The previous experience of stealing underwater breathing ability from mermaids made Li Sili think that her stealing was very hidden, and she didn't expect to analyze the noise structure in Liu Youlan's body by touching it, and Liu Youlan immediately had such a big reaction.

Liu Youlan's reaction made the two stop walking, and just when Li Sili thought that the other party would be disgusted with her because of her actions, Liu Youlan did not mention what happened just now, but asked about something that Li Sili did not expect.

"Little sister Lily, can you turn my feet back?" Liu

Youlan's eyes were full of expectation when she said this, and Li Sili could see that the other party seemed to be very eager to turn her fishtail back into human legs.


Seeing Li Sili's nod and hearing the sound of the water in the water, Liu Youlan's expression was very happy, but then she thought of other things, so she could only stop her thoughts with a tangled face.

"Now is not the time to change back, at least until everyone is rescued. The

word in the water told Li Sili that she was also convincing herself that she would not be able to leave the river to contact the fear and irritability of other people when she returned to the ground, Liu Youlan shook her head vigorously and forced her mind to return to business.

No longer thinking about it, in case something happened to Li Sili, her fishtail could no longer turn back into a human leg, Liu Youlan clenched her left fist and stretched out her right hand to hold Li Sili.

"Lily, stop being naughty and do what we just did, let's do what we need to do first. No

longer showing off his speed in the water to Li Sili like before, this time Liu Youlan is moving forward a little faster but can see the surrounding environment clearly.

Shuttling through the caves and waterways where various fluorescent underwater plants and animals grow, swimming roughly towards the downward route for a long time, Liu Youlan led Li Sili to a deep cave in the dark and dull water.

"Further down is the cave where I found the frozen monster, it's very dark here, and I can't see anything, Sister Lili, are you afraid of the dark?"

Along the way, Liu Youlan deliberately chose those caves with fluorescent aquatic plants and docile fluorescent aquatic animals, and other even darker places Liu Youlan had found offensive mutant monsters and unknown sounds, so she didn't dare to explore those places at will when she was with people this time.

The discovery of the cave of the frozen monster was a discovery she made during a daring expedition into an unknown territory, and after many explorations she was sure that there should be no danger there.

However, thinking that Li Sili was a young girl, and was worried that the dark environment would cause her psychological shadow, Liu Youlan, who only thought of this at this time, delayed to confirm with Li Sili.

Li Sili was quite bold when she was a boy, and naturally she would not be afraid of the dark when it was safe, so after Liu Youlan asked her questions, she naturally shook her head and said that she was not afraid of the dark.

After getting Li Sili's reply, Liu Youlan was finally relieved, and then took Li Sili's hand and swam towards the darkness below.

Constantly confirm whether her right hand is holding Li Sili, although Liu Youlan has the method to confirm the surrounding situation in the dark environment, but if the surrounding objects are too far away, she has no way to confirm the existence of the other party, so she must beware of Li Sili accidentally leaving her away from herself because of something.

But after completely entering the darkness, Liu Youlan found that her worries seemed to be superfluous, as soon as she entered the dark environment, Li Sili, who began to glow with a glimmer on her body, did not have to worry about being lost, and the glimmer of light emitted from her body made her the brightest boy in the dark.

"Lily, it turns out that you can shine! How did you do it?"

used his ability to convey his voice to Li Sili, but then Liu Youlan reacted that Li Sili had no way to explain to her now, so he could only laugh and ask Li Sili not to care about the question just now.

Continuing to move in the direction of his memory, as expected, after finding the obvious landmarks he remembered, Liu Youlan confirmed the direction where the frozen monster was.

As he swam forward, he felt the familiar and gradually cold water, and when he looked up, Liu Youlan saw the huge monster frozen in the middle of the transformation in the dark.

"Lily, can you see that monster clearly now?"

Liu Youlan, who knew that there was a gap between his vision and that of ordinary humans, and was worried that Li Sili would not be able to see the monster in the dark, confirmed to the girl.

Turning his head to look, he saw Li Sili who nodded, and when he saw this reply, Liu Youlan maintained the distance between them and the monster in this way, and no longer let them float in the direction of the monster.

It's just that at this time, Li Sili's plan was completely opposite to Liu Youlan's idea, as soon as Liu Youlan's hand was loosened, Li Sili stepped back with her right foot and moved quickly forward.

Before Liu Youlan could stretch out her hand to pull Li Sili back, Li Sili floated in front of the ice cube, feeling the cold air around her as if she was conscious, Li Sili felt that these cold qi had formed countless small hands and gently held her wrist and stretched out to the ice cube.

"Lily, don't get so close! you'll be frozen!!"

was frightened by Liu Youlan's loudest shout in her ear, and at this time Li Sili realized that if she was frozen, no matter how strong her defense was, she would eventually lose consciousness and reduce her defense by being frozen here.

However, the cold air holding her hand seemed to be scared away because of Liu Youlan's shouting, feeling that the other party did not force herself to push herself to the ice because she stopped moving, Li Sili felt that the other party might not have malicious will towards her.

But in the current situation, regardless of whether the other party has malicious intentions or not, it is better to determine a plan with no hidden dangers before acting, so Li Sili jumped back and returned to Liu Youlan's position.

"Lily, you shouldn't have touched it so casually, it's dangerous, and I don't know how to get you back if you get frozen.

You just look at it from a distance here, don't touch it again, okay?"

As soon as she came back, Li Sili was seriously lectured by Liu Youlan, knowing that her actions just now were really brainless, Li Sili began to reflect on her behavior just now.

Seeing Li Sili's pitiful and reflective appearance, Liu Youlan couldn't bear to continue, so she touched Li Sili's hair, and comforted her a little in this way while letting Li Sili reflect on her mistakes.

But after Li Sili heard that Liu Youlan only planned to let her only look at the ice cubes, she began to think about other plans, Li Sili was already an adult, and she had her own judgment.

Realizing that the cold seems to have a consciousness of its own, understanding that the other person might want what they can get out of touching the ice.

Li Sili decided to judge that the other party really had no ill will towards her, and then touch the ice cube to get what the other party wanted to convey to herself.

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