Liu Youlan found the body of a frozen monster in the underwater cave of the underground world, and through the frozen state of the monster, she judged that the material source of the giant monster's birth came from the shelter space that everyone has.

The people in the shelter space will become part of the monster, and the materials in the shelter space will become resources for the monster to grow.

Although this was only a guess through observation, Liu Youlan had not seen the transformation process with his own eyes, but with the idea that he would rather believe it or not, after discussion, everyone decided to rely on the shelter space as often as possible.

Supplies and items are stored in the outside world as much as possible to prevent them from becoming resources for the growth of monsters.,Unless it's necessary, stay in the outside world as much as possible to avoid turning into monsters in the space.。

And these have become the reason why the girls keep most of their belongings in the outside world, and usually live outside the sheltered space.

"That's it~"

Li Sili breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the reason why the girls didn't live in the shelter space, she was really worried that she would meet someone here who would not hesitate to kill people to expand her shelter space.

And it seems that the mermaid girl, who is the backbone of the backbone, has helped herself before, if she is the one who uses killing to expand the space, then it will be difficult for Li Sili to choose.

However, when it came to the fact that giant monsters grow through the materials in the sheltered space, Li Sili immediately thought of a very terrifying thing.

If Yoo Youlan's guess is true, then those who have discovered the way to widen the space and have already widened the shelter space, they have become monsters....

I thought of the roar of the giant thing that I heard when I first encountered the change of snow and rain in this world, and then I contacted what Uncle Miao Zhengming once said, and then I thought about the population of this world.

Li Sili could already imagine what kind of purgatory the world would be if the hidden dangers of these giant monsters broke out at a certain moment.

But now these are just conjectures and speculations, even if Li Sili trusts Liu Youlan, but this matter still needs to be confirmed in person to determine whether it is really as speculated, and whether there is anything missing.

"Liu Youlan, I want to go and see. Swallowing

the char siu from the self-heating claypot rice and mixing it with white porridge, Li Sili proposed her own idea to Liu Youlan.

"Lily, can't you call me sister?"

Liu Youlan complained when she heard Li Sili call her name, and then agreed to Li Sili's request.

"Okay! I'll take you there when you're rested, and then I'll set out from there to find the exit.

After about a night of sleeping in her arms, Li Sili, who woke up naturally, found that a shack had been set up in the place where she was supposed to rest.

Walking to the location where the girls had reserved for themselves, Li Sili found that the girls had prepared for themselves around the shack with living utensils for one person.

Inside, I lay on the towel-made bed, and after rolling around a few times and soaking in the comfort of the quilt rubbing against my skin for a few minutes, a familiar voice came from outside.

Looking out from the door, Liu Youlan was outside in a wheelchair at this time waving to Li Sili.

"Didn't you say you were going to see that thing? Now it's off!" and

Liu Youlan walked to the entrance and exit of the underwater passage, it seemed that because of the use of wheelchairs, Liu Youlan rubbed the wheelchair on the way to drift like a motorcycle, accelerated, and the golden rooster was independent, and after a while, he was waiting for Li Sili at the entrance and exit.

When Li Sili came to the entrance, she had jumped into the water impatiently, and then kept shaking her fish tail, and after Li Sili came over, she jumped up from the water and hugged Li Sili and fell into the water together.

Li Sili almost choked on this sudden attack, but fortunately, underwater breathing has formed an instinct, and after spitting out a bubble, Li Sili can breathe normally underwater.

Liu Youlan's sudden attack also seemed to want to confirm whether Li Sili was holding her breath or really being able to breathe underwater, and after seeing that Li Sili was not drowning because of her sudden attack, Liu Youlan let go of the hand that hugged Li Sili.

Now that Li Sili has proven her ability, Liu Youlan no longer needs to continue to do rescue actions at any time.

"Hold my hand!"

and using the ability to transmit the voice to her ears, Li Sili heard the other party's voice in her ears.

However, she didn't plan to ask Liu Youlan for help, and after waving her hand, Li Sili began to recall the water movement skills she had developed earlier.

After stepping on the two feet, the touch became like a silk stream because of the repulsion ability, and Li Sili quickly swept past Liu Youlan's side and rushed to the front of her.

And under Li Sili's constant swing of legs, her sliding speed became faster and faster, and after a while, she couldn't see Liu Youlan behind her.

However, Li Sili still underestimated the swimming speed of the mermaid too much after all, and after Liu Youlan reacted and began to accelerate the chase, Li Sili was caught up after a while.

Although Li Sili was a little unconvinced and kept accelerating, she was gradually thrown behind Liu Youlan under Liu Youlan's intentional acceleration.

"So little sister Lily, you can swim so fast! Originally, I was worried that you wouldn't be able to stand it if I was too fast, but now that I can swim so fast, I can also use my real skills. Grabbing

Li Sili's hand, Liu Youlan really used a faster speed as she said.

Driven by the fishtail that posed as an afterimage, Liu Youlan took Li Sili to swim through the long underwater passage as quickly as a hummingbird on land, shuttled through the complex and dangerous underwater stalactites, fell towards the underwater abyss, and found the entrance on the side of the stalactites that could not see the gap.

Under such rapid movement, Li Sili only heard the sound of water rubbing against herself in her ears, and all the scenes in front of her turned into lines.

Curious about how Liu Youlan confirmed the surrounding environment and action route at such a fast speed, Li Sili, who thought that this was the special ability of the mutant limb, reached out and patted Liu Youlan's back in a fast movement.


Liu Youlan, who was frightened by this sudden situation, stalled instantly, and then the two of them were stopped by the resistance of the water flow because they could not maintain a streamlined attitude.

In a hurry, Li Sili covered Liu Youlan with all her erosive ability, but before the action was made, Li Sili found that they had stopped, and her action just now seemed to be superfluous.

However, although the result was not serious, Li Sili still had to apologize for this incident, so she looked at Liu Youlan with an apologetic look, which made Liu Youlan feel that Li Sili was a little pitiful.

Liu Youlan, who has a lot of experience in underwater activities, knew that the situation just now would not cause any serious consequences, and she also guessed that Li Sili thought that the situation just now could have serious consequences.

So she changed the subject and asked something very important to her.

"Just... I feel... Little sister, will you be able to change my feet back?".

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