When they came to the place where everyone gathered, as soon as they arrived, the girls learned the general situation through the words of the people around them who passed messages to each other, and knew that there was a person lying down in front of this place, but he disappeared in front of a doctor and several nurses in front of everyone.

The strange scene made everyone stop what they were doing and gathered here, no matter what the reason for the person who disappeared out of thin air, it must be related to the erosion of the virus, so everyone didn't dare to ignore it and didn't dare to understand the reason for it for the first time.

Because these can endanger them or happen to them, even if they are close to the scene, they may be affected and die on the spot, but as long as it does not happen immediately, some people can survive, and then use the information obtained this time to provide a chance of surviving the next crisis.

"Excuse me."

Hearing Jiang Youyan's voice and seeing Li Sili, who had been active everywhere just now to get seriously ill patients out of danger, everyone saw that it was these people who came and consciously retreated.

After a while the maidens came to the center of the commotion and saw an empty bed.

Although it was empty, the quilt on the bed showed signs of the patient who had disappeared not long ago.

The dripping needles and needles that suddenly disappeared onto the bed, as well as the sweat of the humanoid silhouette on the bed, all indicate that this person should have been lying down and receiving treatment.

Carefully observing the traces on the bed, Jiang Youyu, who couldn't find anything, called the nurse to ask about the previous situation here.

"Where are the doctors and nurses who were in charge of this patient before?"

"Here, Doctor Jiang!"

As soon as Jiang Youyu asked the nurse next to her, the nurse standing opposite shouted to identify herself, and then walked to Jiang Youyan's side and began to explain the situation at that time.

"Because the patient's condition at the time seemed to be relatively mild, and he also said that there was nothing uncomfortable, we did not come to him and arranged for him to be the attending doctor after receiving him for registration.

After that, I was in charge of taking care of him for the time being.

After the doctor asked me to hang a bottle of saline and nutrients for him, I temporarily went to treat the same type of patient, and I didn't want to just come back after one or two treatments to change the sling, and he disappeared in front of me. The

girls already knew about the situation she said from the words of the people around them, so after confirming that there was no noteworthy information in the situation that the nurse said, Jiang Youyu continued to ask the nurse for details.

"What was the situation when he disappeared, what was his state, did he show any painful or abnormal feelings?"

"Showing no signs of pain or anomalies, he seemed to be too tired to fall asleep before I changed the potion when I changed it.

By the way, he disappeared after I touched the needle, because I was going to pull it out to stop the bleeding and reinsert it, but he disappeared in front of my eyes shortly after I pulled the needle out.

The way he vanished was that his figure slowly faded, and finally became a mist-like state, and then the mist completely dissipated and then disappeared without a trace. Hearing

the nurse describe that the other party had turned into mist and then disappeared, Li Sili looked at the humanoid mist lying on the hospital bed, and for a moment wondered if the mist she could see now would be seen by others.

She didn't hear any noises or melodies in the face of the smoke, and he seemed to be hallucinating.

Pulling the sleeve on Jiang Youwan's big arm, Li Sili pointed to the location of the smoke on the hospital bed after seeing Jiang Youwan look back, and said,

"Can you see it?"

Hearing Li Sili's words and then looking at the empty bed with no unusual place, Jiang Youyu immediately felt a cold shiver that spread all over her body, and she didn't know why Jiang Youyu inexplicably thought that Li Sili had seen something unclean.

But in order to avoid the misunderstanding that the two children sitting on the air conditioner were actually the Haier brothers, Jiang Youyan still opened her mouth to confirm what Li Sili said could see.

"Lily, what do you say you can see? Is it a sweat stain on the quilt or something small? "

"The humanoid silhouette... Mist.

Hearing Li Sili's description, the onlookers around him were all frightened and took a step back, and Jiang Youyan's face turned pale with fright. Because the humanoid silhouette fog that ordinary people can't see, this is not A Piao in the supernatural video!

"Lily, children can't lie to scare people, you know?!"

Seeing that everyone was frightened, Liu Youlan, who was behind the two, patted Li Sili on the shoulder and preached her.

Although she is also afraid of things like Ah Piao, she has been tempered by the darkness of the underground world for a long time, so she can still hold on to this situation.

So in the face of what Li Sili seemed to really see, she still had the courage to deny Li Sili's statement, trying to make everyone's emotions return to normal.

Just looking at Li Sili's serious expression....

Jiang Youyan also noticed Li Sili's negative reaction in the face of Liu Youlan, so she finally came out of the state of being scared of herself just now, and after thinking calmly for a while, she was finally able to look at Li Sili's affairs normally.

Thinking that maybe it was the situation of the raster three-dimensional painting, guessing that Li Sili was able to see that thing because of her height or some other reason, Jiang Youyu asked Li Sili.

"Lily, walk around and see if you can see that thing.

And then there's... Lily, do you have any other visual superpowers? A

little surprised, Jiang Youyan was blind to the special ability she hadn't said, but the fog in front of her didn't seem to have much to do with the noise she could see, so Li Sili, who wanted to figure out this dangerous safety fog as soon as possible, decided to follow Jiang Youyan's command to look at the fog first, and then talk about superpowers.

Constantly changing angles to look at the fog and finally jumping up to take a look, Li Sili also thought of such a thing as a raster three-dimensional painting, so she also tried to find the direction where she couldn't see it according to this idea.

However, just as Li Sili ran around and finally hit her face into the mist, her face felt the skin-like touch coming from the location of the mist.

This kind of touch similar to the direct contact with the skin before crossing scared Li Sili, so the repulsion ability on Li Sili's body in the next second repelled the other party, and that touch became the feeling when Li Sili touched the material of this world.

Jiang Youyu and Liu Youlan also saw Li Sili's body movements when her face hit something in the air, so the two who found this abnormality walked to Li Sili's side.

"Lily, what did you find?"

Seeing the two of them coming, Li Sili felt that it was time to experiment with them, so she grabbed the wrist of the relatively small Jiang Youyu and prepared the erosion power into her palm, ready to spread out at any time.

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