The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 119 Humans Expelled from the Garden of Eden

Within the Garden of Eden.

"God, why did you expel Adam and Eve?"

Adam looked at the God in front of him in confusion. He was wearing a veil made of leaves. Eve beside him was also wearing a veil. In front of them, the face of the God shrouded in the light could not be seen clearly.

"God, where is my wife?"

After Lilith left the Garden of Eden, the confused Adam asked his father, the Lord of the universe.

"Sleep for a while, and when you wake up, you will see your wife."

When Adam fell asleep, God used one of Adam's ribs to create a woman, Eve. Because women originated from men, God made women obey men's orders and become Adam's wife.

However, Eve was tempted by the snake and ate the fruit of wisdom together with Adam. She had wisdom, could distinguish right from wrong, good and evil, and knew shame, so she put on clothes to cover her shame. When God saw this scene, he took Adam and Eve Expelled from the Garden of Eden.

"God, why did you expel Adam and Eve? Did we make some mistake?"

Amidst the confused and uneasy voices, the ancestors of mankind who had eaten the fruit of wisdom were no longer confused, but they had an almost instinctive rejection of life leaving the Garden of Eden.

In front of them, the god shrouded in light looked down at the humans and his own creations in front of him, and said calmly.

"Adam, Eve, you and Eve did not obey my will. It was a mistake to eat the fruit of wisdom. It was a mistake for you and Eve to have wisdom and distinguish between good and evil. It was a mistake for you and Eve to put on clothes and deny It is wrong to ignore yourself as a natural creature."

"Human beings who have committed sins should no longer live in the Kingdom of Heaven. Hell will be your destination, and your descendants will experience the torture of birth, old age, illness, and death in hell because of your actions."

The calm words spoken, the majestic voice that resounded throughout the world were engraved on the core laws of the universe, becoming an unchangeable fact.

Along with God's words, under the gaze of Adam and Eve, the sky was filled with dark clouds, and thunder was dormant among the dark clouds. The gentle radiance of God, who had once made them feel warm and tolerant, seemed to have transformed into a fiery and dazzling light, which made people unable to see directly. Vision, showing another side they have never seen before...

Cold, indifferent, and aloof.

Will the sky deliberately treat people kindly or punish them because of their good or evil?


The sky has its own laws of movement, thunder and lightning have their own reasons, and they will not change based on who is good or evil. If a saint stays under a tree in a high mountain, the thunder and lightning will hit him mercilessly. If a sinner hides obediently at home and does not challenge the majesty of the thunder and lightning, the thunder and lightning will not fall on him.

Rain falls on the righteous as well as the unjust; thunder and lightning punish disobedient sinners, but they also punish disobedient saints.

Those who follow will prosper, those who go against will perish, that's all.

“Why it’s wrong to know good from evil… God, I don’t understand.”

The dazed Adam looked at the God in front of him. In front of him, the God shrouded in endless light seemed to have become extremely strange.

"Adam, I have given you everything, immortal life, ageless appearance, a life free from disease and pain, eternal happiness...but there is only one thing that does not belong to you, and that is wisdom."

"Wisdom is sin."

"Understanding good and evil will breed righteousness and unrighteousness; understanding beauty and ugliness will lead to likes and dislikes; if you have tolerance, you will have jealousy; if you have humility, you will have arrogance; if you have enterprising spirit, you will have utilitarianism , if you have an honest heart, you must also have a deceitful heart..."

"Adam, wisdom is the source of sin, wisdom is the original sin."

"You use artificial clothes to cover up your natural body because you have a desire for beauty and ugliness, and you also have derogation and envy. You think clothes are good and your natural body is bad. This is The formation of sin.”

"Wisdom breeds good, and wisdom also breeds evil. Wisdom covers your natural nature, so wisdom is original sin."

"Just like I demoted Lilith to hell, Adam, you have been stained with original sin and can no longer stay in this perfect Garden of Eden."

Following God's words, Adam and Eve's feet suddenly became empty. Before they even had time to scream, the man and woman fell toward the void below, toward the hell located under the seventh heaven.

In front of Adam and Eve who were falling, God, shrouded in light, looked down at them as they were falling. The light on his body was extremely hot, and his unfamiliar posture looked extremely indifferent, without any mercy or tolerance at all. .

The God who created the world is neither an evil God nor a good God. The only meaning of all things to Him is whether to obey Him, because everything in this universe was created by Him. Creations that do not obey are flawed creations. .

After a long time, a burst of leisurely applause suddenly sounded in the Garden of Eden.

"Pah, pah, pah... it's really wonderful."

The dark thing shrouded in darkness walked out from behind a tree. It witnessed all this happening, applauding and talking.

But in front of it, God did not turn around, just turned his back to it.

"However, there are some things I don't understand... Since you don't want humans to have wisdom, why don't you stop me from turning into a snake to seduce Eve."

The dark thing leaning against the tree, whose face could not be seen clearly, said, its eyes contracted slightly.

However, the god with his back to it just looked down at the gap in front of him and replied calmly.

"Angel Rachel, it's not that you don't know, it's just that you are still testing me."

"You are an angel who supervises good deeds. It is the duty I give you to seduce and test life. Adam and Eve failed to withstand the test, which disappointed me, but there is no need to stop them. The hearts that are bound to fall will eventually fall. The life that will be tempted will also be tempted.”

With God's words, the gap in front of me was gradually closed, the soil was restored again, and green grass once again grew on the soil.

The dark thing leaning against the tree stretched and then said.

"Although the winner has not yet been decided, you treat me as an angel under your command in advance. This makes me extremely dissatisfied, but I will ignore it for now, but... God, do you seem to have forgotten something?"

The dark thing's erect snake eyes looked at the god not far away.

"The earth, or hell, is not your creation."

Since the birth of the universe, this universe has been composed of two worlds, one is the seven heavens created by God, and the other is the earth, which the angels call hell, and the time and space formed spontaneously by the power of the serpent.

The two worlds are basically unrelated, and even the flow of time is different.

"Lilith was demoted from the White Moon to the earth by you. I'll let it go for now, but suddenly there are two more humans... God, have you forgotten that I am not your creation, and neither is the earth." Your creation.”

The long and slender snake eyes became cold.

God created the entire universe and therefore has the power to judge the entire universe. However, the earth was not created by God. It was a world formed by the power that the serpent inadvertently exuded when it was sleeping. God naturally has no authority. Determine things on earth.

However, God just disappeared from the spot. Only a long sound was left.

"Rachel, I know what you are thinking, and you don't need to waste any words. I will answer whatever you want."

Immediately, the pupils of the dark thing became a little more interesting.

At that moment, it had been keenly aware that the timelines of the earth and the seventh heaven had merged, and the two originally independent worlds were officially unified.

God would not allow lives contaminated by original sin to continue to stay in his kingdom of heaven, but he could not ignore the fact that the earth was not his creation, so he gave certain compensation to the things of darkness.

And for Orochi, who has fallen into a chaotic timeline, this means... it will take longer before it can completely digest the Nordic universe. At least for a long time, Orochi does not need to worry about his own chessboard. Before it was finished, it became too powerful and was forced to starve.

But for Dark Things, it's more about something else, something very interesting.

On the desolate earth, Adam and Eve looked at the unfamiliar environment in front of them and fell into confusion.

In another place, a young girl lying on the ground like an animal in a hunting posture sniffed the smell on the ground, with some curiosity and confusion in her dark eyes...

(Concerning the fact that Satan is God’s white glove, it has been written very clearly in Chapter 22 of the Bible - Genesis, when Abraham killed his son and sacrificed his son. Satan is a member of the ‘Son of God’, and the ‘Son of God’ is Angel, so this is not something the author just made up.)

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