The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 140 The Story of a Little Boy

"Hear, O LORD, hear my words and consider my thoughts. Hear, O my King and my God, my voice... uh my cry, for I pray to you..."

In the house built of bricks and wood, a childish voice whispered. Although he just imitated his parents' prayers, the words were inevitably a little stumbling, but at first glance it looked decent.

The Jews believe that their prophet Moses was inspired by God and led the Jews who were oppressed by the Egyptian Pharaoh to escape Egypt and go to the "promised land" mentioned by God, that is, Israel. Eventually, the Jews settled in Canaan, and later accompanied With the constant wars between various empires and civilizations, they are scattered everywhere.

Hannah was one of the Jews who settled in the city of Nazareth. According to Jewish custom, he was regarded as a believer of Jehovah from birth, and he naturally began to learn how to serve the God in heaven.

While the little guy was praying silently, he didn't notice that there was a person approaching him quietly behind him...


Suddenly, the little boy named Han Na was frightened by the sound behind him. His face turned pale and he instinctively turned his head. Behind him, he saw a brown-haired little boy who looked to be no more than six or seven years old, laughing playfully. Look at him.

"Yossi, you can't do this, don't scare people at will."

Looking at his younger brother in front of him, Han Na's face showed slight anger and he said warmly.

"I see you pray so can't help it."

Seeing his brother scolding him, Yossi looked a little embarrassed and just muttered, but he knew that his brother had always been gentle, and even if he made a mistake, he would not really treat him like this.

Looking at the younger brother in front of him, Hana frowned and shook his head helplessly. He couldn't help but wonder if he was a little too spoiled to this younger brother.

However, this emotion did not last long, because their fathers had already returned.


Seeing his father coming back, Yossi rushed forward excitedly, while Hana, who was a few years older than Jacob, was more steady. He just stood up and said hello to his father softly.

But this time, Joseph did not pick up little Joseph as usual, but frowned, as if there was something difficult to understand in his heart. He looked worried, and just smiled reluctantly at the two children. laugh.

Mary on the side was keenly aware that something was wrong. She first gently coaxed the two children aside, and then walked into the bedroom with Joseph and started talking quietly.

But the two children were not fooled so easily. Instead, they secretly approached the door and listened to the voices of their parents. However, the voices of both of them were extremely low, and there were too many words mixed in by the two children. Even Han Na, the oldest, could only vaguely hear words such as "emperor", "death", "Rome", "new governor"...

Late at night, Hana was lying on the bed, looking at the wooden board above his head in trance. The whispers between his parents during the day made him very curious, but after all, he was still young and could not understand what his parents were talking about.

"When you grow up...will you be able to understand?"

Although in front of several younger brothers and sisters, he tried hard to maintain the tall image of his brother who knew everything, but in essence, he was just a child who had just turned thirteen. With such longing and expectations for the future, thirteen-year-old Han Na slowly fell into sleep.

This year, Han Na was thirteen years old.

In this year, the Roman Emperor Augustus Octavian died at the age of seventy-seven.

Under the sea, in the ancient temple.

In the temple where time seems to have stood still, it has not changed even after thousands or thousands of years. On the cold throne, the black shadow that has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years is still sleeping quietly, like a statue.

But I don't know when, the eyes that have been sleeping for ten thousand years and have not been opened... are slowly opening.

There was only coldness in the depths of those deep pupils.


With the awakening of the ancient existence, the original simple temple seemed to be shaken by the earth. Many ancient evil spirits that lived on the stone pillars and steps of the temple woke up one after another to obey their master's instructions. .

They are all evil monsters with great reputation in the world and even in the sky. Not to mention mortals, even gods and angels from other lands are afraid of them.

Over the long years, they were once worshiped as gods by primitive and savage humans. Mortal people worshiped them crazily, eager to obtain eternal life, wealth, and power from them. They occasionally give these rewards to humans because they are in a good mood, but more often than not, they devour the lives of those mortals.

But in the end, they still came here, not for anything else, just to be able to offer their loyalty to the most powerful monster in the world. In front of the most powerful monster, their power seemed so insignificant that It is a great honor to worship this monster.

But the black shadow on the throne didn't care about this. It just leaned on the cold throne, its deep eyes were unclear, as if it was thinking about something.

Just now, it had a dream.

Monsters rarely dream, but that doesn't mean they don't dream. However, the dreams that ordinary people dream are, at best, just dreams of their daily fantasies. But the dreams of monsters are often of great significance, and they are usually about various futures that have not yet happened.

Thinking in its mind, it casually read out a name.


Immediately, a beautiful woman walked out respectfully from among the many evil spirits, bowed to him and called him father.

"Explain this dream to me."

The deep voice of the black shadow rang out in the temple, reaching the ears of all the evil spirits.

In this world, neither gods nor demons can predict the future, because this is against the rules of the chessboard, so no one can know the final outcome of the chessboard, but Mona is a Norn from the Nordic world, born Have the ability to know destiny.

Simply having a monster's dream does not violate this rule, but a monster's precognitive dream, combined with Mona's natural ability, can give a little interpretation of what the dream reveals.

There were no words, but the vague dream she had dreamed was directly projected into Mona's mind. After Mona closed her eyes and thought for a long time, she opened her eyes and said.


It was a very brief message, but it was all Mona could decipher.

On the throne, the black shadow began to ponder.


The deep voice sounded in the temple, and listening to the voice, a cold voice suddenly sounded from outside the temple.

"Messiah has never left heaven, and many fallen angels have never found traces of the Son of God on the earth."

Along with that voice, an angel walked in from outside the temple.


Those famous evil spirits suddenly panicked and hurriedly evaded, but there were still evil spirits that could not dodge that immediately turned into gas and disappeared when they got close to the angel.

The angel with thirty-six wings behind him stared fearlessly at the dark figure sitting on the throne in front of him. The former deputy king of heaven, even if he fell to the mortal world, was always different. Wherever he went, Here, all the evil spirits avoid it in panic, and all the evil spirits are afraid of this extremely powerful non-god.


A low voice sounded. Since the fall, the former Metatron has changed his name to Lucifer. As the light of God, it has known God's evil intentions from the beginning and the legendary one. The legend of Lucifer, and whether it was eventually renamed Lucifer, was a silent dissatisfaction with that god, who knows.

The shadow closed his eyes. If it wasn't Jesus, what could it be? Could it be that the god who always likes to dominate and disrupt the plot is thinking of something new? Or...

What is the special purpose?

There was an inexplicable feeling that something important was going to happen next.

Inside the Crystal Palace.

The god shrouded in endless light just looked at the chessboard in front of him quietly.

The opponent on the opposite side of the chessboard has not been here for 30,000 years, but this does not mean that the chess game is over. This chessboard, which has existed since the birth of the world, has become an artifact that embodies human consciousness in a sense.

When the majority of humans are willing to believe in the serpent, the chessboard will be in a situation where black chess has the advantage; when the majority of humans who are willing to believe in God are in the majority, the chessboard will be in a situation where white chess has the advantage; and when the chess game is completely When there is an overwhelming advantage, that is the moment when victory or defeat ends.

God is no longer omniscient and omnipotent, but the agreement made by the omniscient and omnipotent will never change. If God wins, the big snake will become his angel and be driven by him. If the big snake wins, God will enlarge the snake to be free and no longer trap it in this world. However, when God is no longer omnipotent and this violent monster escapes from trouble, it will not only want to gain its own freedom, but also want to swallow the entire world and God into its belly...

God is very aware of the potential of this monster. It also has various powerful potentials that even it itself is not aware of and only the omniscient and omnipotent God in the past understands. If it really lets it escape, even God will be swallowed by it. , there is no other possibility.

When the chess game begins, no one can forcefully terminate the chess game, because it is a bet between the serpent and the omniscient and omnipotent God. The bet must be a winner. This is already doomed.

On the chessboard, no matter how the situation changes, Black will always maintain a stable territory, because all humans have the blood of the Orochi and are born with the desire for the darkness of the Orochi. From the beginning, the Orochi has been almost invincible. place……

But is it really so?


God said silently, this perfect creation shaped by it, a creation that can perfectly replace Metatron, the king of angels, will become its most powerful sword.

Immediately, the image of a sleeping little boy appeared in front of it. He was so immature that he could not yet understand that he had become the focus of the showdown between gods and demons and the key to determining the existence of the entire world. However, because of his young age, Young, he doesn't need to think so much about his future...

There is no virgin birth, no magical legends, this is just the story of a little boy named Hamna...

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