The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 141 Doctors in the Jewish Province

"You eat first...then do this..."

In the mud house built of mud, a young man who looked less than thirty years old was patiently instructing the patient in front of him. He was a typical Jewish farmer, wearing rough clothes and with strong arms. He is good at farm work, but he behaves very submissively in front of young people who are much younger than him.

There is no other reason, because there is a large area of ​​pus and rotten area on his exposed calf. There are layers of bloody scabs left by repeated scratching. It can be seen that it is not a recent phenomenon. For him, it is possible to have It is really a good thing that a doctor is willing to solve the disease that keeps him awake at night, and how can he dare to disrespect it.

After the young man finished speaking, in front of him, this tall and sturdy Jewish farmer seemed a little restrained for no reason at the moment, and whispered:

"Doctor, I have no money...what should I do?"

No money? The young man was stunned for a moment, but then he smiled and said:

"It's okay, you just need to give me a small bag of barley."

In this era, many lower-class civilians have never seen metal currency at all, and they usually exchange things for things. Therefore, the young people are not surprised by what the farmers said.

"thanks, thanks……"

Under the excited eyes of the Jewish farmers, the young man just smiled. After applying the medicine and collecting the payment, he continued to carry his large and small bags, mounted his donkey, and went to other places for rescue again. The patient went.

It's dark at night, in the wild.

Next to the bright campfire, the young man was sitting next to the campfire. There was darkness all around. Only the flame in front of him was burning. From time to time, some firewood was added to the middle to prevent the fire from extinguishing. On the side, the tied donkey Then someone on the side shouted from time to time.

While it was still daylight, the young man visited patients in several places. Some family members came to visit them after hearing about his reputation, begging him to treat their seriously ill parents, children, and brothers. There were also some patients who he treated by the way. Regardless of the severity of the illness, he would always try his best to treat these patients, but because of this, he delayed the time and failed to return to the city before dark.

However, when practicing medicine outside, these things are commonplace, and he doesn't think so.

Looking at the night sky above, full of bright stars, the night sky seems so quiet and vast, one can't help but feel awe. In this troubled world, only occasionally raising his head and looking at the stars in the night sky can make this young man feel more relaxed.

People say that gods live in the starry sky, but if gods really exist, why do they let the world be filled with so much suffering?

The young man was silent, and the various scenes he saw during the day could not help but come to mind. Those who lost their hands and feet due to accidents, or were disabled due to wild beast attacks, or suffered from diseases, all kinds of things. , all made him sigh. As a doctor, he has seen many lives and deaths, but every time he sees life and death, he still feels complicated.

"Why...why do people have to die."

All kinds of confusions lingered in his mind, but even the current scholars would ponder these questions, let alone a small doctor like him.

Suddenly, light flashed beside him, and before he could react, several people jumped out from the bushes.


With this loud shout, the doctor who was about to get up froze because right next to him... several people with swords in their hands had already surrounded him.

The leader was a strong man with brown hair and a scar on his cheek. He looked at him with a gloomy expression, and pressed the long sword in his hand against the young man's throat. The cold sword edge rubbed against his skin, and there was a sharp edge. If not, all the muscles in the young man's body were frozen, and he did not dare to move at all.

"Hand over your things and I will spare your life."

A low voice said, and someone beside him had already turned over the young man's bag to see what was there.

Encountered a robber...

The young man's heart was in his throat, and he was moaning secretly. His palms were stained with sweat, but he didn't dare to move, so he could only stammer.

"I...I'm a doctor, I don't have anything to grab..."

"Here are some small bags of barley, some garlic and some dinars, head."

But at this moment, someone shouted, and then the strong man in front of him looked at the young man with a gloomy expression.

It’s over…

The young man sighed secretly in his heart, but at this moment...

"Hanna? Are you Hana?"

A surprised and suspicious young voice sounded, and then a thin man walked out from among the people. He looked at the young man in front of him carefully and said in surprise.

That voice made the young man feel a little familiar. Then the young man looked at the face in front of him, and old memories began to come back... But in his impression, it was a shy young man, and the image of a gangster holding a sword at the moment. Totally inconsistent, he said hesitantly.


"Yes! It's me."

The excited thin man said excitedly, and then he hurriedly explained to the strong man next to him.

"This is Hamna, Hamna from Nazareth. He was a doctor. He saved my father's life and mine in the past."

Then, the thin man turned his head and looked at Han Na in front of him, and he couldn't help but say.

"Oh God, I actually pointed my sword at my benefactor..."

The campfire continued to burn, but this time, there were a few more people around the campfire, and Hana, who was originally alone, also had an additional conversation partner, Lieber.

"...Since Pilate became governor, life has become increasingly difficult."

Facing Hanna, Burley shook his head as he spoke.

The Roman Empire had a vast territory, but because of this, it was difficult to manage local affairs. Therefore, many places were nominally the territory of the Roman Empire, but in fact they were still managed by local kings. These kingdoms existed in the form of vassal states. The Jewish Kingdom, which was located on the border of the Roman Empire and the Patila Empire, was ruled by King Eliud, who had the blood of the Jewish kings.

However, around the time Hamnar was born, Caesar's adopted son Octavian, as emperor, weakened the Jewish kingdom and integrated most of the area into the province of Judea, leaving only the fiefdom of Galilee to King Elid. And Bendo Pilate was the governor of the Jewish province appointed by Tiberius, the second emperor after Octavian's death.

This imperial governor was an imperial citizen born in Rome. Even the Roman citizens in Rome and the Italian provinces had a deep sense of superiority, let alone these frontier provinces which were far inferior to the Italian provinces. . Since he became the Jewish governor, he has tried every means to strengthen the local worship of Caesar. Jews do not like to worship idols and oppose the erection of statues, but he insisted on erecting statues of Caesar everywhere, which aroused dissatisfaction among the Jewish people, so that Resulting in repeated religious conflicts.

The city of Nazareth where Hamna lived was an inconspicuous small city in the Kingdom of Judea. It belonged to the Galilee region under the territory of King Elid. It was not under the jurisdiction of Pilate, so not much is known about it.

During the conversation, Hana learned that they were all dissatisfied and resisted Pilate's governance, so they were violently suppressed by Pilate and had to flee their original homeland. They gathered together to rob people passing by. People make a living.

"What about your father?"

As he spoke, Han Na asked smoothly, but then he realized that he had asked the wrong question. In front of him, Lieber's face dimmed, he did not speak anymore, and just shook his head bitterly.

Han opened his mouth and finally sighed silently.

The world was so difficult, so there was no way he could blame them. In this era when human life was as cheap as grass, everyone was just a duckweed on the water, unable to control themselves.

From then on, the whole night was silent.

Just after daybreak, Lieber deliberately took a few companions to send Hama not far outside the city of Nazareth. After Hama had gone far, he looked back and saw that in the distance, it was like a black spot. The same shy young man seemed to be vaguely waving at him...

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