The World of Gods Rises From the Zerg

Chapter 383: The Battle Is Over

After hearing his refusal, Xu Luo was disappointed, but after thinking about it, she could actually understand that such things must be extremely precious, and of course the other party would not give them to him so easily.

At this time, he began to think about what kind of things he needed. No matter whether it was the treasures of heaven, material and earth, or a single practice method, it was not indispensable for today's human civilization. Things like earth treasures are the most useless to him. After all, if he wants these things, he can completely control his own Zerg race and plunder them in different worlds without using artificial hands at all.

Therefore, the most valuable thing is the technology that can improve the strength of the entire human civilization, or other things can maximize the value.

But at this time, when Xu Luo was there thinking hard, the Order Lawer next to him was waiting quietly.

At this time, he was even in the mood to look at the battle below. The legends below were still fighting, and he didn't notice the ongoing negotiations above their heads.

They didn't even know that if there were no lawful people on the stage, after the situation continued to evolve, after the Zerg under Xu Luo's subordinates wiped out the gold and silver level people of foreign civilizations, his subordinates How far will the Zerg expand?

When a large number of Zergs are promoted to legend, even if they are pretentious legendary masters, they will have no escape under the siege of Zerg.

Especially in a closed space like the False God Realm. At this time, the False God Realm is still shrinking due to the restrictions of the rules, and the range they can move will become smaller and smaller.

Under the siege of the bugs, there was no place for them to hide. In this way, they swallowed up the legends of the alien races in the entire False God Realm, as well as the native False God Beasts. The bugs under Luo's hands will grow to an extremely terrifying level.

The reason why the Lawful Ones appeared is because the False God Realm is constantly shrinking its area under the restrictions of the rules. At that time, although the entire False God Realm is extremely strong, it will also become very fragile.

Because after its real core was revealed, Xu Luo's Zerg had the opportunity to attack this core. In this case, destroying this core would mean that the False God Realm would no longer exist. This is his time Reason for appearance.

Although Xu Luo was nothing more than a silver at this time, the lawful man looked at him with admiration.

In the eyes of people like him, there are no external conditions such as talent or family background, civilized background, etc. at all.

Because he is already a consul of a ninth-level civilization, it can be said that he is standing on the pinnacle of the entire universe, and there are few people in the entire universe who can truly be stronger than him, but in terms of identity It can be said that there is no one who is more noble than him except the Tianyan clan back then.

Therefore, people like him appreciate the younger generation purely, without any utilitarianism.

It was as if at this moment he clearly discovered that Xu Luo had an amazing talent, but he never thought about bringing this young man back to his own civilization and accepting his teachings.

Doesn't he know that the future Xu Luo has very high potential and will reach a very high level?

Of course he knows, even better than Xu Luo himself, what kind of situation he will reach in the future, but for people at his level, all of this has no meaning.

"How are you thinking?"

Seeing Xu Luo open his eyes, the Lawerman's expression remained calm, and his tone did not fluctuate in any way.

"I've already thought about it!"

Facing his curious gaze, Xu Luo spoke lightly.

"I need a virtual technology that can improve the current network technology of human beings. I don't ask how many generations you want. I just want you to upgrade our current virtual technology to what you think can make us achieve level!"

At this time Xu Luoxue was smart, because he knew the value of these things very well, and he didn't know the specifics at all, so sometimes he thought it was not bad when he asked the price, but for such a person, it might not be worth mentioning. It is also possible that I feel that it is not as precious as I imagined, but there will be amazing changes to the entire universe, so I directly give the right to choose to the other party.

"You really gave me a problem!"

After hearing Xu Luo's conditions, the Order Lawer couldn't help but smile wryly.

Xu Luoke really put himself in the army.

Because he didn't mention his specific requirements, if the lawful person gave a low level, if it didn't improve human civilization much, it would make the boy on the opposite side feel that he was too stingy, and if he gave too much Well, he is not reconciled.

What's more, it can't be too good, which leads to the expansion of the power of human civilization and directly changes the surrounding pattern.

In Interstellar, there is actually a consensus among the top civilizations.

That is, they do not intervene in the development of those middle and low civilizations, and let them evolve.

And even if those civilizations have some contact with them, what they need to do is to be as fair and just as possible. Although they will be supported to a certain extent, there is a prerequisite that their evolution cannot be improved, affecting the Other civilizations around have caused surprising changes in the pattern of the entire local area.

In fact, the three conditions he mentioned now have greatly improved the strength of human beings. In the future, the strength of the entire human race will change by leaps and bounds, and the surrounding situation will change by then. This is inevitable. up.

But under this premise, because it is necessary to guarantee the False God Realm, this is nothing more than an exchange of interests, but even if it is an exchange of interests, this expansion should have a certain degree. If it exceeds this degree, even some of their top Civilization will also be very headache.

"Okay, lest you call me stingy, I can help your galactic civilization upgrade its virtual technology to the same level as other third-level civilizations nearby. This is the limit of what I can do, so don't tell me any more. Bargaining, greedy little ones are not to be liked!"

Seeing that Xu Luo seemed about to open his mouth, the Lawerer spoke directly, blocking the rest of his words.

To put it bluntly, this is already the biggest concession I can make. A mere first-level civilization can have the same level of technology as other third-level civilizations around. After receiving the resources allocated by the Ten Thousand Races Conference this time, the entire power of mankind will undergo rapid changes in the next period of time. Although it will not be able to reach the level of second-level civilization by then, from a certain point of view , Not to mention the second-level civilization, even the third-level civilization is not worthy of giving them shoes.

Of course, it is not so easy to fully understand the technologies he gave that surpass the second-generation pulse magnetic weapons that humans have today.

This is also the reason why he gave it so happily. When they thoroughly understand the technology of this item, the level of civilization of human beings has already been improved. By then, there will be no other civilizations with this level of weapon technology. .

"Thank you!"

Facing the other party's gaze, Xu Luo didn't say anything more, just thanked him calmly.

In fact, he didn't expect that a strong man of this level would talk to him so much calmly, and he also took good care of himself from the words.

"You don't need to thank me for anything, this is just an equal deal, if you withdraw from this competition, I will give you certain benefits, and no one owes anyone else.

As for your feeling that I have taken good care of you among these three conditions, you should regard it as my investment in you, which belongs to a kind of goodwill influence! "

Faced with Xu Luo's thank you, the Orderly One shook his head, bluntly saying that this was just a transaction.

Obviously, he didn't want to get too involved with Xu Luo at all. After all, people of his level hated karma the most. He could make others owe him, but he absolutely couldn't owe others.

So he paid the price and let Xu Luo leave. This was an equivalent exchange!

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to want to get involved with him too much, Xu Luo didn't say anything more at this time, but just nodded to show that he understood.

"Then this transaction was concluded, witnessed by the consuls of the eighteen top civilizations in the entire universe. Immediately, all personnel of the Heluo Galaxy and the Galaxy Civilization will withdraw from this Ten Thousand Races Conference. Regarding your achievements, what will happen next? Seal it up and wait until the entire conference is completely over for settlement!"

With the end of this conversation, the Orderer just waved his hand, and Xu Luo felt that time flowed, and the next moment, he returned to the place where he was at the beginning, from the cloud where he was sitting upright before. In that empty platform.

At this time, Liu Rulong and Zheng Quan were staring at the screen in front of them intently, but at this moment they stood there blankly, without any reaction, as if time had stopped.

And it wasn't until Xu Luo completely stood still that the time around the two of them seemed to return, and the dynamics on the screen changed.

But at this moment, seeing that Xu Luo had completely disappeared from the screen, the two of them were dumbfounded, completely unaware of what was going on.

In addition to Xu Luo's trace, there are also some of his Zerg races, and of course the other human race on the screen also disappeared at this time.

Liu Rulong and the two turned pale with shock, and quickly investigated the entire False God Realm, but they found nothing at all.

But soon they discovered that something was wrong. After all, the legendary powerhouse's perception is very keen. Before, they just put their whole body and mind into the screen to find the traces of those students. But now they find that there are other people around them. When he turned his head, he saw Xu Luo standing there.

"How do you..."

The two looked at Xu Luo, opened their mouths wide but couldn't utter a complete sentence. After all, the match is still going on now, why did Xu Luo suddenly leave the False God Realm and come here?

"The game is over!"

Meeting their eyes, Xu Luo smiled faintly.

"At least our human race is over, and we just need to wait quietly for the settlement!"

"What happened?"

After hearing what Xu Luo said, the two asked quickly. After all, Xu Luo was killing all directions on the battlefield before, but the next moment he suddenly came to them and told them that the game was over. Anyone would have other questions ideas.

"Actually, there is no problem. It's just that some people think that my existence has disrupted the balance, so they threw me out. It is estimated that other humans don't need to compete anymore at this time."

Although he didn't see the other contestants, Xu Luo was a little puzzled, but in his opinion, he didn't continue to participate, so other humans shouldn't need to fight anymore at this time, anyway, their rankings are all In the case of being locked, naturally there will be no need to fight.

"Disrupting the balance?"

The two frowned, but after thinking about it, the behavior of Xu Luo's bugs on the battlefield seemed to understand why there was such a statement. After all, they had clearly seen Xu Luo's attack before. Those Zerg races continued to fight vertically and horizontally on the battlefield, and those alien races who were chasing had nowhere to flee.

If it continues like this, it is really possible to change the whole situation. No matter what, their human achievements will be extremely gratifying. At this time, Xu Luo directly left the battlefield, which made them feel a pity. If he gets more points, the benefits he can distribute will naturally be more.

"Why did I suddenly return to the void platform, am I still fighting?"

At this moment, a yelling sound appeared on the void platform, and then only one figure after another appeared on the platform.

And among these figures, almost everyone was injured at this time, and almost all the clothes on their bodies were stained red with blood.

Seeing Quan Xinghe in the crowd, Xu Luo quickly passed his gaze. After seeing Li Qingquan, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, there are not many people with him, so Li Qingquan is fine at this time, so he is naturally relieved.

Although at this time Li Qingquan was extremely miserable and looked very embarrassed.

Not only was he blind in one eye, his right hand was also broken, but in terms of the science and technology that humans possess today, being blind and breaking his arm is not an unsolvable problem. There are many ways to solve his injury, and even more What's more, in such a world of practice, there is a genius treasure that can regenerate his severed limbs.

As long as people don't die, then there are no problems.

Seeing these human beings one by one, Liu Rulong and Zheng Quan couldn't help sighing at this time, the thirty people who came here happily, now there are only a dozen or so people left.

And they are very clear that this is because the game ended early, otherwise it is not clear how many of these people will be left.

At this time, they also felt that it was not bad to just end it like this. After all, if they continue to fight like this, the points will be taken away by others after the death of others. The benefits obtained are sufficient.

And after these people yelled, they looked at the other people around them, and the expressions on their faces suddenly became sad.

Among these people, many of their familiar faces have disappeared.

These people are different from Xu Luo. Xu Luo seldom has contact with other people, so at most they are just acquainted with other people, but they don't have any friendship with each other. In normal times, they have been practicing and discussing. Even when they entered the adventure of another world, they all went in teams. They had a deep friendship with each other for a long time, but now all the familiar faces have disappeared. How can they not feel sad?

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back!"

At this time, I saw these young figures. Both Liu Rulong and Zheng Quan looked very pleasantly surprised, although they were also extremely sad in their hearts, so many people died in the False God Realm.

But compared to the situation at the last Ten Thousand Clans Conference, the return of so many people this time was actually far beyond their expectations.

After all, at the last Ten Thousand Clans Conference, the human side fought bloody battles, but only the last person returned. Although that person carried a lot of points, the others were forever buried in the competition field. , can no longer return.

"Are we just waiting for the others to finish?"

Looking at the projection screen, one after another legends are still fighting, Xu Luo's expression is a little disappointed.

If there is no accident, as long as his Zerg strength continues to improve and the number of Zerg legends under his hands is more, he will have a certain chance to touch the lotus seed of the black lotus, but now After people are driven out of the False God Realm, all of this has nothing to do with him.

"Now that we are still here, we should have to wait until the last moment!"

Seeing Xu Luo's eyes fixed on that lotus, Rulong couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that this thing has no fate with you, but since they let you return from there in advance, do you think there is any agreement with you?"

At this time, Zheng Quan suddenly looked at Xu Luo. After all, in their opinion, since Xu Luo told them that the game was over, he must have had some communication with the other party. It is impossible for him to withdraw honestly without any price. Outside the False God Realm.

"This time when we humans are distributing benefits, we directly get a one percent share!

In addition, there will be a big person protecting us, so even if we get this share, no one will dare to attack us, and no other civilization will come to bully us within 30 years. Let us develop with peace of mind! "

Facing the probing eyes of a person around him, Xu Luo didn't go around in circles, and directly stated the benefits he had won this time.

"One percent?"

When they heard this number, everyone around them opened their mouths wide open. Even Liu Rulong and Zheng Quan, who are used to the world, still felt that it was a fantasy when they heard the news.

What is the concept of one percent?

You must know that at the beginning, according to each person's share, hundreds of thousands of civilizations participated in this profit sharing, which means that they only occupy one hundred thousandth of it.

In the past, even if they could participate in the competition, it would be very good if they just increased their original share by three or four times, but now it is not just as simple as expanding by three or four times, directly It has increased nearly a thousand times, how can this not surprise them?

After hearing Xu Luo's words, the other contestants also looked at him in shock.

You must know that Xu Luan is just a substitute. At the beginning, he didn't even think about letting him play, but what he didn't expect is that now he actually said that he won 1% of the share for the human race. .

The first thought of people like Quan Xinghe and others was that Xu Luo was joking with them at this time. After all, look at their bloody battles with scars on their bodies, and look at Xu Luo's clothes at this time without any scars. Change, it doesn't look like it has experienced battle at all, how can it be someone who can fight for such great benefits for mankind?

However, Xu Luo didn't mean to explain too much about their questioning gazes. The matter has already happened. After this battle is over, there will naturally be results. When the facts are in front of him , is more powerful than any explanation.

But at this time, because of the crowd, he didn't say the other three conditions. At this time, they stood calmly in front of the screens, watching the pictures above, and the most eye-catching one was naturally It was the scuffle between that group of legendary powerhouses.

Watching the melee of these legendary powerhouses, even a top talent like Quan Xinghe couldn't help but feel swayed!

In human society, they are of course the top geniuses, but when placed in front of the geniuses of the top civilization, they are simply not enough to see. At a similar age, others have already reached the legendary level , and many of them have not even reached the golden peak, and the gap between them cannot be handstand at all.

And those people are fighting for that black lotus. At this time, the battle is getting more and more fierce. At first, some people have the idea of ​​keeping their hands. After the intensification stage, as the attacks of others become more and more intense, even if they want to hold back at this time, they can't do it at all. In this way, the battle will gradually escalate, and after the melee has completely started, it will never stop down.

And Xu Luo and the others just quietly watched the battle between them, especially the field duels used by some top legendary masters, which opened their eyes even more. Battles of this level are usually impossible. Can't see you.

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