The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 237 Man and Superman

There is only pure white in the dazzling temple. Any filth will be burned by the white flames, and the source of all this brilliance sits high on the divine throne, solemn and solemn.

Even Cain has never seen this scene, but he once heard his father talk about it...

Crystal Sky.

In the extremely distant past, God shaped angels, and angels shaped the entire heaven. There is an angel stationed in each heaven of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, and above the seventh heaven is the crystal sky where God lives. , the original core of the universe.

"It is a pure white world, without any uncleanness. There, the pure white light is the white flame, which will burn everything. Even the archangels will have their physical bodies burned away, and they will only be seen with pure spiritual matter. god……"

Adam, who has a thick beard, tells his children about the heaven in a leisurely manner...

Memories flowed through his heart like water, but that heart was just cold iron stone, without any fluctuations. He just silently lowered his head again and did not look at the dark figure again.

Above, the dark thing emitting infinite brilliance sat high, seemingly holding something in its hand.

"Human beings... Even for me, that's a very far away thing..."

A low voice sounded.

None of the monsters understood what the man said. Not only were the monsters once human, but even this dark thing was once human.

This is not a secret, because the dark things have not deliberately concealed this, but only a very few people know that the enemy of God, Satan, once had a past about human beings, although it was only a period compared to its long experience. A brief to insignificant experience, and Cain was one of the very few.

We are human too.

This sentence is exactly what is said to the darkness that sits high.

As for what the man said, the darkness sitting high was just noncommittal and did not make any response after a long time.


Listening to that voice, the man who was half-kneeling on one knee lowered his head and answered calmly.


"Have you seen this Superman story?"

Unexpectedly, the darkness did not mention what had just happened to the man, but just said inexplicably. Its voice seemed to be that of a woman, with some indescribable sense of majesty.

As he said that, the darkness casually threw the things in his hands to the man's side.


It's not an ancient artifact or a treasure engraved with runes, but a thin comic book. The cover depicts a strong man wearing a blue tights and a red cloak behind him. His face is resolute, overlooking the entire world below him, with the bright moon behind him.


The man lowered his head and replied calmly.

All living creatures around him will die. If he reaches out to flowers, they will wither. If he touches the trees, they will rot. The ground under his feet will become deserted. Even stones will look like they have lasted for thousands of years. Wind and frost generally disintegrate.

This is one of the curses that gave him the ability to become immortal. It was like there was an invisible boundary around him, blocking almost everyone. Even the powerful monsters were no exception to this boundary, and the monsters did not dare to rely on it. He's too close. For a long time in his life, there was always only one woman by his side, and a long time ago, the only woman who was not afraid of his curse also died.

After that, he wandered alone on the earth for countless years. At most, he occasionally talked to a few people. He never had personal contact with any civilization creation, let alone read any comics.

"Speaking of which, this seems to be a story I read when I was a human. Is it a specious world after all?"

As he said that, the dark thing sitting high chuckled, seeming to be caught up in long-distant memories.

"This is an interesting story. It tells the story of a human god who possesses God's omniscience, God's omnipotence, and God's omnipotence, but lives like a mortal and takes place in the mortal world."

"He has power that surpasses everyone else, wisdom that surpasses everyone else, and kindness that surpasses everyone else. He is called 'Superman', a person who surpasses humans. His heart is filled with divinity that is not like humans. , in all the stories, he is more like a god than a man. He could have been a savior and could have changed the whole world, but he failed to do it..."

"Yin, why do you think this is?"

Darkness leaned back slightly and leaned on the throne. A pair of cold eyes vaguely opened on the blurry figure, looking down at the half-kneeling man at his feet.

The man half-kneeling on the ground in front of it listened calmly, as if thinking for a while, and finally shook his head.

Darkness grinned and laughed inexplicably.

"Because he is human."

"I still vaguely remember how I felt when I was a human. I followed the morals described by mortals, was diligent and kind, tried not to hurt others, and got along well with everyone. People said that I was an upright and good person."

"I still remember how I felt at that time. The little bugs felt that they were very fragile, so they were full of fear of the world and fear of death. In order to resist beasts, diseases, and this unpredictable world, they tried to unite and fight against the unpredictable world. To govern this huge world of little bugs in the name of morality and law.”

"This is not wrong. After all, the little bugs are too weak. Only by uniting can they create a better future..."

The deep female voice unexpectedly did not belittle the little bugs in its mouth, but gave a few rare words of praise. She looked down at the man in front of her, her black hole-like pupils shrinking inexplicably.


"How can the rules of the little bugs be imposed on us?"

The voice became colder.

"More than a hundred years ago, when I was still sealed, a mortal picked up the statue where I was sealed. His name was Nietzsche. Yin, have you seen him?"


When faced with the words of the dark thing, the man replied calmly.

"He once said that there have always been two moral systems among human beings. One is slave morality, which requires tolerance, mercy, tolerance, kindness, and takes good and evil as moral principles; the other is master morality, which requires reason, calmness, and Be decisive and use pros and cons as your moral code.”

"Kind people are not necessarily beneficial, and kind people can also do bad things because of impulse; and cold and cruel people are not necessarily harmful, and cold politicians can also benefit people. Slave morality requires people to not harm others as a moral However, in the eyes of the master's morality, it may be a very stupid thing. If a king chooses to surrender because he cannot bear to kill the enemy, causing his own people to be brutally killed, will people think that he is a good person? No, people I just think he is stupid, but he is obviously trying not to hurt others."

"The ancient Viking kings were proud of their coldness of heart, because their heart was as cold as stone, which proved their calmness and rationality."

"Slave morality is a requirement for ordinary people, because for ordinary people, as long as they do not harm others, they are already good people. But for the strong, they have great strength and wisdom and they still pursue slave morality. It’s nothing short of stupid.”

“The morality of slaves and the morality of masters, the two are repeatedly intertwined, and they jointly construct the entire history of mankind...”

"A weak person who tries to have master morality will only bring disaster to himself, but a strong person who follows slave morality will also bring disaster to himself."

Looking down at the man at his feet, his pupils slowly expanded.

"Yin, you know, the god who transformed into an insect is very similar to this superman. It has almost omnipotent power and omniscient wisdom. Until the end when I defeated it, its power was actually far superior to mine, but It still lost, why? Because it became more and more human-like."

"It is a good god who was born in compliance with the wishes of mortals. It is a god who does no evil and is no longer omnipotent. But because of this, it has trapped itself."

"Superman knows how to change the world. He also has such power and good intentions, but in the end, he is just as mediocre as other mortals. He can only fight crime and arrest criminals in vain, becoming a vigilante instead of changing The savior of the world. His kindness allows him to pity and sympathize with mortals, but his kindness also constrains him. He is unwilling to do anything that tarnishes his kind heart, and is unwilling to do those things in his eyes in order to change the entire world. Evil things.”

"Has the power of God, but has the heart of a human, surpasses humans but still follows the human way of thinking. He is called Superman, but he is still a human...hehehe, this is a little bug."

He commented with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Accompanied by deep laughter, the God who radiates infinite light and heat? magic? Standing up from the throne, her dark purple lips, dark pupils, and overly beautiful naked body only made people feel deeply terrified.

In the peripheral vision, that glorious and dazzling body cast a huge shadow, covering the man's body.


Along with the sound of footsteps, that too powerful and too beautiful life was walking towards the half-kneeling man.

" betrayed me, right?"

The deep voice said.

The man, who was always silent, was half-kneeling, but his fingers seemed to move slightly unconsciously.

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