Yi Yuntian shook his head and said: "It's probably not realistic. Just like the Shen Dao Gang, they were secretly willing to exchange high-level star plants with us. They wanted to learn the master's tiger-shaped fist, but the master didn't agree."

Chen Ran smiled and said: "That's because the Shen Dao Gang and we are in the same county and have a conflict of interest, so we won't sell it to them, but if it's an outsider, maybe we will sell it."

Yi Yuntian was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Young brother, what you said makes sense. I'll go back and discuss it with the master when the time comes."

Chen Ran took Yi Yuntian and Zhang Qing into the banquet hall.

In the banquet hall, guests gathered at this moment, and almost all the prominent forces in Yingguang County sent people to attend.

Hong Tao sat at the top table, and there were eight unfamiliar faces accompanying him at that table.

The eight people were uniformly dressed and all wore mink hats. They looked completely different from the locals.

Chen Ran glanced around and found that sitting next to the alliance leader Hong Tao was a middle-aged man in black with a unibrow.

This man looked very majestic, actually sitting in the main seat, and his eyes were scanning the crowd at this moment.

Hong Tao smiled and said: "Brother Zheng, let me introduce the guests to you!"

The unibrowed man nodded and followed Hong Tao around.

Hong Tao led the middle-aged men in black to introduce them one by one.

After a while, the man in black arrived in front of Chen Ran.

When Hong Tao saw Chen Ran, he was stunned for a moment. He had certainly seen Chen Ran before, but he couldn't remember his name for a while.

Chen Ran took the initiative and said: "I am Chen Ran, the leader of the Tiger Roar Hall of the Kowloon Clan. I have met this senior."

The man in black frowned slightly, seemingly dissatisfied, and turned around to leave.

Chen Ran, Yi Yuntian and Zhang Qing all looked confused.

Zhang Qing said: "Junior brother, what's going on with this guy? He seems to be angry. We haven't offended him, right?"

Chen Ran shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Yi Yuntian scolded: "What bird people? No expedition team has come to our county in the past, who is more powerful than them? As soon as they come, the alliance will host a banquet, and all of us will be required to attend. We are here to give face to the alliance leader. , I really treat myself like an onion!"

"Brother Zheng, why are you so depressed?"

Hong Tao also noticed the man in black's displeasure and immediately stepped forward to ask.

Hong Tao was in awe of this expedition team, mainly because he had seen people from this expedition team take action before, and their strength was terrifying!

And it wasn't the leader named Zheng Xianyuan who took action.

He estimated that the strength of this group of people was very terrifying. If they were offended, they would run away after committing mischief in Yingguang County, and no one could stop them.

The man in black frowned and said: "Leader Hong, I came here to make friends with the masters of your Yingguang County. Let's all make friends and exchange some good treasures."

"But you are not sincere enough! Are you asking some brat to deal with me?"

"If I had known this was the case, there would be no need to hold this reception."

Hong Tao smiled helplessly and said: "Brother Zheng, you also know that I am just an ordinary bad old man. Thanks to the people of Yingguang County, they elected me as the leader of the alliance, but I really have no binding force on them."

Zheng Xianyuan sneered and said, "Forget it! Just open the eyes of these indigenous people who look down on us."

Zheng Xianyuan stood up, looked around, and said loudly: "Everyone, please be quiet!"

Zheng Xianyuan didn't roar this time, but he was so powerful that he instantly overwhelmed the entire audience.


Chen Ran stared at Zheng Xianyuan at the next table, his eyes slightly stern.

Zheng Xianyuan said loudly: "I am Zheng Xianyuan, the captain of our Xianyuan expedition team. I am very happy that everyone can welcome me today."

"To express my gratitude, I sent a member of my team to compete with everyone."

Zheng Xianyuan said to a woman next to him: "Yingxue, get out of the queue!"

The woman immediately stood up and walked to the field.

Zheng Xianyuan said: "This is the weakest in our team. His name is Cheng Yingxue, an intermediate martial artist."

"For anyone here who can defeat her, I have a bottle of repaying ointment mixed with six healing star plants as a gift."

Zheng Xianyuan took out a bottle of black ointment and chuckled: "This is the original ointment. It can be swallowed internally or applied externally. No matter what kind of injury you suffer, it can basically heal!"

As soon as Zheng Xianyuan said these words, everyone in the hall was shocked.

"This expedition team is so crazy! They actually sent a woman to challenge us? Are you saying she is the weakest in their team?"

"Yes! They are so arrogant, do they really think that there is no one in our Yingguang County!"

"Repay the ointment!"

Chen Ran stared at the ointment in Zheng Xianyuan's hand, thoughtfully.

"Okay! I'll challenge you!"

On the Yingguang County side, a person immediately stood up.

This person is a man who looks to be in his early thirties.

"Master Fu has taken action!"

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and hoped that Gang Leader Fu would teach this arrogant expedition a lesson.

"This young gang leader Fu's name is Fu Chen. He is the young gang leader of the Iron Blood Gang. His strength is said to reach 14,000 kilograms. He, Lei Qiandao, and Hao Tong are known as the Three Heroes of Yingguang. They are the most powerful among the younger generation. Three strong people.”

"Of course, he is still under Lei Qian Dao, who is the undisputed number one."

Yi Yuntian next to him knew that Chen Ran didn't know him, so he immediately introduced him to Chen Ran.

Fu Chen came on stage, and the woman named Cheng Yingxue also came off.

Cheng Yingxue is very good-looking and has a great figure. She has long legs and extremely white skin. She wears a mink hat on her head and doesn't look like she's good at martial arts.

"Little sister, be careful I can destroy the flowers with my cruel hands!"

Fu Chen laughed loudly and slapped Cheng Yingxue's chest with both palms.

Everyone clapped their hands and applauded when they saw this.

Facing Fu Chen's dirty tricks, Cheng Yingxue's pretty face turned cold.

Her fists also flew out, and she clashed with Fu Chen very simply and directly.


Fu Chen was knocked several steps away and was at a disadvantage.

Everyone was surprised.

What was even more shocking was Fu Chen himself.

He looked down at his arms and felt a little chilly.

"Xiao Niangpi, let me give you a move, and then my brother will use all his strength! Just bear with it!" Fu Chen was naturally unruly and killed Cheng Yingxue again.

Bang bang bang!

The two exchanged dozens of moves in an instant.

Fu Chen's movements could be seen to the naked eye to have slowed down a bit.

The power of the two men's fight also filled the whole place.

"Junior brother, third senior brother, do you feel a little cold?"

Zhang Qing crossed his arms and said.

Yi Yuntian nodded and said: "It's a bit cold. I guess the air conditioner is turned on low. I heard that the alliance leader has old world air conditioners."

Chen Ran stared at Cheng Yingxue closely, seeming to be observing something.

After about twenty moves, Fu Chen was seized by Cheng Yingxue and hit on the chest with a palm. Blood spurted out on the spot and he flew backwards.

Suddenly, there were boos all around.

"I, Lei Qian Dao, would also like to ask Miss Cheng for some tips!"

At this moment, Lei Wuji stood up.

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