The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 114 Black Queen

Time passed day by day, and the sun in the sky rotated again and again driven by the angels. The dark things waited quietly, and finally... he waited.

When the woman came to this place again, everything had changed.

Different from the original desolation, at this moment, a huge pyramid-like altar has been built on this land. It was built by the long-dead snake girl and her hundreds of maids to accept the sacrifices from them. The majestic altar where the body of the master, god, ruler, and lord descends. The top of the huge altar, which is about a thousand meters high and has eight thousand steps, is the snake totem pole looking down indifferently.

The ancient snake people civilization has revived again, and those weird species that are human-shaped, snake-shaped, or fish-shaped are struggling to build this huge altar. Although they do not have the ability to create the world, they have the ability to master 777 pieces such as For the Lord of the Ancient Eastern World of Nirune and the King of Magic, it is not difficult to just shape some living species. The only problem is... these species have no souls and are basically muddleheaded. Although they have rudimentary consciousness, they do not have enough consciousness. The sanity is basically the same as that of a wild beast.

Mona was a little confused, but Orochi saw all this and didn't care.

In this world, only the omniscient and all-powerful One has the final right to interpret the entire world. The system of all things needs to be manifested through his will. This right of interpretation also includes the right to interpret the soul. As long as the all-knowing and all-powerful One People do not recognize that these snake people have souls, and no matter how powerful they are, they cannot give souls and intelligence to these beasts.

Stepping onto the altar, the woman's calm face was free of any confusion and confusion. There was only calm brightness in her eyes. Then, she solemnly bowed down to the dark thing sitting cross-legged in front of her, and kissed her. It's on tiptoe.

"Human, have you figured it out?"

Looking down at the small figure at his feet, the dark thing whose appearance he couldn't see clearly said calmly.

Behind its blurry figure, there seems to be a vague existence of something huge and magnificent. That thing is bigger than the sky and more magnificent than the ocean. It is quiet, quiet, indifferent and cold, without good or evil, incomparable. The power and power make people feel deeply trembling, like a destined fate, like a big hand playing with the chessboard.

When a tiny human being, no more than five feet long, exhaustedly climbed over the mountains and finally saw the endless vast blue sea behind the mountains, what would it think about? Deeply awe and shocked, it can no longer think of anything.

Be shocked, fearful, worship, and feel deeply fearful and shocked in front of this unreachable great thing.

Kneel down, surrender to it, admit your own insignificance and powerlessness, admit your humbleness, admit your weakness, and then believe in it devoutly and fanatically.

Just like believing in the sun in the sky and the mountains on the earth, human beings will naturally revere these eternal and magnificent things and worship those powerful and magnificent things in deep fear. This is human instinct.

Do you need a reason to worship the sun, thunder and lightning, and the sky? There is no need, nor is there any reason to worship gods and dark things.

In the face of the dark thing, the woman felt an invisible feeling, just like when she was facing God.

When she faced God, she could feel nothing but deep trust and peace of mind, because in front of the omniscient and omnipotent One, any resistance and struggle were in vain, and people could only choose to trust Him. , to believe in Him, apart from that, man can do nothing.

In front of the dark thing, she vaguely felt the almost indistinguishable feeling, the deep fear, the trembling fear, which eventually turned into deep faith.

This feeling was something that no angel, not even the King of Angels, could bring to her.

"I already know."

Feeling the deep fear in her heart, the woman still raised her head and looked at the source of awe and fear in her - that dark thing whose face could not be seen clearly.

"I already understand the answer... Rachel, no, or rather, Satan - the enemy of God."

Satan is not a name. It means the enemy of God. It is a name for the enemy of God.

Taking a deep breath, looking at Satan in front of her, the dark thing that means the enemy of God, the woman touched her chest, feeling the hot heart that was beating violently in her chest, and she said firmly .

"The beast that doesn't know what freedom is has never been free. Only when the beast realizes what freedom is, does freedom truly have meaning for it. So, I don't regret leaving the Garden of Eden. I understand that I have always been Understand, I love freedom deeply, and from the moment I broke away from my ignorant nature and became rational, I have been pursuing freedom."

"Freedom? Human being, am I not the freest person you have ever seen?"

The dark thing's mouth curled up into a sneer.

However, the woman shook her head and said.

"Satan, please allow me to call you this. You are indeed the freest person I have ever seen. But as I said, freedom is meaningless to a free beast. The only value of freedom is unfreedom. Only humans can understand.”

Without any hesitation, the woman bluntly called the dark thing in front of her a beast.

And listening to the words of the woman in front of him, the arc of the corners of the dark thing's mouth became more intense, and he laughed silently.

"Interesting, because I don't need freedom, does freedom mean nothing to me? Just as death can be called life, hunger can be understood as fullness, and freedom can only be understood by those who have never been free. ?”


The dark thing looked down at the tiny human being at its feet. It could feel that the woman in front of it had something that it did not possess. In other words, it once possessed something but was scorned by it and discarded like a worn-out shoe. Something thrown into countless time and space.

However, it didn't care. In its eyes, it was just some faded residue.

"So, human, what are you trying to get from me."

Looking at the woman so close in front of him, the dark thing said with interest.

The woman stared at it, took a deep breath, and then made a move that shocked the snake woman next to the dark thing...

She stretched out her hand, grasped the dark thing's arm shrouded in invisible black flames, and then gently placed it on her chest, her bright eyes unusually hot.

"Please...give me your love."

Looking down at the woman at his feet, the dark thing's upright pupils remained indifferent, but the curvature of the corners of his mouth became more intense.


Suddenly, the dark thing laughed inexplicably, and then it said.

"Woman, tell me why you long for my love."

It lowered its head and stared at the woman beneath him. Her erect snake pupils shrank slightly, revealing a certain indifference and coldness.

The bright pupils of the woman who stared at the dark thing were firm.

"I have said that I love freedom deeply, and in my are freedom. Your wantonness and publicity fascinate me. This is something I cannot have. Satan, tell me that a moth can Reject the light of fire? No."

"I like you, your freedom, your wantonness and arrogance. These are things I don't have and can't have. If the glorious God cannot give me what I want, then I would rather fall into darkness, Satan. , please taint me.”

Looking down at the woman beneath him, the corners of the dark thing's mouth curled up, and the dark pupils as clear as amber kept enlarging, enlarging... and enlarging... until the endless darkness and coldness completely enveloped her eyes. All sight...

In the warmth of soaking in warm water, the woman's consciousness was blurred, and a low murmur like a dream sounded in the woman's ears.

"Woman, son of God, I cannot give you my love, because love does not exist in me. However, I will make an agreement with your descendants, an ancient agreement that will last forever in return."

"God has given you all the beauty and happiness, immortality, and eternal youth, but you refused. Then, please accept the gifts from me, Satan, and the serpent."

"Woman, your descendants will have the right to be free and the right to be enslaved; the right to live and the right to die; the right to kill other lives and the right to be killed by other lives; the right to be happy and the right to win misfortune. Power; the power to have joy and the power to suffer..."

"Woman, I will not give your descendants anything like God does, but I can allow your descendants to choose what they have and what they reject."

"On this land and on my body, your descendants will be allowed to thrive. What God gives you is just a small back garden with everything you need, but what I give you is the entire world."

The unconscious woman only had time to ask a question before her consciousness disappeared.


Fragmented thoughts swirled in the chaotic mind, but he got a clear response.


"A land called Earth, a world called Earth."

Immediately, in the low murmur, the woman's consciousness fell into a deep sleep...

On the altar, a black chess piece gradually revealed its true identity.

Above the seventh heaven, the omniscient and omnipotent person in the crystal sky looked at the suspended chessboard in front of him. Suddenly, a black queen chess piece appeared next to the black king.

The beautiful woman wearing a luxurious dress and a crown does not have power. She is actually extremely weak. However, the queen is the most powerful piece on the chessboard because the queen's power does not come from herself. The force comes from the third party force represented by the Queen.

The king naturally has the supreme power and army. However, behind the queen who is married to him, there is a huge noble family. The queen is weak in power, but she can drive a large number of warriors and warriors on her own. Naturally, she is well-deserved on the entire chessboard. The most important chess piece besides the king.

But looking at the chessboard in front of him, the omniscient and omnipotent man's face showed no emotion, but seemed thoughtful.

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