The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 115 Humans in the Cave


Inside the cave, the fire flickered, accompanied by thunder and lightning flashing in the sky, the newborn baby was crying loudly. The tired woman who had just given birth to the child was exhausted, but she still tried her best to protect the child.

She bit off the umbilical cord with great effort, and picked up the bloody and wrinkled baby with trembling hands. Then, the woman who had climbed thousands of meters of peaks in the Garden of Eden could only fall down on the withered grass in vain. , the hair soaked by the sweat on his head was messy, and he didn't even have any extra energy to do anything else.

However, only those bright eyes have not been changed by the hardships of life. Even though they are dim at this moment, they are still clear.

After that burst of joy, the fetus belonging to the monster was formed in her body, and a huge and invisible power was slowly bred in her belly. She struggled to survive on the earth for ten months, every day. Day by day, her body became weaker and her belly became bigger and bigger. Finally, one night in a stormy night, the woman gave birth to a baby girl.


The baby still couldn't stop crying, and looking at the young baby in her arms, the woman's tired eyes were full of surprise and joy. After all, she had never seen what a baby looked like, whether it was in the Garden of Eden or in this land called by Satan. She has never seen anyone of the same kind on the land called "Earth".

It was a little different from what she thought. The newborn baby's skin was wrinkled and covered in blood. It didn't look very good. However, an inexplicable feeling of blood connection came from that little life, which made her understand. : This is her child.

Not paying attention to the blood stains, she gently kissed the forehead of the baby in her arms. The woman then gently shook her arms without any instruction, while humming softly, looking at the child in her arms tenderly, hoping to borrow some help from her. This brings some peace to the baby in my arms.

Perhaps it was the mother-daughter instinct, or perhaps it was tired from crying. The crying baby gradually stopped after crying intermittently for a long time.

Looking at the baby in her arms with pity, a kind of understanding came into the woman's heart.

Her life may come to an end here.

"Rumble, rumble, rumble..."

Outside the cave, thunder crackled in the dark night sky, and thunder dragons were swimming among the dark clouds. Nothing could be seen in the outside world. There seemed to be countless darkness ready to move outside the cave. Only the firelight in the cave could illuminate the woman. Brighten up the world around you.

"Am I going to die?"

The woman's voice was hoarse because she had just given birth.

In the shadow of the swaying firelight, the woman could vaguely see a human-shaped shadow.

Maybe it's an illusion, maybe not, who knows.

The tired woman lay weakly on the haystack with the baby in her arms. The baby in her arms was nestled in her mother's arms, making a little noise from time to time. The woman looked at the fire, staring blankly, unexpectedly. There was no feeling in my heart, but it was very peaceful.

"...Do you know...I have been confused and ignorant since I was born. Although I feel that I have lived for a long time, I can't remember anything, because there is nothing worth remembering in my monotonous memory, and I have The moment of wisdom may be the happiest moment for me..."

The woman held the baby in her arms and spoke softly. She seemed to be talking to the baby in her arms, to the shadow, or maybe just to herself.

"When I was ignorant, I was free and lively, as comfortable as a wild beast in the forest, but I didn't understand anything. But when I gained wisdom, I felt dissatisfied...I greedily wanted more, No longer satisfied with just sleeping and having a full stomach, I want to know more, I want freedom, I want love..."

As she spoke, the woman recalled with a somewhat graceful and gentle smile on her face.

"However, I don't know whether it's right or wrong. I fell in love with a guy I shouldn't have fallen in love with... Is it because I admire his freedom and freedom, or is it because of a sudden heartbeat? I don't know ……really do not know……"

The voice gradually became lower, and then fell into silent silence.

But in front of her, the shadow in the flickering firelight never responded to her.

"Rumble, rumble, rumble..."

Outside the cave, the thunder became more intense. The restless thunder and lightning, accompanied by the increasingly heavy rain, showed its power to the world. In front of this vast power of heaven and earth, human beings seemed as insignificant as ants.

The woman's breath has become a little weak. Since she left the Garden of Eden, she is no longer the immortal, eternally youthful son of God. Human beings who have abandoned God will not receive blessings from God.

"Do you know that freedom also means that you will lose God's protection, just like a flock of sheep that has lost its master will face the threat of wolves. From now on, you will have to work hard, work all year round, and drag a heavy Plowing the fields in exchange for food for your own survival; you will face the troubles of plague and disease, tossing and turning on the bed, moaning and wailing; you will lose your former youthful beauty, and endure all the tortures caused by physical aging. "

"Wars, floods, landslides, tsunamis, plagues, earthquakes, death... Poor woman, freedom is not as beautiful as you thought. Your descendants will pay the price for your abandonment of the Garden of Eden."

Just as the Supreme Mother and the angel Avge said, freedom seems to be far less beautiful than a woman originally imagined. When you are weak, you will get sick. When you are hungry, it is difficult to find food. Your body will become uncomfortable and unwell, and you will suffer all kinds of hardships. They will all come to her one by one.

"It's really...uncomfortable..."

The woman's lips were trembling as her body gradually became colder. She didn't understand what was wrong with her. But tens of thousands of years later, a doctor would tell her that this was caused by lack of care after childbirth. There were no clean bedding, Without a sound medical environment, this is a dangerous situation for women to give birth to.

Everything in front of her eyes was gradually becoming blurry. In her ears, she heard the uneasy cry of a baby again. The woman hugged the baby in her arms tightly according to the feeling of her body, and murmured in her mouth while comforting the child in her arms.

"My child...your father is a guy with a terrible character...tempting others to fall, but not taking responsibility...So, don't listen to this guy. This guy only talks about lies and cheat……"

"But... who made me fall in love with this guy who doesn't understand love..."

The sighing sound was a little dissatisfied, but... there was no regret.

Everything in front of me, the firelight, and the darkness are turning into broken brilliance. All the sounds, thunder, and cries in my ears are also fading away. All the images I have experienced in my life are looking back...

In the trance of consciousness, scenes flashed by, falling into the sky, thinking, being confused, playing...

Scenes from the earth to the Garden of Eden flashed quickly before my eyes, and in the end, the scene became the first bright color in the woman's repetitive and monotonous memory...

On the green grass, the trees were covered with sweet fruits, and on the thick trunk, the dark thing lay leisurely and lazily on the trunk, looking down at her from above.

She was naked and confused, looking up curiously at the dark thing above her head, and then held up the fruit she had taken a bite of, with a pure and beautiful smile on her face.

"do you want to eat?"


Accompanied by the thunder outside the cave, inside the cave, next to the crying baby, the dead woman's arms were hanging down weakly on the pile of hay, but there was an inexplicable smile at the corner of her mouth...

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