Chen Ran frowned slightly, he could naturally guess the origin of the animal meat.

The mutated beasts in Mingyue Lake will affect people if eaten.

But he couldn't control that much and left with two of his men.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! My son! You will be able to open up the Shenque acupoint soon. As long as you grab this kind of meat, you can open up the Shenque acupoint."

Chen Ran had just left the stall when he saw a white-haired woman, holding her son and hurried over.

The woman looked very old, but her actual age was probably not particularly old. It was probably due to the exposure to the wind and sun from the hard work all year round.

The boy with her was probably sixteen or seventeen years old.

The young man was wearing a cheap vest, his eyes were clear, and his face was also full of excitement.

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly, Chen Ran stopped.

When he saw the young man and the woman, he felt as if he had seen him before.

"Master, what's wrong?"

The two men looked at Chen Ran doubtfully.

Chen Ran walked to the stall with his hands behind his back.

"This little brother, do you want some cheap high-grade animal meat?"

"Our high-grade animal meat is very fresh. If it weren't for our master's birthday, we wouldn't normally sell it so cheaply."

The big man who sells meat immediately asked with a smile when he saw Chen Ran's bright clothes and being different from other poor people.

The poor people standing in the long queue at the back did not dare to accuse him of cutting in line.

Chen Ran kicked the meat stall and said in a deep voice: "From now on, when I see someone selling mutated meat, I won't kick the stall, but the person!"

"Fuck! Who the hell are you! I'm selling meat on our Aries Gang's territory, it's none of your business!"

Three big men immediately took out their meat knives and forced them to come over. One of them even slashed at Chen Ran's shoulder.

Chen Ran reached out and grabbed the man's knife. He held the man's knife in his hand with two fingers, unable to move forward at all.

"I am Chen Ran, the leader of the Tiger Roar Hall of the Kowloon Gang! Remember my name and get out!"

With a bang, Chen Ran kicked the big man away. The other two big men didn't dare to say harsh words after hearing the name.

He quickly carried his companions and fled in despair.

Chen Ran said to other people: "Those meats are mutated beast meat from Mingyue Lake. People who eat them will lose control of their emotions. Don't be fooled."

After saying that, Chen Ran left with two of his men.

Walking along the way, Chen Ran found that there were too many people selling this mutated beast meat!

People in the inner city generally have a higher level of awareness, and there are many gangs to help families avoid this kind of mutated meat.

But in the outer city, there are all ignorant and poor people with little culture and eager to get ahead, which makes this kind of mutated meat very popular.

Chen Ran overturned several stalls and led his men back to the inner city.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man came forward, stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, are you the leader of the Kowloon Gang, Chen Ranchen?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Chen Ran asked calmly.

The middle-aged man sneered and said: "Our young gang leader has admired Hall Master Chen for a long time. We are hosting a banquet at Mingyue Restaurant. Hall Master Chen must pay tribute to us."

Chen Ran said: "No time."

After saying that, Chen Ran left directly.

The middle-aged man immediately caught up and said sarcastically: "Hall Master Chen, you dare to kick our stall in the outer city, and now I invite you to a banquet, but you don't dare anymore. Are you really bullying the weak and afraid of the strong?"


Chen Ran slapped the middle-aged man in the face with his backhand. The middle-aged man was a high-level martial arts disciple. He was hit without even seeing his ear clearly, and three of his teeth were knocked out.

Chen Ran said coldly: "Lead the way!"

"Okay! Okay! Hall Master Chen has a good idea!"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, but did not dare to act rashly.

He knew Chen Ran's deeds. This guy could kill the Yin and Yang swords. He was a young genius in his own right, and he had at least the combat power of a junior martial artist.

He immediately took Chen Ran to Mingyue Restaurant.

At this moment, in Mingyue Restaurant, a group of second-generation gang members gathered here.

This group of second-generation gangs is mainly composed of the four major gangs: Aries Gang, Feitian Gang, Triad Gang, and Sihai Gang.

They, the second generation of the gang, basically received instructions from within the gang and secretly took the mutated meat to the outer city to sell.

People's lives in the outer city are like nothing, let alone losing control, no one will care even if they lose their lives after eating mutated meat.

The mutated meat had been selling well in the past, and the mutated meat caused the poor people in the outer city to rush to buy it.

But today, the stalls of many forces were kicked by Chen Ran from the Kowloon Gang!

"This Chen Ran is really crazy! Do you really think that if you take first place in a life-and-death battle, you will be the boss of Yingguang County and have to take care of everything?"

A young man in a suit sitting at the top sneered: "A life-and-death battle is just a group of warriors with no background. Who with the background and talent would risk their lives?"

"That's right, when that kid comes, we have to show him some color!"

"He is the leader of the Jiulong Gang and a direct disciple of Song Shenlong. Isn't that inappropriate?"

"Ha! What about the Kowloon Gang? The Kowloon Gang has been suppressing the Qingkui Gang very hard these days. They tricked Yang Mu into the wild and killed him, and imprisoned his sister Yang Qin in the Kowloon Gang to play around with. Who doesn't know? And they will also The Qingkui Gang's territory has been swallowed up, and everyone has long been unhappy with them!"

"The boy is here!"

From upstairs, you could see the street downstairs. When everyone saw Chen Ran coming, they immediately fell silent.

Chen Ran walked up to the second floor of Mingyue Restaurant with his hands behind his back.

He glanced around and saw that there was only one table on the second floor, and there were eight young people sitting there, both men and women, all dressed in fine clothes.

At this moment, a young man sitting in the main seat clasped his fists and sneered: "Hall Master Chen, I am Liu Lin, the young leader of the Aries Gang. I have long admired the name of Hall Master Chen!"

"I'm Lou Conglong, the deacon of the Feitian Gang!"

"I am Zhuo Wenhao, the Young Master of the Triad Association!"

"I'm Hu Qingzhi, the son of Hu Shan, the deputy leader of the Sihai Gang!"

Everyone reported their origins one after another, and at the same time looked at Chen Ran coldly, as if they wanted to see panic and stress on his face.

But it was a pity that Chen Ran actually laughed after hearing this.

Liu Lin, the young leader of the Aries Gang, said in a deep voice: "Why is Hall Master Chen laughing?"

Chen Ran smiled and said, "I'm laughing at you. You just take action when you see me unhappy. Are you still playing a house game here, pulling the tiger's skin and trying to suppress me?"

"But you are destined to make the wrong calculation. Not to mention you group of young men, even your father and the gang leader behind you are not enough to fight me. It is simply ridiculous!"

When everyone heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.


Liu Lin slapped the table and stood up immediately.

"What a crazy tone! Chen Ran, do you really think we dare not touch you today?"

Chen Ran spread his hands and said, "If you want to fight with me, I'll be happy to accompany you."

"Things that don't know how high the sky is, today I want to let you know what it means that there are people outside the world and there is a sky outside the sky!"


Liu Lin takes action!

He took a step forward, tapped his toes lightly on the dining table, and instantly jumped high into the air, swooping over like a wild goose.

He smashed his hands down, and the sound of air explosion suddenly sounded in the void.

This Liu Lin is not an ordinary person. He is the son of the leader of the Aries Gang, but he is actually the adopted son.

Because his martial arts talent is so powerful, he is regarded as his own by the leader of the Aries Gang, even more so than his own son.

Liu Lin is only twenty-five years old now, and his level has reached the level of an intermediate martial artist. The power of a punch can reach 12,000 kilograms!

When Chen Ran saw Liu Lin flying towards him, a sneer appeared on his lips.

In his human form, he superimposed 60% of the power of the tiger, and even the shock fist of Dzogchen was useless.

But this power is also very terrifying!

It should be noted that Chen Ran's current strength in human form is 10,300KG. Add 60% of the tiger's power, which is a full 16,480KG!


A terrifying tiger roar filled the entire floor, and there was a bang!

Liu Lin was actually knocked out from the second floor by Chen Ran's punch, and fell onto the crowded street outside. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

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