The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 207 Iron Sky

Before coming to the moon, no matter how bold Roberts was, he would never have imagined that this would happen. The man whose life was as short as a meteor but left an indelible mark on the entire history of the world, the man who still has a large number of fans all over the world. The man was eating calmly opposite him at the moment.

In the unusually wide hall, Roberts and several others were sitting at a long dining table. There were a few side dishes on the dining table, as well as a large number of decorative flowers. There was a salad made of strange plants on the metal dinner plate. Next to it were milky white sweets, egg-yellow baked pastries, unknown porridge, biscuits, etc., and the man with a mustache was talking to a few people. He was eating slowly in front of him.


He took a mouthful of sweets with a silver spoon and put it into his mouth, tasting the wonderful taste in his mouth. The man who looked just like the black and white picture nodded, with a satisfied expression on his lips, and used the white smile on his side. He wiped his hands with a napkin and said casually.

"Citizens of a superior nation should enjoy all good things, including food, life, morality, institutions, and the army. Everything should be the best. Quality that exceeds that of ordinary people is what a superior nation should have."

Then he glanced at the people in front of him, his eyes swept across Roberts, Uberto, Wendy, and Joan one by one, and spoke slowly in a low voice.

"Child, I can feel that you have doubts and uneasiness in your hearts."

"Being able to see the famous head of state on the moon, I believe no one can remain calm."

Roberts lowered his head slightly and said respectfully. Roberts was well-informed. The president of the United States, the queen of the United States, and even the princess of the royal family all had stories with him. He had been in and out of Area 51 and had seen many things. confidential documents, touched the nuclear button... His life was legendary, but even so, he never thought he would meet this man who influenced the whole world.

After using the etheric flying saucer to go to the moon, a few people actually found a continuous group of buildings on the back of the moon.

It was a small city built on the desolate moon surface, surrounded by hundreds of semi-circular domes of different sizes. There were plants, forests, animals, and lakes in those domes. It was like a small biosphere. Each semi-circular dome There are some strange spherical buildings inside, with a strange futuristic style, similar to the buildings in the ruins of the Atlantis civilization.

Before anyone could even marvel, the flying saucer was captured by numerous octopus robots and brought here...

"It seems that the alliance government has instilled a lot of ideas into you. I can feel that you have a strong resistance to me."

Looking at the people in front of him, Mustache couldn't help but laugh, then leaned on the dining chair and spread his palms to everyone, signaling to them.

"Children, tell me how your government describes me."

Several people hesitated for a moment, because they still couldn't understand what Mustache wanted to do until now. The man in front of them was not the stereotypical war lunatic image in the textbook. He was calm and rational. Their current life and death could be said to be the same. Being directly in his hands was too much for them to deal with.

But in the end, they still chose to tell the truth. After all, they refused to make him unhappy, so they might as well relax for the time being and see if there was any improvement.

And listening to the words of several people, even though those words were full of bad comments and vocabulary, Mustache remained calm as usual and did not show any dissatisfaction. From time to time, he would ask a few questions carefully about details.

"Now a woman is the prime minister of Deguo? Are all the men in Deguo dead?"

“Belittle opponents, slander their reputations, smear their private lives, and dumb down their opponents’ image... Ha, it’s still the same old-fashioned methods. Decades have passed, and these corrupt politicians still can’t play any tricks anymore. It's not as good as Chaplin's movie. If Goebbels were still alive, he would definitely laugh at this kind of propaganda method. This method is exactly the same as when he won the national election. No matter what era it was, these politicians would also think about it. Those things in other people’s pants.”

There was no anger. Unexpectedly, the mustache became sarcastic, with ridicule and disdain in his words.

"It seems that since the death of people like Stalin and Roosevelt, there are really only a group of incompetent idiots left in this world. A group of rookies who have never been on the battlefield and can only talk and point fingers at the map."

Finally, after listening to Roberts' words, he nodded, indicating that there was no need to say any more, and gave a common evaluation to many politicians after World War II.


This sentence comes out of this person's mouth so naturally. There is an inexplicable persuasiveness in his voice that makes it impossible to question him. However, throughout his life, it is his almost demonic speaking ability that adds to it. He gave a lot of help, and finally used his words to affect the entire planet, causing that unprecedented war.

From him, few people could see the stereotyped crazy image, but instead a majestic pride and arrogance.

"Führer, the army has been assembled..."

And at this moment, a person walked in from outside the hall. It was not one of those robots with octopus-like tentacles, but besides a mustache, it was the first living... "person" that they had seen...?

The reason why I say this is because its body is too tall. The body is taller than a one-story building and it seems to be four to five meters tall. Its face looks extremely handsome, but it is impossible to tell what race it is. Just like a giant in ancient myths and legends.

"I like Nietzsche very much. He is my spiritual mentor. Nietzsche believes that the future of this world belongs to the superman. I think he is right. Mediocre people cannot dominate this world. They are just immature scum and garbage. , inferior products, only superman can undertake extraordinary great deeds.”

Under the dome as tall as the sky, strange buildings are located everywhere. In one of the open areas are hundreds of giants standing. The number of those giants is not many, but their huge bodies make them look like mountains. , exuding a terrifying aura.

Under the protection of several giants, the man turned his back to several people, stretched out his arms, pointed his finger at the giant army in front of him, looked at the standing giants, his eyes were filled with blazing light, full of admiration. said.

"As Nietzsche said: 'What is an ape to a man? A ridicule or a painful humiliation. The same should be true for man to a superman: a ridicule or a painful humiliation. We have finished the long journey from worm to man, But in many ways you are still insects. In the past you were apes, but now, humans are more like apes than any apes...' Human beings have completed the road from apes to humans, but there are still traces of wild beasts on human beings. Human beings cannot undertake extraordinary great achievements. Only a better nation and a better species can shoulder greater achievements."

"What is a superman? The quality that surpasses ordinary people, the rationality that surpasses ordinary people, the morality that surpasses ordinary people, the wisdom that surpasses ordinary people...the only one who breaks free from the original animality and completes the transformation from ape to human is a superman."

As he spoke, he was inexplicably silent for a moment, and then spoke loudly.

"I once thought that the Germanic people could undertake this great undertaking, but in the end they let me down. The Germanic people failed to complete the task I gave them. But I found them, ancient Atlantis The genes that have been preserved by humans are the origin of mankind, they are an excellent nation, and they can take on this great cause."

"I thought you were a staunch German-Italian nationalist."

Suddenly, Uberto, who had never spoken much, spoke. The man with his back turned to several people stopped, and then he glanced at the people behind him. There was an inexplicable coldness in his eyes, and he said in a low voice.

"I have never abandoned the German and Italian people, but the German and Italian people have abandoned me."

"Is it true... a tribune of the city of Rome?"

But Uberto said something inexplicably, as if he knew something, and this sentence obviously meant something. And the man obviously heard it. He looked at Uberto and said noncommittally.

"It seems you know something about me."

"Your friend Kubicek wrote a book about you that emphasized this matter, and I happened to read it."

" is he now?"

When he heard that familiar name, the man pondered, first murmured a few words, and then raised his head and looked at Uberto with sharp eyes.

"He died in 1956, not long after the war ended."

Facing the man, Uberto bowed slightly.

Upon hearing the news of his former friend's death, the man's expression remained unchanged, and he just nodded slightly, as if to say he understood.

"Young man, I know your story and your wisdom. Join us. When my army retakes the earth, you can hold an important position in this country composed of supermen."

After instructing the octopus robot to arrange a resting place for several people, the man said lightly to Uberto, but Uberto did not answer and just responded with a smile.

After a few people left, the man stood with his hands behind his hands, and several giants stood beside him. Suddenly a deep voice sounded.

"My head of state, I don't trust that guy named Uberto. I don't think he deserves our trust either. He is a very scheming person."

"Frederick, don't reject it blindly. That Uberto will be of great help to the Führer's plan..."


Several giants were discussing something on the side, but the man ignored them. The scene from that year seemed to reappear in front of his eyes.

Tribune: Ah, citizens of Rome, I am your tribune, have you forgotten the Roman oath...

People: Burn him to death! This dictator…

On the stage, the palace was burned by fire. The tribune, who devoted everything to the city of Rome, was eventually burned to death by the people he wanted to protect.

That year, two teenagers went to see this play called "Li Enji" together. One of them was amazed by the superb acting skills, while the other was deeply shocked by the story. When the drama ended, the boy and his friends looked up at the stars on the top of the mountain, and there seemed to be a fire burning in his heart.

So that night, under the bright starry sky, the young man spoke impassionedly about his ideals to his friends. The poor young man, who was still penniless, swore to be like the tribune and firmly believed that one day the people You will empower yourself, get rid of your constraints, and gain true freedom.

However, his fate was so wonderful, and in the end it ended just like that. The people betrayed him, and the young man in the past committed suicide with a gun...

Was he wrong?

The man doesn't think so. He firmly believes that he can't be wrong, and the leader can't be wrong. It's the German people who are wrong. It's the German people who have betrayed his trust. The German people have failed to complete what he has entrusted to the entire country. country’s tasks.

The people are always mediocre and stupid. No matter how much Marx advocates the power of the masses, he cannot change the fact that the world was created by heroes. Mediocre people will only live day after day. Such a life is worthless. Only the emergence of genius can change the world.

Newton did it, Columbus did it, Tesla did it...

Without Newton, people would still be repeating the life of their ancestors who worked at sunrise and rested at sunset; without Tesla, people would still live in a dark city. This world was created by heroes, and heroes created this world.

Such people are mediocre and stupid. The people must be guided by an extraordinary leader. This leader must have extraordinary calmness and rationality, and use a strong iron hand to eliminate all social ills, remove the dregs, and sweep away those like the Jews. , Indians, Indus, etc., only in this way can the people move towards a brand new world...

A world made up of superhuman beings.

He once thought that the German people could shoulder the responsibility of creating a new world because they were the descendants of the proud Atlanteans, but they did not let him down, and the German people abandoned him.

Since the descendants of the Atlanteans cannot do this, let the Atlanteans, the ancestors of the Germanic people, do it.

In this world, there will be no traces of people of color, nor traces of aliens. There will not even be humans anymore. There will only be ancient Atlanteans, eventually forming a world completely dominated by Superman. constituted world.

"It's not me that's wrong, it's the world."

Inexplicably, the lunar leader muttered.

In a daze, there was only indifference and indifference in the pupils of this peerless hero.

But in the world that he couldn't see, the knight riding the red horse was staring at him beside him, his eyes as cold as ice looked at him, and finally the corner of his mouth opened in a silent arc.

He was laughing at this mortal.


The red horse galloped away in the direction of the earth, and only the invisible ridicule of the war knights echoed in the air, and neither the Atlanteans nor Mustache knew anything about it.

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