The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 236 Both God and Demon

With his exposed body, he knelt on one knee in front of the pouring darkness.

The proud neck lowered his head. On the man's body, the strong muscles like a horned dragon were clearly defined and full of explosive power. His indifferent face looked as silent as a sculpture.

In front of him, the deep darkness did not speak.

The light was also swallowed up by the darkness. The man could not see its figure, and could only vaguely see the hazy darkness. The darkness was sitting on the throne, as if he closed his eyes and meditated.


Suddenly, a surly voice screamed.

From the huge altar, a huge monster that looked like a lion with three strange heads suddenly jumped up and jumped in front of the man. The weight of more than 10,000 tons vibrated the ground of the hall, sinking deep into the ground. Deep ground turtle cracks.

Its eyes are bigger than those of a cow, and its head is like a house. You can't even see its body, because its three too-large heads will directly block your sight, preventing you from seeing its even bigger body.

And when the monster with eyes bigger than a cow opened its mouth to speak, the breath spurted from its mouth even formed a fierce wind.

"My Lord has returned, why didn't you arrive until now!"

The man's figure was reflected in the monster's eyes, and it roared.

No monster likes this guy. The oldest murderer in the world is also a betrayer. He abandoned all monsters and walked alone on the earth.

It's just that most monsters are very patient. Black Shadow, the daughter of the devil Satan, is his wife. No smart monster will ignore the special relationship between the two. However, this does not mean that they will give up their anger, they are just waiting for the opportunity, and then after the black shadow makes any signal, they will instantly swarm up and tear this guy into pieces.

However, there are also those with a more violent temperament, just like the lion monster who was the first to attack.

The man knelt on one knee, did not raise his head, and just spoke calmly.

"I have something to do."

In front of him was the smelly hot wind breathed out by the lion monster, but the man's voice was as calm as ever, without any fluctuations.

"What could be more important than meeting my Lord!"

The gaping mouth of the abyss made a disturbing roar, and some residual limbs of underwater creatures could be seen in the mouth, spitting out smelly hot wind. The scarlet pupils are waiting for the man to make a mistake. As long as the man doesn't answer, it will swallow it directly.

It flaps its broad wings, and the huge wings that exceed tens of meters stir up strong winds, which can cause pain on people's faces. Unlike those monsters that tempt mortals, it does not have such good patience. All it needs is an excuse. .

The man untied the bulging package behind him. The package was nothing more than a simple piece of rag. The age could not be determined, but it seemed to be very old. Then the man gently opened the cloth and revealed the contents...


When he saw the thing on the rag, the huge pupils of the lion monster suddenly shrank, and the dark hair all over his body suddenly burst out, standing up like steel knives. His limbs instinctively took a few steps back, and then let out a sound that seemed to be A low growl that sounded threatening and frightening.


In the grand palace, a roar suddenly sounded, and many monsters sitting on the altar became restless, some with frightened expressions, and others with indifferent expressions.

"Metatron/Lucifer/Archangel/is that guy..."

Many monsters were frightened and angry, saying different but identical names.

In the center of the rag is a head.

It was a very beautiful face, and its handsome face was enough to shame women all over the world. Even if it closed its eyes, it still showed unspeakable sadness, but it was dead.

Metatron is dead.

This almost divine deputy king of heaven died, and his head was chopped off by a man.

People die when they are killed, and so do angels. Perhaps before the birth of this world, before death was created, angels would not die, but this is no longer that era.

The old world is gone, that idyllic mythical world is gone, and the angels who were once immortal are no longer immortal.

In this new world there is life and death, and the same is true for angels.

The battle lasted for three days and three nights, and the sun and moon of the new world also circulated over the old world three times. In the end, the deputy king of heaven was defeated, and then a man chopped off its head. The deputy king of heaven also It was carried in the man's hands like a trophy.

Monsters are hostile to it, but it is undeniable that monsters are also afraid of it.

And now, the last angel feared by the monsters is dead.

The lion monster was frightened and angry, but he did not dare to step forward easily. As for the power of the Last Angel, the monsters knew its power better than anyone else, and they could not defeat it in repeated confrontations. The stalemate lasted six hundred years after the birth of the new world.

And the person who can kill Metatron is naturally the best among the many demons and monsters. It may not be able to defeat it with just its power.

"Yin, even if you kill Metatron, this is not the reason for you to disobey my lord's will."

But after only a moment of fear, the lion monster roared again, its ferocious pupils expanded, and the transparent eyes like glass reflected the figure of the man kneeling in front of him.

"My lord has been sleeping for six hundred years. You should have tried your best to revive my lord, but you did nothing. The intention of betrayal is obvious. How else do you want to make excuses!"

No matter what, the darkness must be made dissatisfied with Cain. Only in this way can the monsters swarm up and tear this guy apart.

Although angels are powerful, and the man who kills them is powerful, the monsters have never lost against angels. Even the angels who are like gods have their wings torn off by them. It is just because of the internal fighting between the monsters that it is difficult to unite. If they really want to fight, the monsters do not think they will lose.

However, compared to angels and this oldest murderer, the monsters are more afraid of the too deep darkness. The darkness is so powerful that the most powerful monsters can only whimper in front of it. It is not difficult to kill the man in front of them, but they only dare to do it with the permission of the darkness.

Facing the roar of the huge monster, the man's face remained unchanged, unwavering, and he just spoke calmly.

"What will happen if my father wakes up?"

The lion monster said of course.

"Of course our era has returned again, this world has returned to our control again, and many stars in this new world will also become our territory..."

"Where is that person?"

The man suddenly interrupted the demon's proud words and said calmly.

It was stunned for a moment, and the monster, which was not good at using its brain, did not react for a moment, but in front of the behemoth, the half-naked man whispered softly.

"What should people do..."

The lion monster was stunned, and many monsters in the hall were also speechless, as if they had not thought of the man's words at all.

After a while, the lion monster raised its head and let out a weird laugh.

"Humans? Those tiny bugs? Naturally, they died together after our Lord woke up. But there is nothing to mention about mortal things that will die as soon as they turn over."


Just then, a calm voice sounded.

Marbas, the legendary lion demon god who can see the secrets of everything, is one of Solomon's seventy-two pillar demon gods.

The three-headed lion monster lowered his head upon hearing that name, his pupils staring at the man beneath him.

The laughter of the lion monster was still echoing in his ears. The man kneeling on one knee lowered his head, closed his eyes inexplicably and whispered softly.

"We are human beings too."

The old world was born for 50,000 years. The sky is the seven heavens created by angels, the earth is the earth called "hell" by angels, and the first living creatures are humans.

Although countless monsters were later derived, all monsters were born out of the original humans. Whether they were demons or monsters, they were all once humans.

In the old world, humans mated with angels to give birth to giants, mated with sheep to give birth to demons, mated with dragons to give birth to elves, mated with eagles to give birth to griffins, and mated with snakes to give birth to giant pythons...many creatures. Thus was born.

In that era, humans were proficient in all kinds of incredible angelic magic and lived for thousands of years. The civilization they established was called "Atlantis" by the snake people. Humans and monsters coexisted. This was the old world.

In this hall, monsters have all lived in the old world. Many of them even voluntarily gave up their human identities and transformed into monsters in pursuit of power, such as the lion monster Marbus in front of them, and the former Atlantis. Powerful mage.

Listening to the man's words, Malbus' abyssal mouth opened up, as if it wanted to eat people, but it only made a weird sound.


The giant is laughing.

Not only was it laughing, but many monsters in the hall also laughed. The laughter was louder than the thunder in the sky, more deafening than the tsunami, and almost overturned the hall.



Such tiny creatures, short-lived and weak, yet the Cain in front of him actually said that they were also human beings? They are demon gods and ancient monsters. How could they be humans?

"Cain, you don't want my Lord to wake up for the sake of those insignificant people?! Would Cain, who created vampires with his own hands to gnaw on humans, say the same thing?"

The devil's mocking laughter sounded.

Hearing countless weird laughter in the hall, the man's face remained unchanged and calm, and he just spoke softly.

"……I regret."


Many demons could hardly believe that what they heard was true. Would Cain, who was known for being ruthless and cold-blooded as stone, also say "regret"? weak as a mortal.

Some demons are still laughing at this funny farce, and some have shown indifferent smiles. In any case, Cain almost directly admitted that he did not want to escape from the darkness. This is enough, as long as the person sitting high up The darkness above the throne nodded slightly, and they could all swarm up.

But just then...

"It's noisy."

Amidst the noisy laughter, a deep voice sounded.

The sound was not loud, but it easily drowned out all the sounds. The originally chaotic laughter stopped abruptly, and all the monsters lost their voices because the sound came from the top of the hall...

On the throne surrounded by many demon gods, the dark thing that exuded infinite darkness and distorted the light around it watched everything indifferently.

No one can see its figure clearly, because the light around it is also distorted, and everyone can only see the darkness, which is so dark that they can't see anything. But now, they seem to see something vaguely.

In the too deep darkness, it seemed as if a slender hand stretched out. The hand was shrouded in darkness, and only the five fingers could be vaguely seen to be even in length. One of them was slightly stretched out, and there was a faint light on the fingertips.

The pupils of some demon gods suddenly shrank, and they had already figured out what it was.

"It's noisy."

The voice repeated again.

In an instant, the light on the fingertips suddenly skyrocketed...

"not good……"

"how come……"

Before many frightened voices could finish speaking, in an instant, just as the world opened up and the universe exploded, infinite light exploded from the fingertips. In an instant, everything inside and outside the hall was shrouded in pure light. In the white light.

All the beautiful, ugly, powerful, weak, smart, stupid...all the demons and monsters were enveloped by the infinite light and disappeared in the light instantly.

"Lord Satan, we are trying to serve you, why..."

The voice full of disbelief had not yet finished speaking, and then disappeared into the light.

The man kneeling on one knee was bathed in this light, like an angel who had received divine grace. The entire hall was filled with infinite light. There was no longer the darkness before, only holiness and solemnity, just like the Kingdom of God and the realm of God.

The deep darkness still sat high on the throne, but beside him was emitting infinite pure white light, illuminating the entire hall and even outside the hall, as bright as the sun and as bright as a god.

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