The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 241 Passing away

At sunset.

At the seaside, the afterglow of the setting sun fills the beach, the breeze blows, and the man sits on the beach looking at the sunset. The woman lies in the man's arms, and the man holds her in his arms, his face neither sad nor happy.


The waves were rolling, and not far away, there was the faint cry of seagulls.

The woman's face was pale, and she leaned tiredly into the man's arms. Her eyes seemed to be open and closed, and she could vaguely see the pale golden sunset shining in her eyes. Those eyes were extremely beautiful, like the rainbow light after the rain or the morning dew. The brilliance of that moment was better than ten thousand years of silence. soul.

She didn't speak, she just looked quietly at the sunset at the end of the sea and sky. The sunset that was about to disappear was blooming with its greatest brilliance. The broken gold covering the sea, the bright red sunset that burned half of the sky, everything was so beautiful. Beautiful.

He raised his slender neck slightly and stared at the beautiful scene.

"How beautiful."

The woman praised softly.

She loves all the beautiful things and always carefully protects them.

She likes the morning glow, the colorful clouds, the lake light, and the bright moon; she likes the beautiful arc of the mountains arching the ground; she likes the whispering insects in summer; she likes the refreshing fragrance of vegetation when lying on the grass; The towering mane and majestic posture of the lion when it raises its head reminds her of her father; she likes the heart-shaking thunder in the sky, and the sound of thunder always gives her a sense of security in her still ignorant memory.

There is so much beauty in the world.

She wanted to be like before again, not knowing her identity or her future, just running freely on the earth tirelessly. After waking up every day, I will be full of energy to chase the stars in the sky and the distant sky pillars. Even though she didn't know how far away the stars were from her at that time, nor could she understand the meaning of the pillars supporting the four poles of the earth, she was so happy at that time.

But now, she no longer has the ability to do so.


the woman said.


The man responded numbly.

"Don't blame them. They are good kids and attacking me was not their intention."

Looking at the slowly setting sun, nestled in Yin's arms, the woman said softly.


"Don't leave them either. They just made some small mistakes. I was the only one who was expelled. As long as you continue to guide them, those smart children will be able to create many wonderful things."


The wooden voice sounded again.

"And... don't blame dad. I know, it's actually very good,"

This time, there was no sound.

As if the woman didn't notice anything strange around her, she closed her eyes tiredly, lying in the man's arms and talking slowly.

"It's just missing one thing..."

One thing is missing.

In a woman's eyes, her father is just missing something.

After saying that, the woman was silent for a while and murmured in a low voice.

"Actually, sometimes I envy Mona. She obeys her father's orders wholeheartedly, serves her father at all times, and is trusted by her father. But I will only be disliked by her."

"Many times, I have imagined this scene: I stand in front of it, and it caresses my cheek and smiles at me. In that fantasy, the sun is very warm, and its hands are also warm. But it has never treated me Laughed... never."

Feeling a little disappointed as she spoke, she quietly looked at the dazzling sunset in front of her. Suddenly, a smile appeared on her face.

"But I know that I can't be like Mona, I can't be so obedient. I am very willful, I will talk back and refute, and I will never do what it wants, so I will always be just a person in its eyes. Disobedient daughter..."

"Yin, promise me not to blame it, let alone hate it. Help it, and if you can, one day find for me what it has lost, okay?"

Crash, turbulent waves crashed onto the shore.

After a long time, a wooden voice sounded.


A faint smile appeared on the pale face, and eyes as pure as glass and as dazzling as flames looked at the man in front of him. His face was dull and indifferent, as if he was indifferent to everything.

But in the eyes of women, both Yin and her father are very similar, but they are both missing something.

Its father had no heart, and Yin's heart no longer beat.

She reached out her hand and gently stroked his face. The soft hand touched it very carefully, as if she wanted to take this face deeply into her heart little by little.

Until then, the woman who had shown no fear of life and death showed some reluctance. She liked this world, this world full of life, and she also liked taking out the green Cain from the lungs of the Earth Dragon.

The tide surged, and at the end of the sea and sky, the dazzling sunset gradually dimmed, leaving only shallow golden edges on the sea.

The woman lay in the man's arms and slowly closed her eyes.

"Yin, I'm a little cold."

Where the sea meets the sky, the setting sun disappears in the last pale golden afterglow.

On the dead beach, there was no more golden light shining, only the cold sea breeze blowing gently. The woman lay quietly in the man's arms, making no sound anymore, and the man's expression was dull and unwavering.


The sea water is still lapping at the coast, and it will always be so for thousands of years.

In her arms, the woman's body had become cold, but the man's face remained unchanged. From beginning to end, there was no ups and downs on his face, he just silently hugged this cold body.


Pain, bitterness, unwillingness, despair, resentment... As his heart beat again, these emotions that he couldn't feel at the beginning surged into his heart, and his new heart felt like it was about to be torn apart.

Sad, painful, how could it be so painful.

The heart beating again allowed Cain to see the world clearly, but the emotion that surged into his heart made Cain want to tear his chest apart and dig out the heart.

"Kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!!!"

He crawled on the ground with difficulty, huge pain surged in his heart, his eyes that had healed again were bloodshot, ferocious, full of resentment, and he roared instinctively.

Cain, who had always remained indifferent and rational from beginning to end, was now as hysterical as the craziest beast.

But at this moment, a big foot suddenly fell down and stepped on Cain's palm, directly crushing the unhealed finger skin.


Severe pain came, causing Cain to cry out in pain, but instead of closing his hand, the big foot repeatedly crushed Cain unhurriedly, as if he was deliberately torturing Cain.

"Hmm...this kind of scream, this kind of painful scream, Yin, I have wanted to hear this kind of scream from you for a long time."

A huge shadow cast over Cain.

The god-like dazzling figure put its hands to its ears, closed its eyes and listened, as if it was listening carefully to the screams coming from below. The screams were like the most beautiful music to its ears. generally.

Dark purple lips curled up.

"Hmph, hehehe, hahahahahahaha... wonderful, it is so wonderful, it is such a sound that makes me feel comfortable. Yin, it is indeed the right thing to remove your curse, otherwise how could I hear such a beautiful sound? Woolen cloth."

It was low at first, then the laughter gradually increased, and finally it was filled with an inexplicable sense of joy and comfort.

Facing the wild laughter, Cain just gritted his teeth, couldn't stop sweating, and tried his best to keep silent.

"Yin, I really admire you. You and I are indeed very similar. I promised you the opportunity to follow me, but you refused because of that trivial insect feeling?!"

The originally calm voice suddenly became violent and kicked Cain on the ground.


The huge force instantly kicked Cain away and hit the stone wall, causing Cain's injury, which was already vomiting blood, to worsen again.

Perhaps, compared to Cain's rejection, Cain, who was supposed to be loveless and desireless, was affected by that bit of insect emotion that came from nowhere, which made the figure even more unhappy.

Because they are so similar, Cain is indeed very similar to it. But it is precisely because of this that it becomes more and more dissatisfied. Isn't this a disguised way of saying that he may also become such a weak insect?

Ha, how is this possible?

But even the figure himself may not have noticed, or maybe he knew and didn't care, that this body was mixed with the heart of a saint. Although this heart does not belong to it, it is just a host, but the possession of it at the moment seems to have a slight impact on it, making it more violent. At least in the past, it never took pleasure in abusing its own food. .

Cain was lying on the ground, vomiting blood, and his wounds were healing with difficulty.

Without the curse, his heart beats again and his emotions are restored, but he is no longer immortal. Although his body is still very strong, he will die here sooner or later if he continues like this.

Beside him, the darkness cast by him once again enveloped him.

A superior god? magic? He was looking down at him, looking down at this little bug lying on the ground.

"How does it feel to kill Lily."

Breathing hard, Cain, who had already realized that he was about to die, suddenly asked a seemingly unrelated question.

It seemed that he was a little surprised by Cain's question at this moment. The figure thought for a moment and then answered.

"Huh? It feels like... Haha, it doesn't really feel like anything. Is there any special feeling when killing a little bug?"

Dark purple lips sneered.

On the ground, following the figure's words, Cain's pupils were terrifyingly cold.

"Huh, I'm tired of playing this little game before waking up. Let's end it like this."

It's time for this little game to end. And when it ends, the officially awakened Orochi will change the universe again, and it is time for the gambling game that has lasted for thousands of years to come to an end.

The hand slowly rises, and when it falls, everything will come to an end.

The corners of the dark purple mouth curled up. At this moment, it felt deeply relaxed and happy.

But that's it.

"I've been waiting...I've been waiting for an opportunity like this."

Suddenly, Cain, who was lying on the ground, suddenly spoke.


For some reason, the figure suddenly felt something was wrong.

"I have been waiting...waiting for this opportunity for you to completely relax your guard and underestimate the enemy. Now, I have waited for it!"

At the end of his words, there was a loud shout, and Cain's hand suddenly reached out to the figure's ankle.

The upright snake eyes suddenly shrank, and for some reason, the figure felt a huge sense of threat, as if Cain was planning to do something extremely threatening to himself.


No longer holding back, along with the rapid scolding, in an instant the entire world, and even the entire universe, slowed down and finally came to a standstill.

All things, regardless of time, space or matter, will bow before a more powerful will. This powerful consciousness can make all matter obey its orders and even stop moving.

In front of the figure, Cain also fell into stillness, with only his furious face.

Without holding back, with a slight thought, the body in front of him instantly shattered.

Without the impediment of the curse, even Cain, who could rival the last angel, could only be destroyed with a snap of his finger in front of a figure that possessed the power of both gods and demons. Just one thought and it will pass away naturally.

Maybe Cain was trying to do something just now, but in the final analysis, everything is a delusion in the face of absolute power.

But for some reason, even though everything has come to a standstill and Cain has died, the powerful sense of threat has become more serious.

"What's going on?"

The figure vaguely noticed that something was wrong, something very wrong, as if he had overlooked something extremely important, but what was that?

Something is wrong, very wrong, that is...


Suddenly, the figure finally broke through the invisible illusion, and in an instant, the illusion that originally bound the figure dispersed.

There was only darkness in front of him, as if someone had covered his eyes with his hands, and there seemed to be a soft body surrounding him behind him. In my ears, the female voice was talking.

"It's time for the kids to grow up."

This voice is very familiar. Tens of thousands of years ago, during the great flood, that voice also begged her Heavenly Father in the same way; but now, she covered her eyes and created illusions to blind herself.

When was it?

Perhaps the vision had existed from the moment Cain spoke.

She is a tiny phantom hiding in a human body, a tiny thing that doesn't even have a personality. She has always been in this mortal body from the beginning, but she is too small, so small that the figure has forgotten her.

But she does exist after all, and at some point, she gathered on this body and revealed her consciousness.

And now, she has shown a miraculous power that she has never shown before.

The illusion that can deceive the gods and demons does not exist at all, but what if this illusion is provided by the body to the gods and demons? This illusion is not realized by the figure at all, because this is what the mortal body it relies on tells it.

The eyes, ears, nose, touch, smell, all the senses of this mortal body are telling it illusions.

"I've been waiting...I've been waiting for an opportunity like this."

Perhaps as the illusion said, she has been waiting for such an opportunity, silently relying on a little bit of obsession, just to play a role at this moment, blinding the gods and demons who control everything.

And this moment was the only obsession she had waited for for who knows how many years, apart from her own wishes.

The smallest but most fatal chance for his children to break free from the shackles of gods and demons.

"You deserve to die!"

The illusion has been shattered. In one thought of the furious figure, the small obsession was easily erased. There seemed to be a female voice sighing in his ears.

"Monster who doesn't understand people's hearts..."

Reality finally appeared in front of it.

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