The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 120 Ancient Era

Although God could no longer enter the Kingdom of Heaven and expelled humans because of their original sin, God still sent several angels to impart knowledge to Adam and Eve so that humans could survive on the earth.

And when Adam and Eve left the White Moon and came to the earth, they finally gave birth to two children, one named Cain and one named Abel. On a wild land, except for what the angels taught them, A little knowledge, everything requires their own struggle.

Eventually, Abel learned to herd sheep and Cain learned to farm.

One day, God came to the earth. Abel offered mutton and mutton fat to God, while Cain offered grain and crops to God. God chose Abel's offering, and Cain died because God chose Abel. He did not choose his offering, so he became angry and killed his brother Abel in the field.

God said, "Where is your brother Abel?"

Cain said, "I don't know, am I my brother's keeper?"

God said, "What have you done? Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground. The earth has opened its mouth and received your brother's blood from your hand. Now you will be cursed from this land." When you sow the ground, it will no longer work for you. You will be a wanderer on the earth.”

Cain said to the LORD, "My punishment is too severe. It is beyond what I can bear. Now you have driven me out of the land, so that I will not see your face. I will be a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me."

The Lord said to him, “Whoever kills Cain will be repaid sevenfold.”

So the LORD put a sign on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.

And when Cain left, he was displaced on the earth and finally met a girl, an ignorant girl. He fell in love with the girl, gave birth to a child named Enoch, and built a city. Named after Enoch.

Adam and Eve gave birth to another child, Seth. Seth's children continued to multiply, and eventually multiplied on the earth, giving birth to civilization.

Since then, thousands of years have passed.

"One day Adam and Eve his wife had sex with each other. She became pregnant and gave birth to Cain, and she said, The Lord has given me a man. And she gave birth to Cain's brother Abel. Ground."

“It came to pass that Cain brought an offering of the fruits of the ground to the LORD. Abel also offered the firstlings of his flock and their fat. The LORD had regard for Abel and his offering, but not for Abel. Cain and his offering. Then Cain became very angry and his countenance changed..."

In the tall church, the preacher holding the classics in his hand was telling the history of the classics and ancient legends to the people in front of them. Everyone listened very seriously, but among the crowd, there was a little boy who seemed not to be. Very focused, eyes wandering, looking left and right.

Although the preacher above tried his best to turn a blind eye, seeing his actions becoming more frequent, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.


The preacher, who looked to be no more than middle-aged, put away the parchment in his hand and looked at the child in front of him, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face as he spoke.

"You have made trouble several times, what exactly do you want to do?"

Then, the little boy who was being looked at by everyone was a little embarrassed for a while, and then looked at the preacher in front of him and said.

"I wonder, what about Cain's descendants?"

The bright eyes sparkled with curiosity. It was obvious that this child, who was not yet a teenager, regarded the classics as stories. However, children of this age are naturally restless, so it was obviously not the time to understand the classics.

The dissatisfied preacher was certainly annoyed, but replied anyway.

“The scriptures say nothing about Cain’s children.”

"Do the learned men know?"

But the keen child said immediately.


The preacher was asked. Cain is a figure that is not willing to be mentioned in the church. After all, he is a "murderer", "parricide" and "a person cursed by the earth". He usually Obviously, Li would not deliberately learn anything about this sinner. However, the same cannot be said for those learned scholars who do not care about this taboo. Maybe they really know something. After all, it is only a few thousand years since the time of Adam and Eve.

Thousands of years, for this human era where everyone has a thousand-year lifespan, is not really a long time. Adam himself lived for more than 900 years.

The oldest man, Adam was still alive when his grandfather was born.

"If you want to know, then ask the learned men. They may be able to know something."

The preacher shook his head and said.


Noah, who was a little disappointed when he couldn't hear the continuation of the story, responded, and then became depressed and quiet. The preacher looked at him, shook his head, and started explaining the classics again.

And at the same time, somewhere in the deep sea...

A pair of eyes suddenly opened, revealing pupils as red as blood.


The heavy wooden board above was pushed open, and the wooden board made a dull sound. Bright candlelight swayed into the small space from above, and the handsome man with pale skin stood up from the coffin.

In the palace-like bedroom, the man's body was naked, with not even an inch of hair on his body, and his solid and powerful muscles were distinct. He looked around and exuded an inhuman charm, which was cold and terrifying.

Those who have seen him say that this descendant of Adam is more like a descendant of the dark thing than his wife.

"Your injuries are not fully healed yet. You woke up too early."

Beside it, there stood a coquettish and beautiful woman, with a hint of complaint in her seemingly calm tone.

"I felt someone calling my name."

But the man didn't pay attention, but said calmly, then looked around, walked to the palace wall in front of him, and punched out.


The solid wall instantly shattered in front of the rough fist wind, and the faint blue light shined in, revealing the appearance of the outside world...

Outside the broken wall, there is a magnificent and boundless underwater city. All kinds of strange snake people are shuttled back and forth in the city. Among the strange metal buildings, steam pipes as tall as mountains are spitting out large amounts of steam. The transparent shield above the city protects the city from sea water.

Stepping out, overlooking the steampunk-style city in front of you from the top of the city, the flower scene of the entire city is reflected in the cold and terrifying inhuman pupils.

"How many years have passed since I last slept."

There was deep terror in the calm tone, and the beautiful woman behind him followed closely and then said.

"One thousand two hundred and forty-six years."

The man looked down at the city below, noncommittal.

"You can calculate it clearly."

"After all, it is the day when you are sleeping, how can I not be clear about it."

Hearing this, the woman couldn't help but smile and said.

But the man did not answer her words. Instead, he looked down at the city in front of him with cold pupils, and then said.

"It has been more than a thousand years... It has been more than a thousand years, and the earth has not been conquered yet. I am the ancestor of mankind. The humans on the earth all share my blood and yours. Use the methods I passed down to conquer the earth. Farming, getting food, but banishing me like a monster.”

"How long will it take to stop this ridiculous fact? Your father hasn't spoken yet."

With that said, the man turned and looked at the woman beside him, the owner of this city.

"That guy won't say anything to me."

When the "father" mentioned in the man's mouth was mentioned, the woman's face became a little more uncomfortable, and she spoke with disgust, as if the "father" was an irrelevant outsider, but in fact it was in this way.

Her father never cared about her. If he didn't appreciate Cain's talents, he probably wouldn't have even met her.


No, that monster has no emotions at all.

However, it was such a monster, whether it was Cain, the corpse, or someone else, all kinds of outstanding people eventually fell at the feet of that monster and gave their loyalty to it.

There is an invisible dark charm in that monster, which is terrifying, dark, deep, cold, and makes people tremble. I am afraid that no one in the entire universe can resist that weird charm that lures desire and seduce corruption.

She was the only one who could ignore the dark charm of that guy, ignore his words, and even feel inexplicable disgust in her heart. Even she couldn't explain the reason. Anyway, it was disgust, as if someone was always telling her not to go. Just listen to that monster.

"Didn't you say..."

The handsome man who was completely naked and didn't care was murmuring, looking down at the city in front of him, thinking about something.

And in the heaven above the earth, the highest point of the heaven - within the crystal sky.

There are two hands holding chess pieces on the left and right sides of the chessboard, and there are already many more chess pieces on the chessboard. The number of chess pieces far exceeds the number of chess pieces that a set of chess should have. They are placed on both sides of the chessboard. The many broken black and white chess pieces on the side also prove that there have been several fierce battles in this chess game.

(Do not think that the world is changed by demons as biblical orthodoxy. I write about Nordic mythology and follow the trajectory of the original mythology because the main theme of Nordic mythology is "a doomed fate that cannot be resisted." It is not easy to change the world with demons, but this is not the main theme of Abrahamic religions. Therefore, the plot will be greatly changed.)

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