For the next month, Chen Ran's daily life was very peaceful.

Something happened in the middle, that is, Chen Ran's 19th birthday arrived.

From now on, I can no longer tell anyone that I am eighteen years old.

During the period, the Kowloon Gang sent another elder to investigate the three-leaf blood tree in the misty forest, but the elder never returned.

There was an uproar within the gang at that time.

Gang leader Song Shenlong was about to take action personally, but finally gave up due to the dissuasion of Shi Hongyan and Lu Wei.

The Misty Forest was classified as a strange place by the Kowloon Gang.

There are actually many places like this, and they usually lead to no return and are very dangerous.

In addition, mutated beast meat is still sold in the outer city, but no one dares to sell it openly.

Moreover, the side effects of eating mutated beast meat also became apparent, and the poor people in the outer city finally knew that they couldn't eat it.

The price of mutated animal meat has dropped to even lower than that of food.

Except for some poor people who are desperate and about to starve to death, no one will buy it.

Chen Ran didn't catch him again.

If you arrest them again, you will not be saving people, you will be harming them.

These days, it's good to be alive, no matter if he goes crazy or not.

Liu Lin of the Aries Gang was punished by Chen Ran, but nothing happened.

The Aries Gang is just a second-rate gang, and they don't dare to fight against the Kowloon Gang.

During this month, Chen Ran focused on "Inner Yang Gong".

He no longer regards strength breakthrough as his focus.

Because his current strength is completely exhausted.

Chen Ran has tested and found that the maximum strength he can exert should be 17,000 kilograms.

Beyond this amount, your internal organs will not be able to bear it.

And my [White Tiger] strength after transformation should be 20600KG.

This is easy to calculate. It is multiplied by 2 times in the ordinary human state.

If you add 60% of your tiger power, it would be terrifying!

It will reach the terrifying figure of 32960KG!

This is also the most extreme power that Chen Ran can unleash.

Of course, it was impossible for Chen Ran to unleash this kind of power.

If he punches like this, his internal organs will be shattered into powder in an instant!

"An outside expedition team came from the City Lord's Mansion and invited the forces in Yingguang County to send representatives to participate. I don't have time recently. You can go there on behalf of our Jiulong Gang!"

On this day, deputy gang leader Lu Wei found Chen Ran and handed him an invitation.

"The expedition outside?"

Chen Ran was very interested.

He immediately called his third senior brother Yi Yuntian and sixth senior sister Zhang Qing to head to the Dawn Alliance together.

At the gate of Dawn Alliance, many major forces were sending representatives to attend the welcome dinner of the expedition team.

Generally, expedition teams can bring a lot of news, such as another human gathering place, and even open up trade routes.

There are also some precious materials and so on.

At this time, there were gongs and drums, and someone was responsible for setting off artillery and fireworks, which was very lively.

"It stinks!"

Zhang Qing covered her nose, and the pungent smell of gunpowder made her frown.

Chen Ran didn't smell it.

His attainments in "Nei Yang Gong" are now becoming more and more advanced, and he is almost approaching the second stage of qi level.

Just like the lungs.

Normally, the respiratory rate of an adult is 12 to 15 times per minute.

But Chen Ran only breathes about three times a minute now.

Because of his long breathing, he didn't smell the gunpowder.

In addition, Chen Ran's heartbeat was much slower than normal people.

But the amount of blood transported in an instant is much more than that of a normal person!

"My internal organs have been greatly strengthened. I heard that the slower the heartbeat, the longer I live. I don't know if my life span has increased."

"There should be some growth, otherwise how can we call it health-preserving power?"

Chen Ran was very satisfied, which was also an unexpected surprise.

"Hey! Isn't this Hall Master Chen?"

As soon as Chen Ran walked into the gate of Dawn Alliance, he saw another young man in black clothes.

This man was carrying a big sword on his back, it was Lei Qiandao, the young leader of the Shen Sword Gang.

This person is also the undisputed number one among the younger generation in Yingguang County!

In fact, in a certain sense, his combat power ranks at least among the top ten in Yingguang County.

Because a senior martial artist cannot exert his full strength, and he is in his prime and at the peak of an intermediate martial artist, with a strength of nearly 15,000 kilograms.

"Lei Shao Gang Leader, do you have any advice?"

Seeing Lei Qiandao again, Chen Ran no longer took him seriously.

This so-called number one among the younger generation in Yingguang County is still a little inferior in front of him.

You should hit him with no more than three punches.

Lei Qiandao smiled coldly and said: "Hangzhu Chen is so well hidden! A few days ago, you seriously injured Liu Lin, the young leader of the Aries Gang. Liu Lin was an intermediate martial artist with a strength of ten thousand. Two thousand kilograms, I heard you hadn’t used your transformation powers yet.”

"You still dare to say that you are not a martial artist now?"

Chen Ran said: "I am a martial artist."

Lei Qiandao was stunned. He originally thought Chen Ran would quibble, but he didn't expect this guy to admit it directly!

Lei Qiandao narrowed his eyes and said, "Did you deliberately deceive everyone when you participated in the life-and-death battle?"

"Yes!" Chen Ran looked around casually.

Lei Qiandao was shocked, and immediately caught up with Chen Ran, and said loudly: "The life and death battle clearly stipulates that only martial arts disciples can participate in the battle, but you pretended to be a martial artist! That battle is unfair and must be canceled! In addition, you We have to pay for the Yin and Yang swords of our Shen Sword Gang with their lives!"

Chen Ran was stunned, turned around and asked, "You want me to pay with my life? Now?"

Lei Qiandao knew that asking Chen Ran to pay for his life was unrealistic, so he sneered and said, "If you, the Kowloon Gang, are willing to take out the three-leaf blood tree as compensation, you can spare your life."

Chen Ran immediately said: "Okay! On behalf of the Jiulong Gang, I will give you the three-leaf blood tree as compensation."

Lei Qiandao was stunned, a little unbelievable.

"Do you want to tease me?"

Chen Ran said: "Have you heard of Misty Forest? Forget it, Third Senior Brother, go and help find a map."


Yi Yuntian knew that Chen Ran was going to trick Lei Qiandao, so he immediately went to the alliance and found a map.

Chen Ran marked the location of the three-leaf blood tree in the misty forest on the map, handed the map to Lei Qiandao and said, "The three-leaf blood tree is right here. If it's fake, go get it!"

Chen Ran immediately left with Yi Yuntian and Zhang Qing.

Lei Qiandao took the map and looked at it carefully, frowning.

The men behind him immediately stepped forward and said: "Young gang leader, be careful of fraud. How can there be any reason to give Xingzhi away directly? He probably marked it randomly and wanted our people to make a trip in vain."

Lei Qiandao looked at the place carefully and said thoughtfully: "No matter what, send someone to investigate first and then talk about it."

"As soon as we get back, we'll organize the manpower and go to the misty forest to investigate!"


Chen Ran and his party arrived at the entrance of the banquet hall.

Chen Ran unexpectedly saw three huge rhino-like beasts lying outside the banquet hall, attracting the attention of many people.

"I heard that this is the mount of the expedition team. It should be a one-horned rhinoceros. I heard that it is a junior beast."

"The expedition team is really amazing! They can actually subdue the beasts? What's the origin?"

Yi Yuntian's eyes lit up and he said: "We don't have this method to subdue beasts in Yingguang County. If our Jiulong Gang can obtain it, the benefits will be unimaginable!"

Chen Ran asked back: "Third Senior Brother, do you think we can buy a method to subdue beasts from this expedition team?"

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