The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 242 The heart beats again

According to legend, Cain is the ancestor of vampires, but in fact Cain himself is not a vampire, because he is actually still a human being, but he is immortal under the power of the curse.

He created vampires and let them feed on his own children; he once pushed the snake-man civilization to the brink of destruction, but gave up for unknown reasons; facing the demon Satan, his attitude was even more aloof, and he personally participated in sealing Satan In his plan, he seemed to be an enemy of Satan, but after sealing Satan, he sat back and watched the sculptures circulate in the world. Even when Satan was about to break the seal, he just did it casually and did not seem to have a strong will to be hostile.

There are all kinds of contradictions in him, but maybe... these are never contradictory.

Reality returns again.

The body is boiling, and the reason for the boiling is the hand that tightly grasps its ankle. That hand is greedily sucking its blood. The endless supply of divine blood is being snatched away by a despicable thief.

Its power is very powerful, incredibly powerful, but it also has an extremely inconspicuous weakness.

Divine blood.

Worldly power cannot carry the heart at all. Its power is entirely based on this body with divine blood. Because it is a body with divine blood, it can withstand even such a powerful force, but what if the divine blood disappears?

Then, the fragile human body will not be able to carry such powerful power and will, and will collapse on its own.

In an instant, everything seemed to connect together.

Perhaps that little obsession joined forces with Cain a long time ago. They had been waiting for an opportunity, and this opportunity made them wait.

But... is this really enough?

Feeling the constant loss of power in his body, even if he faced the possibility of unexpected failure, his voice was not angry but smiling.

"Is this the little bug's struggle?"

The big foot suddenly kicked Cain on the ground.

Even though the divine blood in his body is being constantly plundered, the owner of the voice is confident enough that in just one millisecond, or even no millisecond, Cain, who has turned back into a mortal, will die in his own hands.

Cain was on the verge of death at this moment, and all his strength was trying to steal the divine blood from the figure as much as possible. It was impossible for him to have any remaining energy for defense.

Even though he managed to find a glimmer of opportunity with his persistent efforts, and seemed to be just a glimmer away from victory, but in the face of that powerful force, everything seemed to be coming to an end. The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak. How can a bug overthrow an elephant?



The big foot that was raised hit an obstacle that shouldn't exist.

"Originally I didn't plan to take action, but you pushed too hard and there was nothing I could do. I just wanted to protect myself."

An old, strange voice sounded. The language the voice spoke was not any language in the world today, but the long-lost Atlantis language, but the two people who happened to be present could understand it.

Looking at what was in front of him, his erect pupils showed deep surprise.

In front of its powerful and heavy feet, a small fish covered with scales blocked it with its body. This fish is very small, even small for an ornamental fish, but there is a certain human vicissitude and cunningness in its pupils.

Time returns to 1518 again.

"There are many gods between heaven and earth, but the ancient gods who still remain in this abandoned world...maybe you are the only one."

In the ancient temple, the brilliant statues and decorations of the past have disappeared, leaving only the ruins and the pools of water that can be seen everywhere. In front of one of the pools of water, the old man bowed down.

This is a very strange scene. There are only some aquatic plants and small fish in the pond, but the old man's attitude is extremely solemn, so solemn that he seems to be paying tribute to the statue of a god.

There was no change in the pond water, and the small fish swam around unconsciously, but the old man just continued to bow his head for a while.

"Although it has been a long time and I have been in contact with you several times, I still can't understand why you humans have such strong desires? Racial reproduction, knowledge, rights, you want everything. You can't be as loud as me. Go to sleep and eat some water plants when you wake up, isn’t that good?”

Suddenly an old voice sounded.

Beside the pool, a very small fish surfaced, its lips opening and closing, its pupils helpless. The size of these small fish in the pond is already very small, but the size of this small fish is extremely small even among its own kind.

However, this seemingly inconspicuous little fish may be one of the most powerful creatures from the mythical age left.

This little fish is so inconspicuous that almost no one knows of its existence since the age of mythology, but there are also very few intelligent species that have accidentally come into contact with it, thus leaving records.

"The leisurely leisure of gods is not something that we mortals can enjoy. We are born, old, sick and die, so naturally we can only work for these."

The little compliment didn't make the fish react, and it shook its head.

"I already know what you want, and I also want to help you. After all, if it really wakes up, the world will be destroyed. But this is impossible, human beings, you will not understand its power. , it’s impossible to stop it.”

"You don't need to confront it head-on. I just hope you can take action at the most critical moment."

The old man bent down and begged humbly.

Beside the pool, the little fish was spitting bubbles, and his pupils seemed to be thinking about something.

"What do you want from me?"

"Please wait for me for five hundred years..."

The erect pupils were filled with rage, ferocious and terrifying.

"Just a few little bugs...just a few little bugs!"

Accompanied by an angry roar, the big hand made a knife shape and suddenly fell down.

Without any pause at all, Xiaoyu, who was still acting inscrutable at first, instantly opened a space-time rift and fled directly.

Just by daring to come here, it must have mustered up the courage and taken a big risk.

No one knows better than it how terrifying this guy is. If it hadn't realized that when it wakes up, it might not be able to gnaw water plants and sleep, so it doesn't intend to fight it and will only hide as far away as possible. How far.

Taking that kick was already too much for it to bear, so let the human deal with the rest.

The little fish disappeared, and the target of the knife became Cain on the ground, but...

"It's too late."

A deep male voice sounded.

In front of the erect snake eyes, a big hand suddenly appeared and grabbed the knife tightly. His strength was so great that it even forced the hand to retreat.

Standing snake pupils, round human pupils, two pairs of pupils looking at each other, one furious, the other fearless.

Although it only delayed for a moment, it was enough for Cain to seize enough divine blood. At this moment, one-third of the divine blood on the figure has been taken away. There is something wrong with the divine blood body that is the basis of the power. The originally flawless power is no longer perfect.

Looking into those eyes, the figure felt deeply uneasy.

Not only because of the divine blood that was taken away, the divine blood itself does not mean anything. Even if Cain takes away the divine blood, he cannot use it, and only relying on two-thirds of the divine blood is enough to maintain his strength, although some Danger doesn't matter.

But it's too much of a coincidence, too much of a coincidence.

That obsession accidentally blinded his perception, and the fish blocked him urgently again. It all seemed too coincidental. It vaguely felt as if it had fallen into a huge trap.

The vigilance in his heart increased sharply, and he no longer hesitated, it roared.

"All things must obey my will. Time, stop for me!"

In an instant, time seemed to slow down.

The blazing hot wind, the surging lava, the changing light and shadow, and all tangible and intangible things gradually stopped.

After possessing the power of both gods and serpents, the figure's power has reached an incredible level. This power is different from God and Orochi, and seems to be a more perfect power than the two original bodies. At least in the past, although its power was strong, it could not shatter the stars with just one look.

It has nothing to do with power. Although its power was countless times greater than the stars in the past, it was also derived from the power of its own powerful body. But this power that combines the power of gods and demons can control everything at will without any sense of stagnation.

The wind is like this, thunder is like this, the sky and the earth are like this, and even stars, black holes, space-time heat energy, and the four basic forces are like this.

Will can override this material world. This universe, which spans trillions of light-years, is huge, but it must also be subject to the control of this ancient will.

The universe is like this, let alone a mortal.

In front of the figure, the bloody human being slowed down along with the slowness of all things, and finally stopped.

His pupils were still full of fearlessness, and his hands were clenched into fists, as if he was about to deliver a fatal blow to his opponent. But everything is over. What binds it is not only its own body, but also the four basic forces, the structure of space and time, and even the entire static universe.

Everything has chosen to be still. If you want to move in this static universe, then use the power that can resist the entire universe.

The corners of his mouth curled up.

Sure enough, the final victory still belongs to it.

But the next moment, in the midst of its astonished gaze, the fist suddenly moved, aimed at its face, moved it fiercely, and then hit its face.


First there was pain, unprecedented pain. This mortal body has a healthy texture and nerve transmission system, and the severe pain on the cheek is also faithfully transmitted to the figure's consciousness. Then there was a burst of dizziness, and the feeling that something was twisting in the mouth. Even though the world had stopped, the figure seemed to still be able to hear the sound of teeth breaking.

This time, it was injured and lost more divine blood.

"It can't can't be like this..."

How could this be possible? How could anyone move in this static world?

But it seems to have forgotten that someone had done this a long time ago...

"Even if you can command everything to stop, there is one thing that you cannot command, and it has always been like this... From the beginning to the end, you cannot command it, because you are a careless monster."

The voice sounded.

In his ears, the figure could vaguely hear the voice coming from the body on the opposite side.


It was the sound of a heart that had been awakened by its own hands beating again.

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