"That's... ghost cut?!"

When the name blurted out, the monsters around who heard those two words, after a brief sluggishness, behaved slightly differently, some trembled with fear, while others showed a surprised expression.

The name 'Gigaki' is almost like a nightmare for the monsters in the Hundred Ghost Empire who have lived for a certain period of time and experienced that period!

Comparatively speaking, the young monsters born later, their understanding of these two words is more based on legends and horror stories told by their parents when they were young.

Like many parents, monster parents often say when they discipline their overly naughty children, 'If you don't obey, Onikiri will sniff your scent and come over and tear you apart! ’

In the Empire of Hundred Ghosts, the name "Onikiri" often appears along with various terrifying stories and legends.

There is even a legend that the reason why the ghost king of the Hundred Ghost Empire, Jiutun Boy, fell into a long slumber is because he was hit hard by the "Ghost Kiri" back then!

But to be honest, no one from the younger generation of youkai would think that the so-called 'Onikiri' is real.

However, at this moment, Yuzao's reaction is enough to prove that the legend about 'Onikiri' is not all false, and at the same time, 'Onikiri' is a real guy.

The original Ghost King Shuten Douji was indeed severely injured by Onikiri, so he fell into a long slumber.

In the early years, none of them knew the real name of Onikiri, only that he was a lunatic with **** eyes and a scarlet ghost that exudes terrifying ghosts, constantly tracking ghosts and hunting ghosts.

And it is precisely because of this behavior of the other party that over time, there is the name of 'Gigaki'. In the Fusang language, 'Gigaki' means 'killing ghosts'.

To be honest, in the long years, even Tamamo before has gradually forgotten about this lunatic.

But who would have thought that this guy like a nightmare of a hundred ghosts would appear here at this time? !


Then, in front of Tamamo, who seemed to think of something again, UU read www.'s face changed again.

Almost as soon as she realized she was about to suffer, a dark demonic fire suddenly erupted on the battlefield, slashing wildly towards the place where it was, slashing at an unbelievably high speed, as if chopping melons and vegetables, harvesting the lives of the monsters. Miyamoto Shingen blasted away!


At the same time, in the roar, accompanied by the eruption of black flames, Ibaraki Doji entered the battlefield like a mad and peerless beast!

This situation made the eyelids jump wildly in front of Tamamo, who was observing everything in the dark.

She knew that the idiot Ibaraki Doji would rush up.

Ibaraki-doji is one of the competent officers under the Oni King Shuten-doji. At the same time, he is also very longing for the powerful Shuten-doji in his heart, even to the point of fanaticism.

However, when Onikiri was raging, Ibaraki Doji was at best a rising star in the Hundred Ghost Empire, and his strength was far from being comparable to some old-fashioned monsters.

Therefore, in the battle between Shuten-doji and Onikiri, Ibaraki-doji, who was almost unable to move by the strength of both sides, could only watch Shuten-doji's defeat and even dying from serious injuries, but he did nothing. No.

In the end, Shuten Douji was seriously injured and died and fell into a deep sleep, while the wounded Onikiri was seriously injured and escaped under the siege of Hundred Demons.

Since then, Ibaraki Doji has not hated his own weakness and hatred for his inability to do anything at that time.

And this has also become the driving force for him to continuously improve his strength, and two hundred years ago, he successfully entered the ranks of the 'big demon'.

But at that time, Onikiri had already become a legend and disappeared.

Who would have thought that he could meet him at this time? !


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