The World of Gods Rises From the Zerg

Chapter 382 Crystal Civilization Consul

After all, as a supreme existence standing above the long river of time and space, it is naturally not a trivial matter that can attract his attention.

The reason why he noticed such a little guy was because when he watched the future of the False God Realm, he passed through the barrier of time and saw that this little guy swallowed up all the creatures in the False God Realm, and then swallowed himself A large number of the creatures under his hands have been promoted to the legendary level, and finally directly shake the foundation of the entire False God Realm, that is, the destroying black lotus.

It was precisely because this scene directly aroused his attention that his gaze could not help but focus on the past.

However, he did not explain these words in detail to others. After all, if he said it, others would only think it was a fantasy. Even a master-level existence like him would not be convincing enough to be able to speak A little guy with a first-level civilization can actually do that.

"It's a pity, it's actually from the Heluo galaxy!"

The supreme emperor couldn't help but sigh, after all, the Heluo galaxy is too far away from their Styx galaxy.

It is impossible for the Styx civilization to cross the barriers of many galaxies and go to such a distant place to meet the other party's important person, just to pick up such a little guy.

Of course, if there is no other resistance, even if it is blocked by thousands of mountains and rivers, it is of sufficient value to extradite the other party, but the Styx civilization where they are located and the Alto civilization there are sworn enemies, and unfortunately It is the Heluo galaxy that happens to be within the sphere of influence of the Alto civilization.

Although it does not belong to the other party, if the entire galaxy belongs to the other party, once people from the Styx civilization enter it, it will cause a war between the two galaxies.

"The emperor admires this little guy very much?"

After hearing the words of the great emperor at this time, the people next to him asked cautiously, and it seemed that there was an intention to solicit the other party from the words.

"This is a very interesting person, and he also has very terrifying potential. He will become a very terrifying existence in the future. It's a pity that I couldn't personally go there and extradite him to our Styx civilization."

The emperor did not hide his appreciation for the other party. After all, if he was in his own civilization, he would not be able to directly and clearly express his appreciation for a certain young man. After all, his attitude will determine the fate of countless people. Fate, but for a person who does not belong to his own civilization, he does not hide his attitude at all, after all, this does not affect anything.

After hearing his words, the people next to him were thoughtful, but they were not prepared to do anything.

Because they also knew very well that the reason why the emperor said all this bluntly was because they couldn't influence that young man far away on the other side of the galaxy.

As an eighth-level civilization, the Styx civilization has already stood at the top of this interstellar space. Except for the three major nine-level civilizations, they can already walk sideways in this piece of galaxy.

After all, the eighth-level civilizations are separated by a very long distance from each other, and there are no examples around them that can be compared with them.

But even though they have such terrifying power, it doesn't mean that they can do whatever they want, as if distance is a blemish for them.

It's as if the Alto civilization on the other side and them are mortal enemies, but because of the long distance, the two forces can't fight at all, they can only stay away from each other forever.

Xu Luo, who didn't know that he had attracted the attention of a certain master-level supreme being, after continuously improving his ranking at this time, suddenly saw his figure constantly rising, as if there was a certain force It's like lifting him up.

Then he saw an extremely majestic and huge human face.

This huge human face is hidden in the clouds, even if he is suspended in mid-air, when facing each other, it seems like an insignificant dust.

"Galaxy civilization contestant Xu Luo!"

When this majestic voice spoke, it seemed to be like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, constantly echoing in Xu Luo's mind, making him lose his mind for a moment.

However, it seemed that he was aware of the impact of his huge power on Xu Luo, so this figure quickly restrained himself, and then under Xu Luo's surprised eyes, he saw the opponent's huge figure shrinking continuously, until When he was about the same age as him, I saw a middle-aged man walking towards him slowly on the clouds.

"I am the Orderer of the False God Realm, I am sorry to meet you this time."

When the middle-aged man came to Xu Luo, he first apologized to him.

Seeing Xu Luo's puzzled gaze, he smiled slightly and explained to him.

"Originally, I was just an orderly person in the False God Realm, and I shouldn't be involved in the battle between you, but if I don't intervene now, you will kill all those people below. When your power expands After that, you will attack those legends. The creatures under your hands are terrifying, and you have enough strength to do all of this. Therefore, you have already shaken the foundation of the existence of the False God Realm. I have to Come forward to terminate your participation in this competition."

"Stop the game?"

After hearing his words, Xu Luo couldn't help frowning.

"Don't feel wronged, you have to know that although you can destroy the entire False God Realm, destroying the entire False God Realm will not do you any good, so just accept it at this time, I can Meet some of your more reasonable requests."

The Orderer smiled slightly when he saw Xu Luo.

"I know that you have accumulated a lot of points in the process of continuous killing, but to be honest, a large number of points can indeed help your galaxy civilization to obtain a greater share in the next benefit distribution process.

But have you ever thought about whether you have enough strength to hold on to this huge cake when you get it? After all, with such a large interest, not only the civilizations next to you, but also the powerful civilizations farther away will be very jealous when the time comes. "

"What do you want to say?"

After hearing the other party's words, Xu Luo calmed down instead, and squatted down directly above the clouds, looking at the other party quietly as if sitting on the ground, waiting for his next words.

"I want to make a deal with you!"

Looking at Xu Luo, the Orderer also sat down beside him, with a gentle smile on his face all the time.

"You have gained a lot of points now. I can make the decision for you and let your entire galaxy civilization directly occupy one percent of the next profit distribution. You should understand that hundreds of thousands of civilizations share Participating in the distribution of benefits this time, one of your first-level civilizations occupies 1% of it, which is comparable to those of the eighteen top-level civilizations. If you exceed this share, you will simply not be able to defend it with your strength.

And what I can promise is that when you get this benefit, no one will dare to think of you. Besides, after all, you can get this 1% share yourself, so if only this A little benefit is certainly not enough to show my sincerity, so I can promise you here that I can protect your entire galaxy civilization for the next thirty years, and you can exchange three pieces of top technology from me! "

"Bless us for thirty years."

Xu Luo frowned and thought.

The 1% benefit division is equivalent to nearly 100,000 points in terms of points. Of course, he wants to reach this level by killing many, many talents to accumulate so much, and his current points are far from this level. There is still a very big gap, but as long as he continues to kill like this, there is indeed a certain possibility that he can reach this level.

So it is acceptable, after all, as the other party said, even if they can get more profit division, but with the current human strength, they can't hold this huge cake at all, and it will cause others to covet it.

Therefore, after directly obtaining 1% of the benefits, it is indeed acceptable to exchange for a condition that no one has any ideas about human civilization, not to mention that the other party can protect human civilization for 30 years.

Therefore, in Xu Luo's view, this condition is of course very suitable, and in addition to that, you can ask him for three technologies, which in Xu Luo's view is an extremely cost-effective deal.

"I still don't know which civilization you come from?"

Xu Luo was curious about the identity of this middle-aged man.

In his opinion, since the other party dared to say this sentence, it meant that he was definitely not just a lawful person in the False God Realm, as simple as that.

A lawful person in the False God Realm has no qualifications to say that he can protect the entire human civilization for twenty years, and he can also distribute 1% of the benefits to him, and no one dares to trouble them.

"Smart and cautious little fellow!"

The Orderly One smiled, but he didn't avoid answering his questions, but answered them calmly.

"I come from crystal civilization, and I am also the previous generation of consul of crystal civilization, so I still have the right to speak in crystal civilization. I have enough ability to be responsible for any words I just said, so you don't have to Worried that I'm lying to you."

"Crystal Civilization?"

After hearing this sentence, Xu Luo's eyes widened immediately, never expecting that he came from one of the three major nine-level civilizations.

"You don't have to be too surprised. The ninth-level civilization is just a little further than you. In fact, didn't they all come up step by step from the first-level civilization?"

After seeing Xu Luo's surprised gaze, the middle-aged man just smiled.

"Okay, I have already proved my identity, so now tell me what you think, would you like to accept my deal?"

"I want to ask, I'm just an ordinary person, and my current strength is only at the silver level. I don't think I have the ability to destroy the entire False God Realm!"

Xu Luo always felt that what this person said was too exaggerated. Now that some Zerg in his hands were strengthened to the legendary level by him, it was already very against the sky, but for a place like the False God Realm, how could he have this ability? It can be destroyed.

"You don't have the ability to destroy the False God Realm, but the creatures under your hands have a slight chance of being able to do it. Although this possibility is very small, such a possibility must never happen, so we must put an end to it!"

The middle-aged man answered his question with a smile.

And after listening to his words, Xu Luo understood that it was not because he had enough ability to destroy the False God Realm, but because the bugs in his hands had a slight chance of being able to shake the False God Realm after such continuous improvement. The foundation of the existence of the God Realm, so just in case, the opponent wanted to get rid of him directly and end this match.

"I can agree to trade with you, but I want to know what technology I can exchange from you?"

"Any technology is fine, as long as you propose it, I can meet your requirements."

Looking at the other party's young face, the Lawerer had a faint smile on his face.

"But as someone who has been here, let me give you a piece of advice. When choosing a technology, don't just think about the highest level, and don't just think about the highest value. Most of the time, what suits you is the most important thing!"

"I want stargate technology"

After hearing the Lawerer's advice, Xu Luo nodded, of course he understood what the other party meant.

At this time, human civilization is only at the first level, and even if they are given very high-end technology, they will not be able to produce it at all, so at this time, we must not make such unrealistic demands.

Just like in the ancient cold weapon era, if they were given a mobile phone to make blueprints, they simply didn't have enough ability to make them, and the same is true for humans today.

Therefore, when choosing a technology, it is best to choose the cutting-edge technology that you need most and can help you the most.

It just so happens that the stargate technology is one of them. All the stargate technologies in human civilization have been manufactured with the help of Mercury civilization. Humans need to pay high maintenance fees for these stargates every year. It is also necessary to invite specialized Mercury Civilization engineers to come over to help with maintenance, and pay them high wages. In addition, they also need to pay the astronomical patent royalties of Mercury Civilization.

More importantly, if the Stargate technology is in the hands of others, it means that the road is in the hands of others, and you will be constrained by others when you do anything.

Therefore, human beings have always been committed to the research of stargate technology, but they are limited by the science and technology they have now, so they cannot break through the current technical difficulties at all.

So when Xu Luo heard that he could choose three technologies, the first thing Xu Luo thought of was the Stargate technology.

"You are very sensible and very pragmatic!"

After hearing Xu Luo's words, the Orderer nodded with a smile, and was very satisfied with his choice afterwards.

"I just learned about the civilization you are in, so I am very satisfied with your choice. After all, this technology is very important to you. With the Stargate technology, the science and technology of your civilization will be Forward at least 30 years of progress, and in the next period of time will be triumphantly, at least within 20 years to complete the 100-year leap, and thus enter the ranks of the second-level civilization.

If the little guy does the math, it means that you have saved 80 years of time for your civilization!

No, if you rely on your own research on Stargate technology, it will take at least 30 years to overcome the difficulties. In the process of slowly exploring, it will take at least 450 years to advance to a second-level civilization. It can only be done left and right, and this is when everything goes well. If it doesn't go well, it may not be able to reach the second-level civilization in a thousand years. "

After hearing what the other party said, Xu Luo just felt dumbfounded. Is Stargate technology so important?

The reason why he chose this technology was just to move towards the direction of maximizing benefits, but in fact, in his opinion, the most important thing about Stargate is to facilitate their jumping between planets, but such a technology, although Important, but not so important.

"It seems that you don't understand the meaning of Stargate technology at all, but in fact Stargate technology is not as important as you imagined. The reason why it can have such an important improvement for you is because Stargate technology also contains There are some other technologies that you don't have.

And when you get the complete stargate technology manufacturing technology, it will play a role in bypassing your other aspects. In this way, it will help you make rapid changes from the side, and naturally save a lot of time. "

After the Orderer explained for a while, Xu Luo understood what he meant.

Nowadays, human beings are limited by various technical difficulties, so there are no breakthroughs in many directions, but once one of the window papers is pierced, it is as if the moon is shining through the clouds. Naturally, there will be a big jump.

"Then tell me about your next two options!"

"For the second technology, I need the development direction of the next five generations of pulse magnetic weapons!"

Xu Luo doesn't know much about weapon research, so he can only choose what he has learned. In his opinion, pulse magnetic weapons today will be the mainstream in the future, but the power of pulse magnetic weapons possessed by humans It's not very powerful, but after paying a huge price, they bought the eliminated ones from other nearby civilizations, even though they have continued to study this weapon for more than a hundred years , and made a certain breakthrough, but it is still very difficult to make a big improvement. It is better to rely on trading with the other party at this time to obtain a large amount of research data.

"Little guy, you are very greedy!"

After hearing Xu Luo's words, the law-abiding man smiled and shook his head.

"As a terminal technology, pulse magnetic weapons are not as simple as you imagine!

Even the civilization I belong to is only the last four generations in your mouth at this time, so I can promise you two generations of technology at most, which is enough for you to lead most of the fifth-level civilizations! "

After hearing his words, Xu Luo was shocked.

He has always felt that human beings are still relatively backward in terms of magnetic pulse weapons, but what he didn't expect is that the next two generations can surpass most of the fifth-level civilizations. What kind of concept is this?

It also means that after they only need to possess this level of weapon, when they build this weapon next, among the surrounding low-level civilizations, they can walk sideways in terms of weapons.

"That's fine, two generations will be two generations!"

Xu Luo nodded.

"It's cheap and good-looking. Do you know what it will mean when you are two generations ahead of other nearby civilizations in pulse magnetic weapon technology?"

After seeing Xu Luo's expression, the law-abiding person couldn't help but shook his head.

From his point of view, the little guy Xu Yao didn't understand the epoch-making significance of this weapon at all, but at this time he didn't have the heart to explain anything to him in detail, he just looked at him, wanting to know his last request What is chosen.

"I need a detailed practice system. Since it is science, then a detailed scientific practice system should also belong to this division!"

Whether it is weapons or star gates, etc., all are external forces, but in today's interstellar, in fact, practice is very critical. After all, the power in the world of the gods can be brought into the real world, and Nowadays, every civilization has embarked on the path of practice.

Therefore, a whole practice system is extremely critical, especially for today's human civilization.

After all, all the systems they have were developed by themselves at this time, so there are many mistakes and omissions in it, and they often take detours in the front, which is just the detours of generations of pioneers. In the process, at the cost of human life, a road was laid down

But even under such circumstances, it is very difficult to improve their level of strength. If they can obtain a systematic path of practice, it will be extremely important to them.

In the next period of time, the strength of human beings will leap forward, and after adding the resources they have obtained now, it is estimated that in a few years, the entire human civilization will truly grow stronger.

"I can't agree to your request, so change it!"

After hearing Xu Luo's words, the law-abiding person shook his head directly. After all, today's human civilization has directly obtained 1% of the benefit division this time. It will cause a jump in their strength, which directly violates the willingness of some of their top civilizations not to participate in the development process of lower civilizations.

After all, it seems that it only improves the strength of human beings, but in fact, when the strength of human beings is improved, it will inevitably affect the civilizations around him.

In this way, it will directly cause a joint reaction, and the situation in a certain local area will be changed at that time. Even if it is a level 9 civilization, facing such a change, it will also be responsible for other civilizations.

The identity of a law-abiding person is not simple. Of course he can bear such a thing, but why should he bear all this for others?

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