The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 226 The beauty of horror

The hall was like a ruin at this moment. The huge dragon had broken through multiple floors, and beside it were numerous vampires and humans, either holding guns or lying on the ground covered in blood.

And those many eyes were looking at the girl's body on the operating table...


In the abdominal cavity, a slow and low heartbeat was heard, and each heartbeat became more intense. The heartbeat was like muffled thunder in the sky, depressing, majestic, dangerous and uneasy. Every vibration would make the bones of everyone present tremble.


In front of the girl, the human doctor who held the heart into the abdominal cavity opened his mouth unconsciously. Under his gaze, the heart was beating slowly in the open abdomen.

The severed blood vessels spurted out light golden blood. The light golden blood soaked the heart together, and then you could vaguely see blood vessels of different thicknesses extending from the heart...

The broken blood vessels are being reconnected, the chest cavity separated by sharp tools is slowly closing under some invisible force, and the muscles and skin are healing rapidly...

Facing a scene that was completely unlike the human world, the doctor, who was just an ordinary person, looked pale.

He was not a figure from another world, but an ordinary human being hired. Although he had some understanding of it, when he really saw the miraculous scene in front of him, he still couldn't help but want to retreat.


He couldn't help but stumbled, slipped and fell to the ground.


Looking at the "corpse" in front of him, he wanted to scream in fear, but suddenly found that he seemed unable to speak.


It’s not that I can’t speak, it’s that I can’t breathe!

It was only then that the doctor suddenly realized that he could no longer breathe at some point.

I tried to raise my hand, but found that my normally relaxed hand seemed to be extremely heavy at this moment, and it was extremely difficult to even move my fingers. He could feel that there was no problem with his throat and that everything was fine in his body. It was just as if he suddenly forgot how to breathe and couldn't breathe anyway.

【what happened? 】

He didn't know, but with the sound of his heartbeat in front of him, he felt an inexplicable deep fear in his heart. His body became more and more uncomfortable, and his heart seemed to burst.


In the hall, with the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, someone couldn't hold on and fell.

At this moment, no one is moving in this hall, only a few weak breathing.

The invisible pressure felt as if it were real. Everyone could hardly breathe. It was so difficult to even move their fingertips. It was like weights hanging on their eyelids, making it difficult to open them.

In the face of that oppression, no one could stand upright, not even Louis, who claimed to be a god.


Half-kneeling on the ground, Louis felt a great sense of fear in his heart.

Among all the people, he is undoubtedly the strongest after gaining some heart power, not even the giant dragon. But because of this, his spiritual sense is the most acute and he is the most able to feel the horror of the things in front of him.

He desperately tried to breathe, but he opened his mouth in vain like a fish that had fallen onto the shore. There was obviously a lot of oxygen in the air, but he couldn't breathe no matter what. The invisible oppression strangled his neck, making every breath he took was like trying to suck in some scattered particles from the rock-hard air. .

If this continues, without doing anything, Emperor Louis, who has not yet fulfilled his ambition, will die here.

【What on earth did I release...】

Gritting his teeth, his body was trembling inexplicably.

Although he didn't want to admit it, his body was indeed in instinctive fear, fear without reason. Even he didn't know why, he was just simply afraid.


The heartbeat, which was as muffled as thunder, was still ringing.

I started to regret it in my mind.

For some reason, after he caught the girl with divine blood, he couldn't wait to complete the heart transfer. "Transplanting a heart", at that time, there was only one thought in my mind, and I tried desperately to do it.

But when he actually did it, he began to regret why he didn't have more patience and study more about this secret of the heart.

But it was already too late.


The heart was still making a low beating sound. The sound was like drums and muffled thunder, and every sound struck everyone's hearts hard.

Before that, Louis thought he had driven nails into every bone and joint of the girl's body and painted seals on every skin of her body. These seals and restraints brought together various civilizations from the East and the West. The essence among them, even if the gods come, they will be tightly restrained and unable to move. Even if the other party can really get out of trouble, at least it will take some effort. He can at least run far away by taking this opportunity.

At least, that's what Louis thought for a time, but now... he doesn't know anymore.

Are those seals really useful?

In my heart, doubt, fear, and despair grew heavier and heavier.


And just when he felt that his heart was about to explode under the invisible pressure, the thunderous heartbeat... stopped.

There was dead silence in the hall.

After a long time, under the silence of a pindrop, a slow and jerky sound of mechanical friction sounded.


The sound was very slight, but in this unusually quiet environment, it was exceptionally clear.

Louis lowered his head and did not raise his head. Sweat dripped from his forehead unconsciously, but he did not dare to wipe it at all. In Louis' peripheral vision, he could vaguely see some shadows cast by the "things" on the operating table, but when he tried to perceive that thing with his keen perception in the past, he could only feel "nothing".

Water also refracts, and light also has heat. In a vampire's unique senses, the entire world is much clearer than that of humans, but it is different at this moment.

That thing is like a black hole, and any information will be swallowed up by it.

The eyes could clearly see some of the dark shadows cast by it, but the invincible vampire senses could not sense anything, as if there was nothing there.

This strange contrast made Louis feel only deep fear.

Louis didn't dare to look up because he wasn't sure what he would see when he looked up.

With the help of the corner of his eye, those slight shadows moved. It seemed that the "thing" on the operating table had moved. There was no movement, and it seemed that it was just standing up.

But as that "thing" stood up, it seemed that the invisible pressure was weakening, and the fear that was originally so terrifying that it was difficult to control itself was slowly fading away.

【What's wrong? Could it be that... all this is not as serious as I thought? 】

Are those seals working?

Louis' heart was almost in his throat, and he was constantly guessing.


Above the ears, a long sound of breathing sounded. Judging from the breath and sound of the breath, the breathing sound of the "thing" seemed to be no different from that of a normal human being. After a slight pause, it was like a normal human being breathing.


It seemed to be the sound of bones rubbing against each other. It seemed that the thing wasn't quite used to its new body at the moment.

After some weird noises, these crisp sounds that would occur when an arm is twisted to the point of breaking disappeared.


The sound of soft soles hitting the floor was too soft to be noticed.

Start moving forward step by step.

In the peripheral vision of his eyes, Louis could only see the black figure walking in his direction. He didn't dare to raise his head to look, and could only catch a glimpse of the white toes and bare feet with even bones and flesh.

Every time it took a step, there was a sound of metal falling to the ground.

"Dingling and clanging..."

Any one of those sealing nails made of special materials and enchanted with magic can permanently seal a thousand-year-old vampire. They are treasures that Louis worked hard to collect. But at this moment, along with the unhurried pace of progress, the sealing nails that were originally nailed to the girl's body fell off the "thing" one by one and fell to the ground.

The continuous sound of falling nails was like music.

But listening to that voice, Louis' heart had already fallen into the icehouse. He understood that the method he had set up had failed, and he could not control this body.

But... there is still a chance.

Gritting his teeth, Louis endured the tremendous pressure, slowly leaned down, put his forehead against the floor, opened his heavy mouth with difficulty, and tried his best to speak.

"I am your slave, master..."

The attitude of being submissive, begging for mercy, and being so humble that he was even worse than a slave could not be associated with the French Emperor at all.

At this moment, any dignity and desire to unify the earth are all fake. Only by devoting your loyalty to the "thing" in front of you as much as possible can you get a chance.

When you are alive, you have everything; when you die, you have nothing.

This truth sounds simple, but many people often just can’t see through it.

Among Louis' contemporaries, he was never the most powerful, nor the smartest, or the most powerful. In his later years, he was deposed from the throne of France and was like a prisoner.

But so what? He desperately chased life and gave up everything to become an immortal and dirty vampire. If hundreds of years have passed, where are the people who are smarter, stronger, and more powerful than him?

All dead.

When he transformed from a human into a non-human, it was like a new life, and he realized that only by living can he have everything, dignity? dream? Everything can be put aside for the time being, only life must be preserved.

As long as he could survive, he could endure any humiliation or humiliation.

Now, all she can do is pray that the other party is willing to accept her loyalty.

But the footsteps in front of him didn't stop at all, walking towards him step by step.


The footsteps became louder and louder, and the black shadow cast by it became larger and larger, almost covering his body. Louis could only crawl in front of the too powerful black shadow and let the fear in his heart continue to grow...

But the footsteps didn't stop at all.


Accompanied by some kind of explosion sound, those delicate and well-proportioned bare feet stepped on a pool of exploded heads, carelessly as if they had accidentally trampled an insect to death. They didn't pay attention and just continued to walk forward.

[What on going on. 】

On the side, Roberts, who was shot and unable to move due to the heavy pressure, also asked in his heart. He fell to the ground, and the pressure on his body gradually faded away, but he could only barely open his eyes, and his vision was blurry.

Roberts turned his head with difficulty and looked behind him...

Behind him is a huge hole that was knocked open by the giant dragon. The remains of its glass windows can be vaguely seen, and outside the hole is a bustling human city.

The sunset has already set, and only the afterglow is particularly dazzling.

The naked body stood next to the huge hole, with its back to Roberts, and its long red hair blowing in the wind. Overlooking the human world below, he showed his body to this prosperous world without any hesitation.

On her back, all the wounds had healed, and the spells painted on her back had disappeared at some point. Only the faint remaining blood stains proved that this was not an illusion.

It is difficult to describe the scene at that moment. It can only be described as "horrifying beauty".

That appearance is too beautiful, not the beauty of human aesthetics, but a magnificent beauty. Just like the gravitational tide of a black hole is slowly tearing apart a star, the scene of a huge thing being torn apart bit by bit in the face of a greater force is far better than any magnificent epic.

And this beauty beyond human understanding is also extremely terrifying and cruel.

With his back facing Roberts' gaze, his naked body was folded with his arms, and his cold snake eyes looked down at the human world in front of him, silently feeling the feeling of returning.

The corners of his mouth widened.

"Ho ho..."

Suddenly, that inhuman voice sounded in everyone's ears.

The weird laughter revealed deep arrogance and arrogance, causing everyone to have an instinctive fear and their bodies to tremble involuntarily.


In front of that incredibly beautiful creature, the sun set, and the last ray of light disappeared.

Night falls.

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