The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 227 Holding up the sun

In the dim night sky, the sun set its last rays of light. In front of the setting sun, behind her, the naked girl with long red hair swaying and her arms spread out, laughed wildly.

Everything was so weird, but not funny at all. Everyone looked at that scene and could only feel an inexplicable fear.

The smartest human being in the world had already curled up on the ground, shivering.

Ordinary people are like blind people on crutches, unaware of the creeping tiger in front of them, let alone afraid. Only blind people who can't see anything and fools who don't understand anything can ignore the terror of monsters, and the more intelligent and sensitive people are The more you can feel the deep power, the more terrifying it is.

Uberto's teeth were chattering uncontrollably. It looked at the back in fear. In its eyes, it could only see a black hole that slowly swallowed everything.

"It's over...everything is over..."

He repeated unconsciously.

Even Louis couldn't understand that he thought he had the power, but he never knew that he was just a chess piece, an insignificant chess piece that he could not control.

In front of Uberto's fear, the black hole that swallowed everything just raised his hand and spit out an ancient snake-man vocabulary.

"Muu (wind)..."

Wendy and Roberts, who knew a little bit of snake language, understood it.

wind? What wind?

But they soon understood.

China, East China Sea.

It is night in the United States at this moment, but it is noon in the East China Sea and the sun is shining brightly.

"Yaozi, get ready to collect them."

On a small boat, a dark-skinned middle-aged man held a fishing net in his hand and shouted at the young man not far away. Hearing this, the young man on the other boat also skillfully began to close the net.

Fishing at sea is not easy, but risks also come with opportunities. If you are lucky, you can earn several months' worth of income by catching a big fish in one go. If you are not lucky, you can only rely on the northwest wind.

After the net was closed, the young man was busy picking fish from the fishing net while chatting with the middle-aged man next to him.

"Uncle, when will you go back?"

His accent has a hint of southern dialect, a bit of Huguang, and he complains while picking fish.

The middle-aged man on the side was smoking a cigarette and looking at the sky. There were white clouds on the horizon. The weather was very calm and nothing unusual. Then he slapped the young man on the back of the head and scolded him.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Why don't you just order fish? Just say it back."

The young man was a little dissatisfied, but he could only obey his uncle's words.

The middle-aged man looked at the young man beside him and shook his head. The weather today is good, there is no wind, it is a good time for fishing, and he does not plan to go back so soon. Then he looked at the sky again, and this time he was stunned.

"Yazi! Cut the net quickly and go back immediately..."

The young man who was picking fish from the fishing net was suddenly slapped on the shoulder by a middle-aged man. That nervous and panicked voice was the first time he had seen it.

"Uncle, what's wrong?"

"Cut the net quickly! Quickly!"

He was about to say something, but the middle-aged man suddenly turned his head and looked at him, his face was ashen, and he said urgently.

It was the first time he had seen that look in his life, and he was shocked.

"But these fish..."

"Don't worry about the fish, go back now!"

But the middle-aged man took away the young man's words, took out a knife from the side, and went to cut off the connection between the fishing boat and the fishing net...

Half an hour later, the two people who barely escaped from the sudden strong wind were still in shock. It was unclear whether the water on their bodies was rain or cold sweat. If the middle-aged man hadn't seen some clues in the shape of the clouds, the consequences would have been disastrous.

"But why did the master change so quickly today?"

Smoking a cigarette and watching the violent storm raging outside the house, the middle-aged man still felt a little strange, but he didn't figure it out in the end.

Scenes similar to this are happening in various places around the world. The entire earth's atmosphere is distorted under the control of some invisible force, and the numerous winds are heading towards New York.

When that sound sounded, almost as quickly as a breath came, a fierce wind blew up.


The fierce wind roared like thunder. When the real wind hit the wall of the building, accompanied by the sound of many glass windows shattering, the solid building seemed to be shaking faintly.

The remaining glass was blown away by the strong wind in an instant, and strong winds poured in from the holes in the wall, almost blowing the person away.

The large number of people rolled into a ball in the strong wind, and only the giant dragon could steady its steps slightly.

In the fierce wind, the figure with long red hair remained motionless, while the naked body just stretched out its hand to feel the fierce wind and the restless storm.

It is yearning, longing to converge into a bigger, more intense storm.

This wind is not a dead thing. It was inspired by the figure's words. Although it has no mind, it has its own instincts and is ready to transform into a higher-level existence. If it is given time to grow, it will eventually transform into a god-like existence in mythology.

But all this requires the consent of its owner.

Opening his palm, the strong wind licked his fingertips obediently. It was extremely humble, just like its most well-behaved pet, begging its master for permission.

Looking at this scene, his mouth widened.

"Sugus (Thunder)..."

A deep voice sounded.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth became as bright as day.


In the deafening thunder, accompanied by an invisible scream, the thunder directly smashed into pieces the gust of wind and the larvae of the wind god that had not yet truly possessed sanity.

It doesn't need such a fragile little thing to be a pet.

Above the sky, electric dragons flashed out of the otherwise normal clouds, and the dark clouds gradually gathered.

The city was faintly restless. Some people walked out of their homes or leaned out of their windows. They didn't know what was going on, why there was suddenly strong winds and lightning.

But they won't know the reason, because the little bugs who know the reason are already unable to protect themselves.

In the hall, many eyes looked at the figure calling Feng Lei with fear. They didn't understand what happened, but they could realize how powerful the power was under that body.

Whether it was the strong wind or the falling thunder, they were not something they could fight against.

God, only God can have such power.

However, it is not enough, far from enough. This is far from what this figure wants. For this figure, such power is far from enough to satisfy it.

So, it stretched out its hand in the direction where the sun was setting, as if it was holding something extremely heavy, and lifted it up little by little.

Beside the skyline, the originally dim place once again glowed with dazzling glow, and the dazzling glow turned into blazing light. The sun that originally set and disappeared in the sky slowly rose from the west little by little.

In the dark space, the blazing stars are emitting infinite light and heat all around.

Most of this light and heat is dissipated in the void of the universe, and only a very small part is absorbed by a few nearby stars. And just this tiny bit of light and heat is enough to support trillions of lives on the blue planet, and this light and heat is just a little bit of energy released inadvertently by this huge star.

This star is so huge that the second largest gas planet in this galaxy is less than one percent of its mass. 99% of the mass of the entire galaxy belongs to this star. In comparison, the tiny blue planet cannot withstand even an ordinary flare eruption and will directly turn into a lava planet.

In this galaxy, all the planets revolve around it.

But at this moment, the star is slightly deviating from its position under the influence of some invisible force, but the power of the star is so powerful that the invisible force cannot easily deflect it.

Like a strong beast wrestling with a giant, when there is a confrontation between two powerful forces, the huge force makes the solar flare activity on its surface become more and more intense. At every moment, solar prominences of nearly the mass of the moon are being destroyed. When ejected, the intense electromagnetic radiation caused by the violent reaction is also constantly affecting the entire galaxy...

Arctic research station.

A man stared dumbfounded at the display of the instrument in front of him. The rapidly beating numbers on the instrument almost made him suspect that the instrument was broken, or that he had finally lived in this damn place for a long time and was mentally disturbed.

"Bob! Look!"

A horrified voice screamed, and following the gaze of his companion, Bob looked at the sky outside the window. Almost instantly, he couldn't help but take a breath, and subconsciously pressed his feet against the ground to prevent himself from being thrown into the sky because of this damn dream.

Yes, this must be a dream, it must be!

In front of him, an extremely gorgeous aurora appeared in the sky. Those extremely bright colors illuminated the entire sky, but what seemed to be a beautiful scene in the eyes of ordinary people was like a nightmare in his eyes.

It was too gorgeous, so gorgeous that he could vaguely see the image of the sun's prominence...

There has never been a shortage of auroras in the North Pole. At the poles of the Earth's magnetic field, a large number of high-energy particles ejected by solar flares will pass over the North and South Poles, forming gorgeous auroras. But no aurora has ever made Bob feel so scary.

It was almost like seeing a mushroom cloud bloom.

"Is the world going to end?"

His first thought was this, while his quick-responsive colleagues had already tried to contact the government, but there was no signal.

And signal loss is also happening all over the world.

"Hello? Hello? Hello? Damn it! No fucking signal..."




Whether it is the Internet, communications or even the use of electronic equipment, various short circuits and communication failures have occurred.


The military attache rushed into the office in a hurry.

"Emergency situations……"

"I already know."

Before the military attaché could finish speaking, a rich voice had already spoken.

In front of the military attache, the gray-haired officer stared out the window, looking at the sun rising slowly from the west. He couldn't help but clench the hands behind his back and felt his mouth go dry.

Faced with a power beyond human imagination, even though he was in a high position, he was as powerless as an ordinary person.

"What happened."

In the remaining Crystal Heavenly Palace, the monster with hundreds of heads was crawling, looking at the figure, it was unconsciously afraid. Many countries finally realized the danger was coming, but it seemed that just as the smartest head on them said, it was already too late.

"It's over, everything is over..."

The smartest man in the world huddled on the ground, looking at the figure slowly holding up the sun, murmuring in fear as he repeated it.

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