The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 206 The will that controls all things in the dark

In the vast ancient hall, rows of flying saucers are beside you. They look as if they have just been manufactured. There is no way to think that these are aircraft that have been parked in the base for more than half a century. But Roberts didn't dare to move at all. His body stiffened and he adjusted his breath slightly, but facing the guns raised by dozens of vampires, even he couldn't think of a way.

Next to her, facing the circle of vampires, Wendy subconsciously used her body to protect Joan. She could feel that the little girl behind her was a little nervous and scared at the moment. Her body was shaking slightly, even after a short period of time. Time shooting training, but essentially she is just a high school girl.

"do not be afraid."

She held her adopted daughter's hand tightly with her hand, trying her best to calm her emotions. On the other hand, she kept scanning the surroundings with her eyes, looking for any opportunities to make a comeback.

"Umberto, it looks like the cat and mouse game is over."

A pale man slowly walked out from among the dozens of vampires. He was wearing a black windbreaker and spoke almost sarcastically. In front of him, behind the transparent spherical hood, Uberto's face was gloomy.

Just when the four of them arrived at this ancient hall and saw the rows of manufactured flying saucers, many vampires suddenly emerged from their invisibility and surrounded them. If Roberts hadn't sensed something was wrong in advance and hurriedly warned them, they would have been captured as early as the first encounter.

But even so, the situation at this moment is extremely pessimistic. Dozens of guns are pointed at them, and there is nothing anyone can do.

In their interactions with humans, modern vampires have long been aware of the power of firearms. Many vampires no longer use their natural strength and physique to fight, but give full play to their physical advantages to become fast shooters. Their eyesight and agility beyond that of humans make them high-speed and accurate gunners. If it were one-on-one, Roberts might still win, but dozens of gun-wielding vampires...

Where did they come from?

Roberts was thinking about this, and so was Uberto.

Because the hardware equipped with the assisted AI tiramisu was too large, Uberto had to choose a small and lightweight watch when he came to Antarctica. The performance of this watch was less than one thousandth of the performance of the homemade machine he had in New York. , not to mention the supercomputer that occupied an entire basement. As a result, his intelligence collection has dropped to an unprecedented level, and he can only monitor thousands of key areas around the world through satellites and a few surveillance cameras.

This moment is the most vulnerable moment for the genius who calls himself the "unknown world ruler", but even if he is so fragile, it is not easy to be discovered. How do these vampires withstand the bright day and night of Antarctica? Satellite surveillance, the one who ended up here? Uberto didn't know. Did he use his invisibility to avoid surveillance? But Uberto would immediately detect it as soon as they removed their invisibility. How could they maintain their invisibility for such a long time...

"Really? I don't think so."

Under the approach of many vampires, Uberto and the three of them had to retreat slowly, but even so, he gritted his teeth and said, but anyone could see that he was just being tough.

After all, he is a hacker after all. Although he has huge power and can invisibly force the world to work for him, what hackers fear most is exposure to the sun. Relying on the Internet, he can make superpowers helpless, but when they meet head-on At that time, even a little gangster could easily beat him down.

"Really? Then let me see what power you have..."

Although he said this, the man in the black trench coat who led him was still on alert. He had never underestimated the power of this thin young man. Being able to play tricks on the Priory and the Freemasonry has proven his strength and wisdom. So, then How will he save himself next? Is it because of that Roberts? Or Wendy? Or yourself? Or some mechanism here?

His eyes were fixed on the people in front of him...


Suddenly, Uberto yelled, is it relying on Roberts? The man in the black trench coat turned his attention to Roberts, who was trying to pull out the gun on his waist. However, Roberts is fast, and the man in black trench coat is faster than them.

The hand on the waist was suddenly pulled out in less than 0.001 seconds, a speed that the human retina could not record.

Both Roberts and Wendy were too slow in front of him.


There was just a bang, and the bullet hit Roberts' wrist. With the blood and flesh splattering, the pistol he was holding fell to the ground.



There was a soft sound, and the man in black trench coat suddenly felt something was wrong. What was going on? ! !

He looked around, only to see the little human girl hiding behind Wendy holding a small pistol, the muzzle of the gun pointed at him... He had considered all the situations, and thought about how many people would either escape or escape. In all the circumstances of the raid, this inconspicuous human girl was ignored!

That voice was not asking Roberts to take action, but the human girl who was hiding behind Wendy and shivering and no one was paying attention to take action.

"it's over."

The thin young man's low laughter sounded.


And with that bullet, the ceiling of the hall above the head suddenly shattered, and with the glass-like material shattering, white light shot into it...

Outside, it's the polar day in Antarctica.

"It's the sun..."

Accompanied by exclamations and screams, many vampires turned into ashes and disappeared into the sunlight, while some who reacted quickly hurriedly turned into bats and fled.

And just outside the Antarctic base, surrounded by a group of people, a man wearing a black burqa looked up at the majestic buildings in front of him, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Could there be such a civilization in ancient Atlantis?"

"It's just a world built by a group of mortals, and it is insignificant in front of my Lord."

Next to the man is a hunchbacked old monk. His overly curved spine looks like a huge turtle shell on his back. He holds a cane with both hands, as if he would be unable to support his heavy body otherwise. Under the monk's robe, those standing snake eyes with green light were cold and indifferent. The old monk spoke in a strange voice, and the pious voice sounded like blasphemous language.

Glancing at the old monk beside him, the man said.

"Brother Craven, if we hadn't known each other for nearly a hundred years, I'm really not sure whether you were still the master of the Hermitage of Sion, or whether you were actually possessed by something. .”

In the man's view, the current Priory of Sion has become extremely weird. In his impression, it is a hermit organization composed of a group of fanatical believers and old monks. They believe in God and at the same time master many secrets. , but at this moment it has completely changed. The belief in God has been replaced by the worship of an evil god they call the "Father of Snakes".

In the past, the old monk hung the cross of Jesus' crucifixion around his neck, but now the cross has long disappeared, replaced by a snake-shaped totem on his body.

"It is not people chasing knowledge, but knowledge chasing people. Its pursuit is cruel and ruthless, just like an eagle chasing a rabbit on the ground."

Inexplicably, the old monk seemed to be talking to himself.

The old monk, who looked like he would fall over if the wind blew, exuded an inexplicable dangerous aura. His dry lips spoke in a deep voice, and there was only coldness in his eyes. The top of the cane in his hand was embossed with a python. Wrapped around, the python's eyes seemed to be watching the world.

"In the past, the Priory believed that we preserved the truth of this world. However, it was not that we preserved the truth of this world, but the truth chose us. We were too close to the truth, and therefore we saw a more real world. We It was not eroded, it was just that the Priory found someone it should truly worship.”

"It's ridiculous that a small human being can be arrogant enough to think that he can keep the secrets of gods."

"I'm not interested in this kind of nonsense. I just want to know that the key to the world is really as magical as you think?"

The man on the side frowned and then said.

"You can appear in the Antarctic daylight, but you only need to put on a robe. Isn't this the embodiment of my Lord's power? Just wait, as long as you obey the will of the Priory, you will eventually get what you want. want."

The hunchbacked old monk narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a low voice.

In men's past perceptions, the old monks of the monastery did not like supernatural forces. They regarded them as God's omissions in the creation of the world and were always resisting supernatural forces. Although the organization was large, it was not strong in itself. But at this moment, the hunchback The old monk inexplicably gave him a sense of danger and fear.

Although the old monk was not looking at him, the man always had a strange feeling. The old monk's upright snake eyes were overlooking it. In front of it, he seemed naked and had no secrets, while the snake eyes were mocking. own ignorance.


And at this moment, with a loud roar, a saucer-shaped aircraft suddenly flew out from the building complex, and then flew straight to the high altitude in violation of aerodynamics at high speed. Some embarrassed bats were flying at this time. Exit the building complex.

The man's face was ashen, and the old monk's low laughter sounded beside him.

"Haha... Look, Charles, the subordinates you sent have been defeated and escaped. You can't catch them at this moment. Those four people carry my lord's will on their shoulders. They will definitely go to the moon to help my lord. Awakening... This is a great will that cannot be resisted, and no one can stop the destiny that lies in the dark."

The man was silent for a moment and then laughed inexplicably.

"Am I careless? Sure enough, Knight Evan, even after you die, your descendants are still trying to stop me. It seems that it was a mistake to let your last descendant run away... Gil Roberts."

Looking at the flying saucer that kept going away, Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, the famous Emperor Napoleon III, did not try to stop it. The old monks had repeatedly proven to him that their prophetic ability was strong. There was no need for it. Going to try it again.

On the flying saucer, Roberts looked through the glass mirror at the man in black who was looking in the direction of the flying saucer in the world of ice and snow. The two people seemed to be looking at each other. When they saw the man, his body He froze inexplicably.

"Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, it's you..."

The muttering voice contained disbelief and... deep resentment.

It seemed like I was back to that spring again, that castle with blood pooling on the ground at night, so many weird creatures, and that indifferent man.

And just when the flying saucer rose, at the same time, on the vast African grassland, a naked man was walking on the ground.

His body was naked, with no trace of strands of hair on it. His solid and powerful muscles were clearly defined, his fair skin had an enchanting sheen, and his calm and steady footsteps revealed a coldness and terror invisibly.


When his feet touched the ground, the land they touched turned black, the moist land dried up and cracked, and the grass and trees died. The birds flying over his head suddenly died, as if There is the God of Death accompanying him, constantly harvesting the life on the earth.

The world's oldest murderer walks the earth.

He will not get close to those humans, and will only occasionally look at human cities. God's punishment has cut him off from the human world, and he will forever be able to live in the wilderness with wild beasts and monsters.

And suddenly, the oldest human being cursed by God raised his head and looked at the sky where there was nothing.

He could feel that there was a kind of will invisibly pushing everyone forward, and no one could stop it. However, he was just silent about something that should have made him happy for the oldest human being.

He didn't try to block this will, nor did he help push it forward. The oldest human just watched in silence.

It is not somewhere in the real world, a world similar to the hell in the legend.


In a world of molten lava and flames, billions of monsters are struggling and roaring in purgatory. Angels with broken wings, decapitated demons, multi-legged monsters, deformed humans... Countless monsters are struggling in the flames. In this world that has been redefined, they have been forgotten, but they are not willing to be forgotten. They are always eager to restore their past glory.

They want to reappear and return the world to the ancient chaos. Monsters in the wilderness gnaw at humans and demons in the palace swagger like kings. This is the world they long for.

But there is a force that is always suppressing them, making it impossible for them to escape from here.

At the top of this hell world is a throne made of swords, guns, swords and halberds, soaked in blood. On that throne sits a thirty-six-winged angel.

The body of the former Son of Glory was already covered in black and gray. There were wounds everywhere on its body. Most of its wings were damaged, and several pairs of wings had been cut off by the roots and pulled out. These were the consequences of the rebels in hell. The wounds it leaves.

This world has imprisoned all the powerful monsters in the old world. These monsters are so strong that they can even survive in the cracks between gods and demons. This world is imperfect, and as long as the first and last demons have not disappeared, they can still survive.

In the eyes of all the monsters, this last angel is on the verge of extinction. Many angels have left this world. Only the last angel, who was completely born from a ray of light from God, is still trying his best to guard this world. .

"It won't hold up any longer!"

In the flames, one of the painful and wailing monsters screamed, and it wanted to encourage other monsters to launch a new rebellion, but although the many monsters surrounded the angel on the throne with ill intentions, that angel Lying weakly on the throne, it seemed as if they were asleep, but they did not dare to come any closer.

All the monsters knew that it could not last long, but just a hundred years ago, all the monsters thought so too. But a hundred years later, the angel that seemed to be dissipated at any time has never dissipated. Struggling to support.

No one wants to use themselves to test the limits of the former King of Angels.

And only this King of Angels knows that he is indeed about to be unable to hold on any longer, so he must resolve the matter as soon as possible...

"Find the sculpture that seals Satan's heart as soon as possible..."

On top of the flying saucer, a weak voice came into Uberto's ears from the angel pendant around his neck. But listening to that voice, Uberto's face showed nothing, and he was always operating the flying saucer. He only occasionally stared at Wendy who was not far away, with a bit of distrust in his eyes.

In the abandoned Crystal Heavenly Palace, on the chessboard, hundreds of monsters with heads of various sizes were crawling on the ground. The sounds of the entire world were gradually converging, and in one place an extremely small thing was brewing. 's head.

For this monster, this head is extraordinary. It once had the opportunity to control all the heads, from the "unnamed world ruler" to the real "world ruler", allowing this always chaotic monster to unify unprecedentedly , but it gave up because it had more important things to do, which were far more important than being the "King of the World".

Monsters with thousands of heads were muttering unconsciously, but inexplicably, countries around the world began to gather together, and intelligence agencies from various countries began to operate, and they were constantly exchanging information...

To that sleeping monster, humans are immature cubs and tiny insects. But even though this cub is weak and afraid of the irresistible power, it still has something to be proud of. It is this The most successful creature on the planet, it defeated all species on the planet and finally became the primate of all things. It has its own pride.

Every agent is its tentacles, and every country is its hands and feet. Even if the agents die and the country is infiltrated, the remaining humans will continue to try to fight back until their own complete failure, or until they find that An almost impossible chance of victory.

"Do you think you will always make the decision..."

In front of the sleeping behemoth, the newborn monster was roaring, but the sleeping behemoth just mocked contemptuously.

In the depths of the earth, there is the occasional unconscious dream murmur. This voice sounds in the minds of all the creatures on the earth. It dominates the creatures on the earth, but they are difficult to realize it.

With the flying saucer flying to the moon, the new world and the old world, all cause and effect will end here.

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