"Sister Jiang, can you touch your hands? Can be dangerous.

Holding Jiang Youyan's hand, Li Sili pointed to the space above the sweat stains on the bed and asked Jiang Youyan.

Thinking back to the smoke that Li Sili said she saw before and her physical reaction to what she couldn't see just now, Jiang Youyu quickly understood that Li Sili probably wanted to confirm whether others could touch something that only she could see.

If it was a stranger, even if Li Sili was so cute, the other party might probably refuse, but Jiang Youyu thought she was Li Sili's favorite big sister, so she agreed as soon as her head was hot.

Of course, she also thinks that Li Sili is so kind and will never harm her, even if there is any danger, she will use some magical superpower to protect herself.

"Yes, Lily, you can just try."

Hearing Jiang Youyan's consent, Li Sili immediately covered Jiang Youyan's hand with erosion ability, and when Jiang Youyan felt that her palm was suddenly extremely stiff, Li Sili pulled her hand forward and pulled it to the top of the sweat stain.

"Sister, I feel."

Hearing Li Sili's question, Jiang Youyu reacted and answered Li Sili's question.

"It feels like my hands are a little stiff."

Jiang Youyan's hand had already pulled into the humanoid smoke that Li Sili saw, but she didn't seem to feel anything other than the feeling of Li Sili's ability.

Li Sili didn't dare to directly lift her protective ability against Jiang Youyu in the smoke, so she could only pull Jiang Youyan's palm out of the range of smoke.

But halfway through, Li Sili suddenly had an inspiration.

She pressed her right hand hard against the smoke, and after feeling the real sensation of touching the human arm, Li Sili pulled Jiang Youyan's hand to the back of her hand.

"Sister, exert yourself."

"Oh, oh!"

Subconsciously responded, and then reacted, and responded again, Jiang Youyu was a little sluggish to understand what Li Sili meant.

Gradually pressing Li Sili's arm, Jiang Youyu felt something in front of Li Sili's palm through the touch and the undulating sensation of Li Sili's palm because of her strength.

Through the deformation touch of a soft little hand, Jiang Youyu finally judged that in front of Li Sili's palm was an adult man's arm.

This proved that the fog that Li Sili saw was something that actually existed, not something that did not exist like an illusion, or something composed of special energy.

After getting this information, the two of them had an idea at the same time.


, move...""Well, let's move! I understand.

Let's take a few people and try to move this bed with some tools.

Hearing Jiang Youyan's command, everyone guessed that the girl should have gained something, and hurriedly brought two iron rods from the bad stretcher from nearby and put them on the iron frame of the hospital bed, and then a few people put on gloves and quickly moved the hospital bed a little distance.

Because they were worried that something would come from the hospital bed due to contact, several people hurriedly took off their gloves and threw them under the hospital bed as soon as they finished moving.

also understood everyone's caution, Jiang Youyan's eyes followed the glove to the ground and then looked at Li Sili.

"Lily, did you find anything?"

"Let's move together."

Hearing this answer, Jiang Youyu smiled at some of the people who knew part of the situation because of the conversation between the two, if the anomaly on this hospital bed could be removed by moving, it would mean that the anomaly could be moved to a sparsely populated place to avoid the possible impact of the people who were still close to the place.

"In that case, let's move!"

Immediately, four other young people stepped forward to remove this undangerous anomaly, but their attempt to immediately remove the bed was stopped by Jiang Youyu.

"I haven't said where you're going to do anything, and you're not going to do it.

Put it down, and you can do it when I have a place to settle. "

I guessed that the two of them probably wanted to throw this bed directly into the ice and snow, but if the anomaly on it was not clarified, it could become a hidden danger.

And... Since the disappeared person can be touched by Li Sili, it means that most of the other party's body may still be intact, which also indicates that the other party is likely to be alive.

After thinking seriously for a while, Jiang Youyu finally remembered the prefabricated house behind several abandoned carts in the substation. I heard that that thing was previously isolated from infectious diseases, and it is estimated that the environment inside will at least not freeze to death casually.

Thinking of the place of placement, Jiang Youlan asked a few young people who had come out before to start moving, and after saying hello to Li Sili and Liu Youlan, Jiang Youyan began to walk in that direction with a few people who moved the bed.

After Jiang Youyu and the four boys left here, everyone no longer had a reason to continue to gather, and everyone returned to their respective posts and beds, and then several attending doctors began to notify the superior leaders to isolate and test the people here.

Li Sili and Liu Youlan couldn't go back to their dormitory for a while, so after Jiang Youyu returned, the three of them began to deal with infected patients again.

This time, Jiang Youyu no longer let Li Sili do it herself, but after telling them about the plan and style of treating patients on their side, she let Li Sili try to imitate their treatment methods.

Under Jiang Youyan's explanation and opinions, Li Sili also learned and found many more stable and optimized treatment plans from her, so she followed Jiang Youyan's treatment ideas for treatment, and gradually Li Sili was even able to guide some special patients to awaken their mutant limbs on their own.

"Cutting off the brain organs that have mutated from flank virus infection... Carry out physical partitions... What's next for Lily? "

Big brother, don't lose!"


Li Sili is very cute, so sometimes even if she says something expressionless and emotionless, some people will always have misunderstandings or because the brain fills up the brain to make up the plot that does not exist in reality.

So this teenager saw Li Sili's cute cheering expression in the brain supplement world, and then his will exploded.

The overly perverted will suppressed the mutant limbs that had lost their biological consciousness, and after more than ten minutes of euphoria, the boy's melody finally entangled in a circular state of resistance at the core of the noise of the disintegration of the mutant limbs.

At this point, the boy finally gained a certain degree of ability to control the mutated limbs.

looked at Li Sili speechlessly, although Li Sili only used this method on a few people, partly because she couldn't understand the operation at all to make people awaken the mutant limbs.

But seeing Li Sili playing with other people's emotions like this to achieve her goals, Jiang Youyu felt that Li Sili was a bit like a little witch who played with people's hearts at this time.

However, the little witch setting is also very cute, so Jiang Youyu can accept this setting.

"Lily, what did you do when you touched them before? What is the principle of superpower that can affect viral erosion in this way? "

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