The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 154 The Erased Name (Third Update)

"What's amazing is that if the woman hadn't seen the scene of Jesus' resurrection, Jesus might not have been cast in a halo of divinity. Christianity might have been just a branch of Judaism, and it would soon have merged with other sects. disappeared in the long river of history, instead of becoming independent from Judaism and becoming a world religion that later spread throughout the world..."

——"Those Moments That Affect the World"

After Joshua was crucified and rescued from the cross by the disciples, the grieving disciples chose to bury Joshua, but not long after, an ecstatic woman suddenly came.

"God, I saw Joshua resurrected..."

According to this woman's oral account, when she and a few people were remembering Joshua in front of the cemetery outside the city, suddenly a glowing Joshua appeared in front of her and asked her to tell his disciples that he would He will protect his disciples and spread his faith throughout the earth.

At this moment, the disciples who were a little confused because of Joshua's death were grasping at straws. Since these women insisted that Joshua was really resurrected, they could promote it as a miracle.

However, they did not notice that these women gathered somewhere one day later.

"In this way, we will be able to fulfill Judas's command during his lifetime..."

Several women secretly wiped away tears while talking.

No one knew that during the few days they entered Jerusalem, they were inspired by Judah and secretly believed in Joshua's teachings. And just a few days ago, they were given one and only order by Judah.

The thoughtful Judah had already anticipated what might happen after Joshua's death, and directly contributed to the situation, giving Joshua an even more divine halo.

In this world that does not allow the manifestation of extraordinary power, how easy is it to be resurrected? However, it would be easy to convince just a few women.

Many years later, in Rome, in the emperor's palace.


Accompanied by the emperor's wake-up call, in the palace made of purple silk, the middle-aged Roman Emperor Constantine sat up on the bed. He was covered with a soft brocade quilt and stroked his head with one hand. , making a slight moaning sound.

Outside the dormitory, noisy footsteps sounded, it was the emperor's attendants and guards.

"Your Majesty, what happened?"

No one dared to break in directly. There was only an urgent voice outside the door, and listening to that voice, the emperor just said casually.

"It's okay, Romunus, it's just a nightmare, please step back."

The people outside the door retreated reluctantly, but the faint light of fire proved that they had not gone far and were still waiting for the emperor's call at any time.

Not paying attention to this, Constantine just stroked his head and frowned.

In his dream, he seemed to see someone smiling at him above the clouds, but he couldn't see it clearly. He could only vaguely see the white thing that looked like the wings of a bird behind him.

"What's this?"

Constantine was not very enthusiastic about religion, but his mother and wife were both devout Christians, so he vaguely felt that this seemed to be related to the religion they believed in. He called his academic advisor, his academic advisor After listening to his dream carefully, he repeatedly exclaimed.

"Your Majesty, this is the angel that Christians call him."


The emperor pondered.

This is a religion that has become unprohibited in the Roman Empire. There are countless believers who believe in it. Starting from the time of Nero 250 years ago, the Roman Empire has been trying its best to suppress the growth of these Christians. His first few Emperor Ren was a strong anti-Christian, but he was always helpless.

It seems like there is no end to killing these believers. No matter how many people are killed, they cannot stop more people from believing in it. So much so that now, even the mother and wife of the Roman Emperor are Christians, and the ban on Christianity has almost become Empty talk.

What does this mean?

The emperor was a little confused.

A few years later, at a conference of unprecedented scale, many Christian scholars gathered here, and even the Roman emperor could only occupy the last seat.

The Council of Nicaea was the first time since the Roman Empire issued the Edict of Milan and recognized Christianity as the state religion that it relied on the authority of the emperor to summon almost all the prestigious bishops in the empire, allowing these bishops to gather here to discuss various issues in Christianity. Disagreement.

Two hundred and ninety-five years have passed since Joshua, Jesus in Greek, was crucified. In the past three hundred years, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes. The doctrines of the spreading Christians have varied greatly depending on the areas where they preached and local customs and habits, and have even reached the point where they are almost tit for tat.

It is precisely because of this that Constantine convened more than 300 bishops and many scholars in the empire to resolve the various differences caused by the spread of Christianity.

At the beginning of the conference, many theological issues were resolved through joint deliberations among these bishops and scholars, and many differences were gradually corrected. But in the end, the simple problems were solved, and the remaining problems were naturally full of difficulties. When a certain core problem was unavoidable, this contradiction completely broke out.

"Jesus is the Son and God is the Father. They have different identities and cannot be generalized."

Arius couldn't help but roared angrily at the bishop in front of him.

“God and the Messiah are both one, and Jesus is the manifestation of God, incarnate, so there is no distinction between them.”

In front of him, the bishop named Athanasius stubbornly retorted.

The two bishops are both well-known giants within Christianity. They are both archbishops who manage a church and tens of millions of believers. The quarrel between the two at the moment is also an issue that has never been resolved within Christianity.

"Is Jesus a human? Is he God?"

For non-Christians, this is naturally a very puzzling question, but for believers in Christ, this is the most serious question, because it directly determines many fundamental issues.

The two parties, headed by two parties, directly led to the formation of two huge factions in the entire meeting. The two tit-for-tat views almost became the focus of the entire meeting. Even the Roman emperor sitting on the sidelines and listening could not reconcile the conflicts between the two parties.

The debate went on for a long time, and eventually the "Trinity" as Athanasius' supporters considered it prevailed.

Immediately, Emperor Constantine directly used his imperial authority to declare that the Trinity was the only orthodoxy, and all other remarks were heresy. Forced by the sword and the scroll, the unwilling Arius had no choice but to accept.

I don’t know how long it will take.

"Mentor! Mentor! I have made a big discovery..."

In the monastery full of books, the excited young apprentice almost ran all the way, panting and running in front of his mentor, and then raised the ancient parchment in his hand.

The old monk was holding the cross in his hand and murmuring a prayer. Looking at the young apprentice in front of him, he couldn't help but wonder.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at the young apprentice in front of him, the old monk said with a smile.

"Just now, deep in the dusty classics, I accidentally discovered a parchment scroll sandwiched between bricks. Then I looked at it, and the result... there was a major discovery inside!"

Then, the young apprentice tried to calm his breathing, and then mysteriously said to the old monk in front of him.

"This parchment... records a lot of events during the Lord's lifetime. It is mentioned in it that the Lord actually has a name..."

"It's called Hana."

The old monk's old eyes were startled for a moment, then slowly opened wide.

Then, he took the parchment from the apprentice's hand. As soon as he got closer, he was hit by the stale smell, which was nauseating. It was almost impossible to imagine how it was preserved. But the old monk didn't pay attention, but opened it eagerly, almost nose to nose, reading the contents word for word.

Finally, his mouth opened wide, the hand holding the parchment trembled slightly, and he looked lost.

Obviously, what was recorded in this parchment had a great impact on him.

Then, a bright light flashed in his eyes...

"Parker, have you told anyone else? Or does anyone else know about this?"

Brother Kao lowered his head and looked at the young apprentice in front of him with a smile, while Parker simply answered.


The smile on the old monk's face became happier and happier, he stroked Parker's head and said repeatedly.

"Okay,'s getting late, it's time to have dinner."


Parker nodded excitedly, then turned around... and behind him was the old monk with a ferocious face, holding a wooden stick high in his hand.


On the ground, blood seeped out from the small body. His hands and feet were unnaturally twisted after being hit so hard, and his frozen eyes seemed not to realize what had happened. Looking down at the young corpse in front of him, the devout old monk who had never done anything evil in his life, and who had never even deceived anyone, had bloodshot eyes at the moment, holding a blood-stained wooden stick in his hand, and panting heavily.

Immediately, he stumbled and fell to the ground, but he didn't care at all and murmured.

"Jesus is God, not a human... How could Jesus be a human... How could it be a human... Yes, this must be the devil who came to confuse me. It must not be a manuscript left by the saints..."

The old monk lit the fire and threw the parchment that frightened him into the fire. Looking at the manuscript that was gradually burned, he laughed happily.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

And around his neck, the blood-stained man on the cross flickered in the flickering firelight, as if he was crying...

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