"Brother Liu!"

"Brother Liu!"

Everyone was shocked. Liu Lin, the strongest among them, couldn't even block Chen Ran's punch?

Chen Ran sneered at the other seven people and said, "Do you seven want to go together, or are you going to be a coward?"

The seven people looked at Chen Ran hesitantly and then at Lou Conglong, the second most powerful deacon of the Feitian Gang.

Lou Conglong's expression changed slightly. He often fought against Liu Lin and knew Liu Lin's terrifying strength.

Since the Chen Ran in front of him can defeat Liu Lin with one punch, he is naturally close to the peak strength limit of 15,000 kilograms!

In other words, Chen Ran is a late-stage master of intermediate martial arts!

As an early intermediate martial artist, together with a few others, I wouldn't have much chance of winning.

Lou Conglong made no move, and others did not dare to make a move either.

Chen Ran smiled coldly and said, "Looks like he's going to be a coward!"

"Since you want to be a turtle with your head shrunk, then shrink your head for me! Next time you let me see you selling mutated beast meat, my iron fist will teach you how to be a good person!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Ran went downstairs and said to the two men of Hu Xiaotang: "Let's go!"

Downstairs, the two men from Hu Xiaotang who followed Chen Ran were named Chang Yuanrui and Liang Bo.

These two are both disciples of elders, but they are extremely talented. Now they are less than thirty and have become junior martial arts masters.

And Liang Bo was born in an outer city, and he got to where he is today step by step.

He witnessed Chen Ran standing up for the poor people in the outer city, and at this moment he injured Liu Lin.

He was shocked at Chen Ran's strength and at the same time admired Chen Ran's personality.

These days, there are too few people willing to stand up for the weak!

"Hall Master, if you hurt this Liu Lin, I'm afraid there will be some trouble later." Liang Bo couldn't help but remind him.

Chen Ran said calmly: "It doesn't matter, they are putting people's lives first. Even if this matter is brought to the Alliance, I will take care of it."

Liang Bo nodded and followed Chen Ran closely.

When Chen Ran was passing by the street, he saw Liu Lin lying on the ground and not dead.

Chen Ran secretly warned: "My power is too strong! I'd better keep it in check in the future."

Chen Ran's original intention was just to teach Liu Lin and the others a lesson, and he didn't really want to kill them.

If we really kill them, I'm afraid these gangs won't be able to sit still and will cause trouble for the Kowloon Gang.

When Chen Ran passed by him, Liu Lin's eyes were full of fear, fearing that Chen Ran would send him off again with a palm.

Chen Ran just glanced at Liu Lin and left directly.

Back at the Kowloon Gang, two of the second generations of Tiger Roar Hall had a fierce fight on the school field, while the second generations below set up a gambling table and bet on the outcome. The scene was very lively.

This is a new kind of fun for these second generation people. Even if Chen Ran locks them in the Kowloon Gang, they can always find ways to entertain themselves.

Chen Ran didn't stop him.

Chen Ran walked to the gambling table, picked up a young man's clothes like a chicken, and lifted him out.

"Xu Kun, you stole family money to gamble again?"

Chen Ran scolded the young man.

The young man's name is Xu Kun. He is only 15 years old this year. He is the son of an elder's concubine. He has been given a quota in Huxiao Hall to earn wages. He has never come to the Jiulong Gang in the past.

I came here recently because of Chen Ran's forced training. I was very repelled at first and felt that there was no hope for my future life.

But after hanging out for a few days, I found out that I could gamble, and there were many older brothers who talked nicely here. I suddenly felt so happy that I came here more often than anyone else every day, and even stole family money to gamble.

The elder refused and ran over to make a fuss, wanting his son to go back and play at home.

But I didn't expect that this guy would secretly come to train later, and the elders couldn't do anything, so they just left it alone.

"Master! Be gentle! Be gentle!"

Xu Kun quickly begged for mercy.

Chen Ran let go and asked coldly: "Where is Cai Zijia? Where has he been these days? Why hasn't he been here for several days in a row?"

Xu Kun winked and said, "I'm taking care of the little sister! That little sister is really beautiful, but she's a bit stupid."

Chen Ran frowned. Since Cai Zijia came back from the Misty Forest, she moved out of her home and went to the Jiulong Gang to look after Ab Yangqin.

"It's none of your business. Stop gambling and I'll cut off one of your hands!" Chen Ran frightened Xu Kun and immediately went to a residence within the Jiulong Gang.

It was a small private courtyard with a small area. It used to be reserved for the Kowloon gang members to live in.

Later, there were more and more gang members in Kowloon, and ordinary gang members were not qualified to live here.

Those who are qualified to live here, such as Chen Ran and other high-level officials, feel that this place is too shabby and far less comfortable than the villas assigned by the Kowloon Gang outside. Most of them have remained vacant.

A small part of it is inhabited, reserved for the families of high-ranking officials who sacrificed their lives for the Kowloon Gang.

Chen Ran found the small courtyard where Cai Zijia was watching Yangqin and walked in directly.

"Xiaoqin, be careful!"

In the yard, there is a swing.

At this moment, Cai Zijia was pushing the swing for Yang Qin, and the two of them were having a great time.

Yang Qin, who had always been like a puppet, had a rare smile on his face.

Seeing Chen Ran walk in, Yang Qin's expression suddenly became a little scared, and she quickly shrank behind Cai Zijia.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! This is my friend. Didn't I save you before? Don't you remember?" Cai Zijia consoled him.

"Save...save me?" Yang Qin seemed to think of some terrible memories in his mind. He quickly covered his head and said in horror: "No! Don't sacrifice me! No!!"

"Okay, okay! Xiaoqin, don't think about it! Look what is this?"

Cai Zijia quickly took out a gadget and diverted Yang Qin's attention.

Yang Qin gradually calmed down.

Chen Ran sat in the small courtyard and just observed the two of them.

Cai Zijia finally calmed down Yang Qin, then came over and poured Chen Ran a cup of tea.

Chen Ran asked: "Looking at Yang Qin's condition, she seems to be much better."

Cai Zijia smiled and said, "I took good care of them all."

Chen Ran nodded and said: "You do take good care of her, but why do I feel that you are interested in her? Haven't you always liked the auntie style? Do you like this one too?"

Cai Zijia dodged her eyes, glanced at Yang Qin who was playing with flowers and plants, and sighed: "I do like her a little. Although she is silly, she is very pure and clean, and she gradually becomes dependent on me. This kind of dependence and being The feeling of trust is something I have rarely experienced before.”

"Okay! I think you are attracted to someone purely because they look beautiful. If it were someone ugly, you might not be like this." Chen Ran revealed.

Cai Zijia was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I admit that what you said makes sense, but will it make you think that I am a superficial person?"

Chen Ran was speechless and asked again: "What does she mean by sacrifice?"

Cai Zijia shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but I heard her say it a few times."


Chen Ran narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Sacrifice? Is it that mysterious organization? Yang Shuhua even wants to sacrifice his sister?"

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