The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 194 War Knight


Amidst the melodious violin and piano sounds, you can't hear any hustle and bustle of war at all. The splendid hall is filled with gentlemen in suits, heroic generals, and elegant ladies. On the tables next to it are various high-end wines and delicacies. .

People laughed, men and women danced together, as if they were in a peaceful and tranquil era.

"Trotz, come dance."

Eva Braun, the semi-public lover of the Führer, enthusiastically invited Hitler's female secretary to dance with her, but the female secretary seemed a little nervous. Eva seemed to see what was on her mind and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, it's okay. Look how happy everyone is."

After hesitating for a while, the female secretary took the hand handed over by Eva, and the two danced happily on the dance floor. Eva seemed to be the star in this bunker. Everyone looked at her dance steps. cheered.

Gradually, that happy atmosphere also infected Trautz, and a smile appeared on her face. The world seemed to be spinning, and there was no worry or unhappiness, making her wonder where she was.

But as she jumped, she began to cry inexplicably, her voice became choked, and her tears began to flow uncontrollably.

"What's wrong? Elsa, are you unhappy?"

Eva Braun asked with a smile. Trautz shook his head, choked uncontrollably, and wiped away tears.

"No...I just feel like it's a dream..."


Suddenly, the wall on one side of the ballroom collapsed, and the brightly lit hall was darkened. A large amount of soil and bricks poured in. Amidst the screams of women and the roars of men, there was the roar of cannons from outside. And the gunfire was so clear and real.

The dream finally woke up.

After that day, Adolf seemed much more decadent. He no longer cared about the war, but began to think about how to take care of his own affairs. Out of some stubbornness and reluctance, he refused to leave Berlin for refuge, and said so.

"If you think that I will leave Berlin like this, you are wrong. I will stay here and live and die with Berlin."

Because of the decadence of the Führer, the generals also began to lose their will. Some generals chose to drink alcohol all day long, while others sang and danced to their heart's content. Only a few diehard Nazis were still struggling to support them, but this support The price was also extremely heavy.

In the city of Berlin at this moment, a large number of teenagers are forced to join the army. All those who can fight are required to carry guns and Molotov cocktails to confront the Soviet army armed to the teeth. Those who try to surrender will be hanged. On top of the wooden piles, there were wooden piles everywhere in Berlin, and there were hanging corpses of Germans everywhere.

Hitler began to think about how he should die. He believed that he would never end well when he was captured. Even if he died, he would be put in a museum. So he asked his personal doctor to prepare a poison that could kill him quickly. , but before that, he still has one thing to do...

"Eva, will you marry me."

Facing Eva, the Nazi leader, who was famous for his misogyny, said.

Eva was his almost semi-public lover. Everyone knew that the relationship between her and the Führer was extremely close, but Hitler never planned to get married. This was not only because of his ascetic purpose, but also because of a "great leader" "There should be no secular wife, he should be unblemished in the hearts of the German people.

Before he believed that he was about to die soon, Hitler chose to propose to Eva. Facing Adolf Hitler's proposal, Eva, who had been waiting for many years, the joy on her face was beyond words, and she nodded with tears in her eyes.

Just one day later, an extremely simple wedding was held in the bunker.

Afterwards, Hitler distributed his poison to every general and even his female secretary. When the poison was given to Isa, he said apologetically.

"I'm sorry I couldn't give you a better birthday gift in return."

On April 30, 1945, half a day after the wedding, Hitler and Eva walked into a secret room together, but two people rushed over after hearing the news.

"Führer, please let me see the Führer!"

Margeta Kbondt, Mrs. Goebbels, who was always known for her calm and elegant nature, was now disheveled and crying like a madman. She begged the young general guarding the secret room to let her see the Führer again. .

Behind him, Goebbels was also anxious, but he could not be like his wife. Although he was anxious, he still managed to maintain a certain demeanor. Both husband and wife were die-hard fans of Hitler's Nazi ideology. Hitler was no different from them in their eyes. But at this moment, God wanted to abandon his followers. How could they accept it.

"The Führer ordered that no one should disturb him again."

The young general guarding the secret room had to say.

"Peter, please, just for one moment, just for a moment."

Magta held the general's hand tightly, her pupils were full of panic, and she spoke almost urgently.

The general hesitated for a moment and then knocked on the iron door of the secret room. Adolf Hitler opened the iron door from the inside and stared at the three people outside the door with his cold eyes.

"What's up……"

"Führer, please don't do this. We need you, Germany needs you, please leave Berlin... If you leave, what should we do..."

Before she finished speaking, Magta almost fell to her knees on the ground, hugged Hitler's legs, and cried and begged. Goebbels's eyes were also red, and he had obviously just cried. He didn't say a word, just stared. Adolf.

After looking at Goebbels and then at Magta on the ground, Hitler was silent for a moment and said in a deep voice.

"Billions of people will curse me tomorrow, but fate cannot be reversed."

After finishing speaking, he returned to the secret room, leaving only Mrs. Goebbels who was forcibly dragged away by the guards and crying bitterly. Goebbels was watching Adolf Hitler and his newly married Eva Bu Lao En lowered his head silently.

A few minutes later, a gunshot rang out in the tight chamber.

Hitler, death.

"I reiterate once again, Germany cannot surrender. As long as I am still German Chancellor, Germany cannot surrender!"

In the military conference room, Goebbels, who took over as German Chancellor after Hitler's death, shouted sharply in front of many generals, but he didn't even need to pay too much attention, he was enough to feel the strangeness on the faces of many generals.

After Hitler's death, the generals had their own thoughts. Some tried to follow the Führer and die in battle, while others tried to surrender with the Allies. Looking at this scene, Goebbels felt powerless in his heart.

When he returned home, he looked at his wife and nodded silently.

The two of them made a decision a long time ago, and now is the time to turn it into reality.

After opening the children's door and walking into the small bedroom, Mrs. Goebbels found three bunk beds and six children of different ages in front of her. Among the six children, the eldest is 12-year-old Helga, who is the smartest among the children. She has a clever mind far beyond her years and is Goebbels' little assistant; the youngest is 4-year-old Heidi. I have just started to read and understand nothing.

"Children, the weather is getting cold. Mom needs to be vaccinated by you to avoid catching a cold."

Looking at her children, Mrs. Goebbels showed a kind smile. There was only a trace of imperceptible sadness in her smile, but the children were unable to realize this, except for one of them...

"Mom, what about Uncle Adolf? Will he also get vaccinated?"

Holder, who is only 8 years old, tilted his head and said. He is a very brave little boy. His favorite thing is to play war games where he plays a soldier.

When talking about Adolf, Mrs. Goebbels' tone paused, and then she said with a smile.

"Of course I will, and Uncle Adolf is the first to be vaccinated. We will fly out of here with Uncle Adolf later, so who will be vaccinated first?"

Adolf was extremely authoritative in front of these children, and the children all admired him, so Mrs. Goebbels emphasized Adolf's name.

But they are still children after all. When they heard about the vaccination, several people showed hesitation on their faces. Mrs. Goebbels looked at the children in front of her, and then said to the 11-year-old Schild.

"Shilde, you are usually the bravest child and the elder brother. Come and set an example for everyone."

Seeing his mother's encouraging eyes, Hilde plucked up the courage, walked out of bed, and obediently stretched out his hand.

The syringe penetrated the child's body. Although the 11-year-old frowned, he did not complain at all. Then Mrs. Goebbels smiled at the other children.

"Look, Hilde has been vaccinated. It won't hurt at all."

After Mrs. Goebbels vaccinated all the children one by one, only Helga, the oldest, showed hesitation and fear on her face.

"Mom, I don't want an injection."

The always smart and oldest girl seemed to have noticed something, and she showed unnatural nervousness. Mrs. Goebbels was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile.

"Look, everyone has taken the shot, but you haven't, so you'll catch a cold."

"No...Mom, please..."

But the girl shook her head, shrank her body back, and begged bitterly, but Mrs. Goebbels knew that she couldn't delay any longer, so she didn't care about it and just said sternly.

"Heigl, obey!"

But Heigl wanted to hide again. Goebbels, who had been watching from the sidelines, had already stepped forward, grabbed Heigl's arm, and allowed Magta to successfully inject...

The morphine worked so well that within a few minutes all the children were asleep, which was exactly what the Goebbels wanted, for the children to leave this world without pain.

Whenever Margotta gave her children prussic acid pills, she would whisper good night in their ears. The drug took effect quickly, and the children died in just a few seconds.

Finally, looking at the six children lying on the bed in front of her as if they were sleeping soundly, Margeta fell silent. She covered her mouth, and the grief was so great that she could not even cry out. Goebbels, who had been watching quietly from the side, hugged her tightly silently.

"Once Germany is defeated, we will be regarded as heinous war criminals, and our children will be tortured, despised, and insulted by them. They are so kind and lovely, but there is no room for them in the future. We cannot let them live in this world. In such a world."

This was a decision that the couple had made. They could not tolerate their children living in a world where Germany had been defeated.

A few hours later, the Goebbels committed suicide.

Half a day after the deaths of the Goebbels and his wife, Germany announced its surrender. When the Soviet army invaded the German Chancellery and the bullets of the last Nazi soldier who refused to surrender stopped, people realized...

The war is finally over.

After the war, an unknown German was summoned for questioning by the CIA.

"You were a friend of Adolf Hitler. What benefits did you get from him?"


"But you have admitted that you are his friend. Has he ever given you money?"


"Where's the food?"


"Has he introduced you to beautiful women?"


"Did he meet you later?"


"Do you see him often?"

"Only occasionally."

"How did you meet him?"

"I just went straight to him."

"So you were very close to him at that time, right?"

"Yes, very close."



"Aren't there any guards present?"


"Then you could have killed him, huh?"


"Then why didn't you kill him?"

"Because he's my friend."

Just as the Soviet army entered Berlin and everyone was celebrating the end of the war, several Soviet officers quietly searched the German Chancellery, and finally a letter was sent.

"Target object not found..."

In an underground church in London, the long letter actually only contained this sentence. One of the old monks surrounding the letter closed his eyes, but the steel ball in his hand was pinched by him. , showing his strength and anger in his heart.

His body became unusually light, as if he had lost weight. In a hazy state, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Didn't I... commit suicide?"

There was white mist around him, and a doubt appeared in his mind. In Hitler's impression, he seemed to have bitten off the pill containing hydrocyanic acid at the last moment and shot himself in the head at the same time, but why...

"Mortals, such fragile little insects, can burst out with amazing power."

In my ears, a deep voice full of magical charm sounded, and the fog in front of me dispersed, revealing a huge figure that Hitler had never seen before...

It was a huge figure that was thousands of meters tall. It had a naked body and skin that was not as white as human beings. The sun was shining brightly behind its head. Its face could not be seen clearly, but one could feel the suffocating power, beauty and power. Indifference, as if he were a primitive and wild ancient god, looking at the tiny human beings in front of him.

Only then did Hitler suddenly realize that he was always standing in the courtyard-like palm of the ancient god in front of him.

"Insignificant insect, do you make me appreciate you, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse... Haha, then just as the scripture says, this mortal's prophecy will be fulfilled."

Before Adolf could say anything, his body was shattered and reshaped in an instant, and finally turned into a knight riding a red horse. The knight didn't say much, but just rode the red horse out of the fog.

"And another horse came out, a red one. And power was given to his rider to take peace from the earth and to kill one another. And a great sword was given to him..."

The end of the world is a prophecy prophesied by a mortal in the Bible. It specifically mentions four knights, one of whom is the knight who brings war and takes away peace and makes people kill each other. Although he is regarded as a saint, to the black shadow, he is just a mortal talking arrogant lies, but it does not mind letting this mortal's lies come true.

It's just that in the prophecies of the Bible, God comes to the end of the world to judge the sins of the world, but here, it is the end of the world where the devil takes the four horsemen as the precursor...

Nazi Germany had been destroyed, but the crimes committed by Nazi Germany were not fully exposed until after the war, leaving the world stunned. In addition to the number of casualties caused by the war, a total of approximately 20 million people and dissidents were massacred during the seven years of Nazi Germany, the most famous of which were the Nazi concentration camps.

"In the past, European thinkers regarded massacre as a barbaric and uncivilized behavior, believing that with the advancement of human civilization and morality, ancient massacres would gradually disappear, but the concentration camps tell us that this is not the case. People I was shocked to discover that the advancement of science and technology not only brought civilization, but also brought a brand new method of massacre."

"A completely industrial, assembly-line method of killing."

"The ancient massacres, including the Mongolian massacre, were all acts of massacre to conquer a certain area and to warn the survivors not to resist. But this is not the case with the Nazi concentration camps. As the first massacre in human history, Scientific massacres that operate in an industrialized, efficient, and systematic manner are not intended to conquer territory, but are simply modern massacres born out of disgust and annihilation of a certain nation."

"Killing is a very simple thing, one bullet is enough. But then people have to face problems such as how to dispose of the body, how to prevent the soldiers from feeling monotonous and repetitive, and how to prevent mental illness. Various reasons can lead to this. In the end, the massacre could not go on because no soldier would like to kill people and dispose of corpses every day, and neither cost nor reality allowed it."

"But this is not the case in the concentration camp. It strictly calculates all the costs of killing, and finally comes up with a low-cost operation model that can be operated cyclically and repeatedly, treating the Holocaust as an industry."

"In such a concentration camp, the massacre can continue continuously. The guards supervise the prisoners, and then the prisoners kill the prisoners. At the same time, a steady stream of prisoners are captured, and finally the guards kill the guards. As long as time allows, it can even Everyone in the world can be sent to concentration camps and killed..."

In a room with electric lights, an old man was writing furiously on a book. He wanted to write down all the results of his investigation of the concentration camp and tell the world.

And at the end, looking at the book with every word soaked in blood, and thinking of the faces in the concentration camp information, he had a deep complexion on his face, took a deep breath, and finally... written in the epilogue.

"May mankind put aside all kinds of dissent and disputes and stop hating. May this world be peaceful."

But...can this really happen?

When the old man was completely unaware, the knight riding the red horse who was invisible to ordinary people was sneering. He is the knight who brings war and discord to the earth. Any disputes between nations, religions, and cultures will eventually brew into war in his hands.

War will never disappear.

The red knight said indifferently, as if there were still some remnants of what the man said in his heart. He was willing to abandon everything for the greatness of the country and the nation. From ancient times to the present, those who start wars have always been the ones who think they are just.

Has the war ever ended? The war will never end.

The red knight sneered and galloped across the sky...

Time flies so fast. During the Cold War, humans landed on the moon, but never went there again. The sudden disintegration of the red superpower cast the entire world under the shadow of the only superpower. With a casual attack, the Americans achieved an astonishing record of defeating hundreds of thousands of people with almost zero casualties, making the whole world tremble and see the horror of information warfare.

At that moment, the United States seemed powerful enough to challenge the entire world.

The ancient Eastern country was shocked and kept a low profile, dormant in secret, waiting for the opportunity. Just when the United States, which dominated the world, was preparing to dismantle the last communist fortress, an Arab hijacked a plane and slapped the smug man hard. The United States slapped the United States, and the angry United States was trapped in the Middle East, and then there was no chance to dismantle the "communist fortress"...

In 2012, a small town in Texas, southern United States.

"Come on! Work harder!"

In the tavern, a group of strong men gathered around a table, roaring so loudly that their faces turned red and their necks thickened. In the crowd, two people were wrestling with each other's arms.

But it was said to be an arm wrestling, but in fact one of them was still drinking wine leisurely with one hand, while the other black man with bulging muscles had a flushed face and sweat stains on his forehead, but he couldn't shake the opponent at all.

He looked at his opponent opposite, a middle-aged man with an unshaven beard. He didn't look very strong, but he was surprisingly strong. And the other party seemed to be looking at him, his eyes full of teasing.

"Work harder! Wyndham, didn't you brag that you could do it for an hour last time? Why can't you do it now?"

There were people around who had placed bets. Seeing that they might lose, they shouted anxiously.

But the opponent didn't give him another chance. He just burped and then used his right hand to press his opponent's hand on the table. The crowd around him booed in dissatisfaction, but still placed their bets on the table.

Putting away the money he won from today's gambling, picking up his hat, the middle-aged man prepared to walk out of the tavern.


Suddenly, with the sound of wind, a black Bugatti Veyron sports car appeared in front of the middle-aged man. The door opened, and the first thing that caught his eye was a pair of slender legs.

"Roberts, long time no see."

Looking at the curly-haired young beauty in front of him who was smiling at him, Roberts was not happy at all. He just helplessly lowered the brim of his hat and held a pipe in his mouth.

"Looks like my vacation is going to be ruined again?"

"Congratulations on your guess. Also, you can't smoke in my car."

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