The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 153 The end of the world that hasn’t happened yet (Second update)

"Why I was born into this world, I truly understand when I look at him."

Looking at the soul in his palm, God said quietly.

God has incredible power and indescribable power. This power is enough for him to understand the truth that was once deliberately concealed by a certain existence when he sees the soul in front of him.

Raising his head, his eyes spanned countless time and space, until he reached a certain still time...

In that eternal crystal palace, the omniscient and omnipotent One who has never traveled to any time and space in the past or future, is shrouded in endless light. His body is shrouded in light, but that light is too magnificent, so grand that it is empty, indifferent, and dead. .

There is no good or evil. Looking down at everything, it is like the universe.

The universe does not care who exists or not. Everything is insignificant in front of the universe. If you are good, the universe will not reward you, if you are evil, the universe will not punish you. It follows a certain eternal order and operates eternally.

It doesn't matter whether you believe in it or not, because it won't mind at all.

The movement of heaven is constant, and it will not exist for Yao, nor will it perish for Jie.

And this point was completely revealed when this omniscient and omnipotent person stripped off the only small differences in himself.

The past and the present looked at each other.

It is similar to Him but not similar.

God has the kind thoughts that the young man expected, because the young man wanted to believe that God was kind and just. But the Omniscient and Almighty has absolutely no regard for good or evil. Just like what the young man's ancestors believed in, He is the absolute god who controls all things in the universe and destiny. He is moody, neither good nor evil, indifferent and cold.

"To you, I'm just a little bit of residue, right?"

Looking at the omniscient and almighty One in front of him, God spoke softly.

However, the omniscient and omnipotent person opposite did not answer.

In front of Him, time is meaningless, space is meaningless, good and evil are meaningless, strength is meaningless, quantity is meaningless, we can do whatever we want, do whatever we want, omnipotent and omnipotent.

Countless omniscient and omnipotent beings can be created with a single thought, and countless omniscient and omnipotent beings can be destroyed with a single thought, because logic in the eyes of humans is a tool created by Him and cannot restrain this omniscient and omnipotent being.

Gods and serpents are just ordinary objects to it.

Humans believe God is good, but what does that have to do with Him? It's nothing more than human delusion.

However, precisely because of its omnipotence and omnipotence, the ability to do good is just one of its many "abilities". It is precisely because of this that this universe exists to demonstrate its many "abilities" One of them is "ability".

However, precisely because of its omnipotence and omnipotence, the "ability" to be able to do evil is just one of its many "powers". It is also because of this that this universe exists to demonstrate its many "powers" One of them is "ability".

The endless "energy" finally allowed the young man's god to be born in this universe.

Just like the God in the hearts of young people, God is kind, God loves people, God does not do evil things, God does not lie... But because of this, God cannot be "not good", God can do God cannot “lie” without “not loving others”…

It is God, but it is not an omniscient and omnipotent God. The omniscient and omnipotent God has no limitations, but it has limitations.

And this God is just a fragment of the omniscient and omnipotent One.

What a miracle, how incredible, a young man's ideals and expectations finally became a reality in this world.

God already knows this, and because of this, He finally sees the future that is obscured by the Omniscient and Almighty...

That is in the extremely distant future.

At the end of that time, primitive and savage monsters finally dominated humans and the world. Countless humans chose to follow their desires and knelt at the feet of the monsters. The powerful do not believe in humility and are arrogant towards the common people; the wealthy do not believe in honesty and would rather choose deception to obtain wealth; it is a dystopian world through and through.

The howling monster finally won the final victory on the chessboard, and the omniscient and omnipotent agreed to his bet and released the monster to freedom.

At that time... God's end has finally arrived. The monster's power has expanded to its limit in the long years, but God's power has weakened to its limit. The big snake swallowing heaven and earth overturned the world on its back, and all the nations in the world The city will collapse, and all human beings will face their last day.

The end of the world has arrived.

The ancient snake that once deceived Adam and Eve finally got out of trouble. It raised its head, majestic and unstoppable, opened its big mouth, and swallowed the entire seven heavens and gods into its belly...

God is silent, there is no doubt that this is the future.

But deep under the sea, the dark figure sitting on the cold throne just laughed and fell into a deep sleep again.

"Boring as hell."

It is not interested in things between God and the Omniscient and Almighty. That kind of thing is too boring. It only thinks about how to satisfy its own hunger. Apart from that, everything is meaningless.

Communication between past and present is then closed.

The omniscient and omnipotent being who is neither good nor evil does not pay attention to God. Even though it is Him in the future, for Him, time and space are completely meaningless, and the future self is just a mortal thing in front of Him.

And looking at the soul in his palm, God said softly.

"Sleep peacefully."

Immediately, the soul in the palm of his hand fell into a deep sleep.

There is no doubt that Joshua failed to help God win the victory. This chess game that has been going on since the beginning of the world is not something that a mortal can influence.

However, God did not consider His plan a failure.

Messiah, the perfect creature it created, has always been its sharpest sword.

In front of it, various scenes seemed to appear again...

Lilith turned her back on God, abandoned the Garden of Eden of immortality and eternal happiness, and chose to pursue her own freedom. What was she thinking at that moment?

Adam and Eve chose to pick the fruit of wisdom. Although they were deceived, at that moment, what was the ignorant curiosity in their eyes when they looked at the fruit of wisdom?

Noah cursed the God and regarded God as an evil god who would destroy the world. At that time, what force prompted this tiny human being to dare to question the great God?

In countless scenes, in front of God, what is the motivation for countless heroes and kings to do their best?

Even in the face of floods and earthquakes, these tiny creatures, which are not as strong as tigers and wolves, and not as winged as birds, will always rebuild their homes again and again, even if their homes are destroyed again and again.

There is no doubt that, as Lucifer sneered, they are weak, not strong enough, not strong enough, they can cry, and they are extremely fragile lives. However, there seems to be an invisible thing filling them, allowing them to stand up again no matter how they are defeated.

Lilith has this kind of thing, Adam and Eve have it, Noah has it, and Joshua has it, but only the serpent and God don't have it...

So what exactly is it?

Lowering his head, his eyes penetrated the distance of 1.2 billion and 46 million miles, staring directly at the black figure in the underwater temple.

"Satan, Metatron doesn't seem to have told you the nature of the Messiah..."

As he said this, suddenly, the god's half body began to change inexplicably...

The Messiah, who is regarded as a perfect creation, is not a fixed form. In a sense, it is just an empty shell used to carry the wishes and expectations of human beings in the world. The expectations and ideals of all human beings in the world are It's the Messiah.

Since human ideals can cause such miracles and lead to the birth of gods, what reason is there not to believe that human beings can create new miracles?

"I am the Creator."

So said the god's half.

"I am the savior."

So said the god's half.

God is the Messiah.

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