The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 193 The Destruction of the Empire

April 20, 1945, Berlin.


It was only early in the morning, but the roaring cannons had awakened the sleep of Berlin citizens, as well as a certain big shot who had been suffering from insomnia for many days.


In the bunker, in the long corridor, Adolf Hitler, who was walking heavily in military uniform, had his hands behind his back and glanced gloomily at the soldiers standing guard in the corridor. There were dark circles around his eyes. The successive setbacks in the war had made it difficult for him to sleep, and he had to rely on drugs such as opium and heroin to calm himself.

"Happy birthday, Führer."

Several generals who were whispering saw Adolf, stood up quickly and said.

April 20th is Adolf’s birthday. Today he is 55 years old. But Adolf didn't care about the generals' congratulations, but looked directly at one of the generals and said.

"What's going on? Why are there gunfire outside Berlin?"

He looked directly at the Nazi general, his terrifyingly sharp eyes staring at him. Burgdorf, the second-level Nazi German Army General, was hesitant at this moment, not knowing how to answer the head of state.

Seeing his reaction, Adolf's face showed anger, and he had already guessed what was going on.

"It's ridiculous. My enemies have already approached Berlin, but my generals are still hiding it from me. I didn't know about it until the sound of cannons rang in my ears!"

Adolf walked forward angrily, with heavy steps on his military boots. Adolf's voice was full of anger, while Burgdorf and several other generals behind him hurriedly followed, trying to explain to the head of state as they walked. Something.

"Führer, that could also be a train gun."

A train gun is a heavy cannon mounted on a train that uses rails to move forward. Its range is very long. If it were a train gun, it would still be possible to bomb Berlin dozens of miles away. At first glance, this explanation seemed reasonable, but when faced with the explanation from his general, Adolf, who walked straight forward, just lost a word without looking back.


Entering the military conference room, Adolf made a phone call.

"Kohler, did you know that Berlin was under artillery attack... You didn't know? How could you not know... Where is my air force? How could they allow the Soviets to enter Berlin... I should have sent the Luftwaffe leadership to Hang them all!"

Then, as if he heard something that made Adolf furious, he roared angrily and hung up the phone hard.

The Führer's Bunker is an extremely large underground building complex, which even has a conference hall for generals and the Führer to meet.

In the conference hall, generals in groups of three or three were whispering to each other their views on the war, but most of them were dissatisfied, complained about their colleagues, and desperate for the war. There were even some people who directly said that they would surrender to the Allies. Decide.

At this moment, Germany is facing a double-sided attack by the United States and the Soviet Union. Thousands of lives are dying every moment, but Germany can only struggle to support itself. When the Soviet army began to bombard Berlin, the impact of the war Despair has permeated the generals.

"Surrender, we have no chance..."

One of the National Defense Forces generals whispered, but at this moment.

"The head of state has arrived!"

Following the loud voice, all the generals hurriedly lined up in a row like the most ordinary soldiers, waiting for the review of the master of the empire.


Before anyone arrived, deep footsteps could already be heard.

Under the gaze of the generals, Adolf slowly walked out of the corridor and walked into the hall. His body looked a little hunched, with one hand behind his back, but his sharp eyes remained.

At this moment, Adolf was suffering from Parkinson's disease, and one of his hands would always shake unconsciously. He didn't like people to see the vulnerable side of the "great leader," so he would always put that hand behind his back.

In front of Adolf, all the generals looked solemn and raised their right hands to salute him.

"Viva Heads!"

Looking at the solemn faces, Adolf's eyes were like knives, trying to dig out what was hidden in their hearts, but in the end he raised his left hand as a return gift from the head of state to the generals.

There was gunfire in his ears, but Adolf was still reviewing his generals, shaking hands with them one by one to celebrate his birthday, and the generals also gave their blessings one by one.

"Führer, please evacuate Berlin immediately. It is already too dangerous here."

When the handshake reached Heinrich, the German Army Group commander suddenly spoke and tried to persuade the Führer.

However, facing Heinrich, as if Heinrich's words touched him, Adolf's face turned gloomy. He stared at him, then looked at the generals in front of him, and said word by word .

"Do you know how we lost the last war? Germany was not defeated on the front line. We were defeated by our own people who were stabbed in the rear. At this moment, the German boys are still fighting desperately on the front line. Now you actually ask me to evacuate?"

"Shameful, shameful!"

He roared angrily, Ruheinrich remained silent in front of the head of state's anger, and then Adolf looked at the other generals and said.

"I will not leave, I will live and die with Berlin."

Then the birthday celebration was over, and the generals should have been busy with their own affairs, but at this moment, Adolf said to his crony Goebbels.

"Goebbels, follow me."

In another room, a scaled miniature city model is placed on a huge square table. Churches, triumphal arches, government buildings, opera houses... every corner is carefully designed.


The sound of cannons continued to sound, but the two people in the room ignored it. Adolf looked around at the city model in front of him, with rare fascination and joy in his pupils.

He gently stroked the model with his hand, and a low voice sounded.

"Goebbels, it took us more than four hundred days to finally design this blueprint... From ancient times to the present, people of all generations have built too many buildings in Berlin, new, old, and messy. These should be rebuilt. The German people want a new, monumental city called Berlin."

In my ears, the sound of artillery fire was still there.

As he spoke, he paused inexplicably, and then said as if to comfort himself.

"It's not entirely a bad thing that Berlin was bombed. It will make it much easier for us to rebuild later."

In front of Goebbels, the Führer seemed like a child who did not want to believe in his upcoming fate, talking about his own fantasies. Everyone can feel that Germany is currently in a situation where there is no hope of victory. However, he does not want to believe it and always has illusions.

"Goebbels, people have been urging me to evacuate Berlin today. What do you think?"

Suddenly, Adolf, who was staring at the city model in front of him, turned his head and looked at Goebbels.

Goebbels was stunned, and then he said.

"We should stay in Berlin."

He was Adolf's loyal loyalist and believed in the head of state fervently. When he heard this, Adolf showed a rare smile on his face and nodded gently.

Then he turned his head again, looked at the city model in front of him, and continued to murmur.

"As long as Steiner's army succeeds in breaking through, the Soviets must withdraw their troops and return to defense... Don't worry, they can win."

Thinking of Steiner, he seemed to have more confidence in his heart again, and the smile on his face became hotter. Only Goebbels was silent on the side. Everyone knew that Steiner only had a remnant division that was defeated and defeated. They could not even protect themselves, so how could they be expected to break through.

However, he was unwilling to break the Führer's current illusion.

"Fuhrer, I may have said that I think the Ninth Army must withdraw now, otherwise they will be completely annihilated."

The military conference room was full of generals, filled with a dead silence and confused atmosphere. One general said eagerly with sweat on his face.

"No, the Ninth Army cannot retreat. Inform Busai and ask him to hold his position."

However, looking at the map in front of him, Adolf said, but another bald general on the side gasped.

"Führer, they will be annihilated."

"We want them to resist the Soviet troops in the north and east. There is nothing to say. We must do whatever it takes. We must immediately launch a sustained and violent attack on the Soviet troops."

Facing the general's inquiry, Adolf waved his hand and said.

"Which army should we rely on? The head of state."

The former general's voice was hoarse, and he had to ask again. In front of him, the head of state was silent for a moment, then pointed to a place on the map and said stubbornly.

"Let Steiner's division advance from the north and then join forces with the Ninth Army."

"But the Ninth Army was unable to move north, the enemy force was ten times our number."

A general had to bite the bullet and answer.

"Walter Wink, let him lead the Twelve Legions to support."

Adolf looked at the map and said without thinking.

"But the legions were heading west toward the Elbe."

"Then order them to turn around and come back!"

As if Adolf was angered by the continuous questioning, he slapped the table angrily.

"But what about the Western Front?"

"Joder, are you questioning my order? I think I made my order very clear just now!"

Adolf's face turned red and he yelled angrily.

No one dared to anger the head of state at this moment, and there was a dead silence in the military conference room.

After a long time, suddenly a general pushed open the door of the conference room.

When he saw him, Adolf's face regained some composure. Wilhelm Monk, the SS Brigade Captain and Major General of the Waffen SS in Nazi Germany, was an extremely experienced general. His appearance made Adolf feel a little... Share comfort.

"Munch, you are here... Now Operation Clausewitz has begun. Berlin is already a frontline city. You are responsible for guarding the government area..."

In the military conference room, Adolf nodded to William Monk, and then looked at the map in front of him. Adolf pondered and murmured his thoughts.

However, William Monk, the calm and resolute general, asked.

"Führer, if there is a war in Berlin, the SS is willing to die to protect Berlin, but there are still three million civilians in Berlin who urgently need to be evacuated. What will they do?"

Being used to seeing life and death, his voice had no fluctuation. Adolf did not speak, but thought for a moment and then said.

"Thank you for raising your concerns, but we have to be cold-blooded now, there is no time to worry about civilians."

William Monk fell silent, and then he spoke again in a cold and calm voice.

"Führer, I don't mean to offend, but what should we do with the old, weak, women, children and tens of thousands of injured people in Berlin?"

No one answered.

A few days later, in the same military conference room, a general was sliding his finger across the map.

"The enemy has broken through a large area of ​​the front line. They have occupied the southern town of Zösen and are advancing towards Steinsdorf. They are on the northern outskirts of Fronau and Ponko, and have reached Lichtenberg, Karl in the east. Schorst.”

Adolf Hitler, who was wearing glasses at the moment, listened to the general's words, looked at the map again, then pointed at the location on the map with his finger, and said.

"Steiner's offense will definitely take control of the situation."

Then with the voice of the head of state, the conference room was filled with a strange atmosphere, and the generals looked at each other silently.

A general's forehead was covered with sweat. He took a deep breath and then said.

"Fuhrer, Steiner..."

He paused and did not dare to continue speaking. A general on the side continued his words and said anxiously.

"Steiner couldn't mobilize enough men... He couldn't launch an attack."

The head of state fell silent. He said no more words. After a long time, he took off the glasses from the bridge of his nose with trembling hands.

"The people below stay... Keto, Joder, Kreb, Bergdorf."

Then, the generals who looked at each other silently left one by one, leaving only three people, looking uneasily at Adolf Hitler in front of them.

Immediately, an angry voice sounded.

"This is my order! I ordered Steiner to attack! Who do you think you are? How dare you disobey my order. So here's the truth... The military has been lying to me! Everyone has been lying to me. !”

A furious Adolf Hitler stood up from his seat and cursed angrily.

"I didn't expect that even the SS was no exception. Our generals are a bunch of despicable and disloyal cowards!"

"Fuhrer, I cannot tolerate you humiliating soldiers."

One of the generals tried to retort, but all he got in response was an even louder roar of rage.

"They are a bunch of cowards! Traitors! Losers!"

"Führer, this is a bit too much..."

"These generals are a disgrace to the Germans, a disgrace! No sense of honor!"

But Adolf ignored his rebuttal and just angrily threw the pen in his hand onto the map table.

Then he took a breath and continued.

"They claim to be generals, but after so many years in the military academy, they only learned to eat with a knife and fork. They didn't learn any skills. The military has been holding me back for so many years! They Set up all kinds of obstacles for me, if I had known this, I should have followed Stalin’s example and killed all the senior officers!”

He hammered the table angrily, making it bang.

Then he panted heavily, as if tired of scolding, and sat back down in his seat.

"I never went to a military school, but I successfully conquered Europe on my own... Traitor, it turned out that I was kept in the dark from the beginning and was deceived by a group of traitors. This shameful behavior is so terrible to the German people. betrayal, but these traitors must repay, they must repay with their own blood, they must fall in their own blood!”

When the angry voices stopped, there seemed to be a woman crying outside the door.

There was silence, and then Adolf whispered from his seat.

"If you turn a deaf ear to my orders, then, in this case, I can no longer lead... It's over. The German people have not completed the tasks I gave them."

I won’t say what this chapter is emulating, you all know it. In fact, I shouldn't charge for this chapter. After all, I don't have much of my own stuff, but I can't help it. The starting point rules are like this.

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