The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 1010: Naval crush

On April 4th, Gaia's five-year-old Navy Navy and the Haiphong City Navy were connected in the Beibu Gulf.

The results of the war made people stunned.

One hour.

The Haiphong City Navy only supported it for an hour and was torn by the Daxia Joint Fleet.

Numerous fleet wrecks and tens of thousands of corpses wandered helplessly on the surface of the sea, washed by the waves, all the way to the beaches of Haiphong City, and they ran aground.

The wreckage of the war on the beach is a cruelty.

The strength of the Great Summer Navy once again shocked the world. When the tiger was really exposed, its horrible lethality was really shocking.

Fear, like the plague, spreads rapidly to the world.

The ASEAN countries have completely lost their voices, and they dare not make any careful thoughts, and they have shrunk their heads one by one. Honda Keisuke of Dongpu is sleepless all night, tossing and turning, and his eyes are red.

"Prepare for war! Prepare for war! Prepare for everything, this is a deadly battle!"

This is the most spoken sentence by Honda Keisuke. It represents the voice of the entire Dongpu player. The national war has not yet begun. The Dongpu District is already a city of all things, ready to fight back.

The dust of the Emperor was equally frightened. He couldn't help but ask himself, how long can the support team that had just been formed in the face of the Daxia Navy last?

Shaking his head, the dust did not dare to think down.

Only the Mediterranean countries that have dealt with the Daxia Navy can remain calm. Even Jack is hesitating whether or not to revolve around the Hawaiian Islands and compete with the Great Summer Navy.

Thinking about it day and night, Jack made up his mind, "You must fight!"

If you don't fight at this time, it will be even worse in the future.

Still very confident about the free fleet Jack, not inferior to the Daxia Navy.


For the Daxia United Fleet, the Haiphong City Navy was just a small stone on the road. After kicking off, the fleet went on the road and went straight to the long coastline of Annan.

In the battlefields of the wreckage, the three fleets parted ways.

The deputy general of the expeditionary army and the joint fleet commander Zhou Yu, led the Royal Fleet to take the Haifang City directly; the chief of the Navy, Zhou Tai led the first formation of the Pacific Fleet north, responsible for sweeping the coastal city north of Haiphong City.

Yu Dazhao led the Yashan Fleet south and swept the vast area south of Haiphong City.

The purpose of the combined fleet is very simple. It is to sweep the Annan coastal area and then choose to land at the right place to establish a stronghold to create conditions for the Army to land.

Before that, Haiphong City was like a tiger with no claws, and nothing could be done.

The power of the navy in the national war is completely manifested, especially for the coastal countries. If there is no comparable navy, the upcoming national war will be very difficult.


April 5, Haiphong City.

Facing the rising sun, Jinlongqi fluttered in the wind and hunted.

The news that the Navy was destroyed has already spread throughout the Haiphong City. As expected, the Daxia Navy is like a group of gods in the Haiphong City, and is busy avoiding it.

In the nearby waters, there is no fishing boat within a thousand miles. Even the daring fishermen see the countless wrecks that remain on the coast and dare not go out to sea.

At the head of the city, looking at the approaching Daxia Navy, there was a trace of doubt in the eyes of Hao Tianyan. "Isn't it right! How did the Daxia Navy have such a battleship?"

Li Li, who stood on the side of the scorpio, said: "The enemy should be a soldier."

"Look!" 阮天阙's eyes are full of ridicule. "Xia Wang Ouyang is not a hypocrite. What is said to be fair to the Spring Festival Chamber of Commerce is actually to set us up as a deadly enemy."

"Wolf ambitions, clear!" Li Li followed.

The two stood behind more than a dozen adventurous players. Their identity was not simple. They were the heads of the top ten guilds in Hanoi, and they came to Haiphong City to find out.

Listening to Yan Tianyi singing with Li Li, their look is quite complicated.

Yan Tianyi suddenly turned around and said, "The facts are already very obvious. Da Xia is going to destroy our Annan, and please ask you not to be lucky again."

"What do we want to do, please ask your brother to give a quick sentence!" There are also many heroes in the adventure players. Since the national war is inevitable, they are not afraid.

Annan's eight million players are not afraid of a big summer.

"Also please show your brother, [Falcon Group] let's send it!"

Someone followed, and of course some people were silent, apparently still not making up their minds.

When I saw you, I didn’t mind, so I said easily: "Since all the brothers are so derogatory, please follow me to the city government to discuss a charter!"

"It is this!"

Said, the group left the city wall.

Look at the situation, the summer navy is not in a hurry to attack the city, and the sky is naturally not in a hurry.

On the way back to the city's main government, Hao Tianqi quietly took Li Li and said: "Since the big summer division, the two regiments stationed in the Dagang City and the embankment city are in danger. The army immediately sent two legions to make sure they must Sticking to the aid, I will persuade the alien troops to go south."

Yan Tianyi believes that if the two regiments insist on sticking to it, the two cities will be able to stand for at least one week, enough for the alien troops to reinforce the south.

Of course, reinforcements can only rely on alien troops.

At present, Haiphong City is only a 160,000-strong army. No matter whether it is not in a hurry to attack the city, the Scorpio will not transfer this army. It is the pinnacle of Haiphong City.

April 6th, Da Nang City.

Dagang City is located in the central part of Annan, with Hue in the north, Nha Trang in the south, Wuxing Mountain in the back, and a camellia peninsula in the northeast. The bay is horseshoe-shaped. The harbor is wide and deep, and the situation is dangerous. It is a natural harbor.

Not far from the north of the city is the famous Haiyun Mountain.

Haiyun Mountain is eastward from the Annan border and directly inserted into the sea. Haiyunling is its last mountain peak, 470 meters above sea level. The mountain is surrounded by white clouds all the year round, with the wind drifting in the mountains, green bamboo grass, green bamboo, and blue sky. The Canghai is like a whole, making people forget to return.

This mountain is separated from the north and the south, with a unique location and strategic location.

This is the case, the third army of the Haiphong City was ordered to station here. Yesterday morning, the head of the army, Fan Tianming, received an order from the general, Li Li, to keep them awaiting help.

The military order, Fan Tianming did not make him think, immediately led the department into the city, began to arrange city defense. In order to ensure that nothing is lost, Fan Tianming is also implementing military management on Dagang City, temporarily recruiting young and middle-aged people to assist the army to defend the city.

The focus of prevention is on the east side of the sea.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the first formation of the Yashan Fleet arrived as scheduled.

The focus of Daxia’s attack is placed in Da Nang City.

According to the operational plan prepared by the military aircraft department, as long as you first take down Dagang City, you can cut the long and narrow Annan into two sections, so that the first and the last can not be ignored.

Therefore, the first battle of the Battle of Annan was the first major event in the Battle of Annan.

Behind the first formation of the Yashan Fleet, there are two army corps, one is the second corps of the Guards led by Huo Dezhi, and the other is the Second Corps of the City Guard led by Mu Guiying.

The two major regiments will cooperate with the Yashan Fleet and win the Dagang City in one fell swoop.

Yan Tianyi thought that he could stick to the week, but he was a small strategic decision. Bai Qi gave Yu Dazhao a death order. He could not take down Dagang City within two days and asked him to come.

Yu Dazhao had to order, and he could only pass the pressure down, and yelled at the general soldiers and the campmen: "I have listened to me. I can’t take down Dagang City in one and a half days. I screwed off your head. ""

As soon as the campers returned to the flagship, they rushed to recruit the sergeant and the captains. They said in a gloomy manner: "The admiral said, "I can't take down my head in one day. I am this person." However, it is very life-saving. Before being decapitated by the admiral, you must first cut off your head and save yourself from being too lonely on Huangquan Road."

The captains returned to their respective warships in a pale face, summoning the whole ship's soldiers, and loudly proclaiming: "We can't take the Dagang City within half a day, we will commit suicide collectively, and there is no other way to live."

The bottom of the small soldiers listened, eyes stunned, how can they not understand their simple mind, can not get any connection between Dagang City and collective suicide, is this what is new popular? !

The soldiers are very puzzled.

The long side of the side saw it, and it was a brain-splitting man. He said: "Stupidly doing something, pick up the weapon and prepare to kill the enemy. Anyway, it is a death."

Xiaobing thinks that Jia Chang said that it makes sense. He really doesn't think about it him, then he will go forward with A long! ”


Like Haiphong City, Dagang City is also a coastal city, and the only weakness is on the sea side.

After the fleet was in place, Yu Dazhao, who was on the front line, did not hesitate to directly order the fleet to enter the port and conduct the first round of bombing to clear the scene.

The military order is like a mountain, and it is impossible for Yu Dazhen to have a trace of kindness.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

For a time, the artillery fires rang, the merchant ships in the port were smashed, and the shells were blown into powder, and the wood chips were flying like a sharp blade. The waves had not yet been picked up at the port.

The port terminal is even more upset. In order to select a suitable landing point for the Marine Corps, under the command of Yu Dazhao, the intensive artillery directly razed the entire dock.

In an instant, the dock turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The billowing smoke rises and rises, and it is blown by the sea breeze, and floats to the head of the city, and the defending city soldiers will have a sigh of tears. Compared with this, the soldiers are more chilling is the iron and blood means of the enemy.

There is no meaningless shouting. When you come up, you will launch a storm. Without mercy, the naked eye sees the enemy. The building is turned into powder, and the human and animal are not saved.

In the face of such a **** army, the defending forces did not fight.

Fan Tianming met, and there was a slight worry in his eyes. The command of the general was to keep the week. If the city breaks, he can only plead guilty to death.

When the fire went out, the entire pier had become a scorched earth.

The air is full of rich burnt smell, and there is a taste of barbecue. I think of the people who are struggling in the sea of ​​fire. Some defenders can't help but vomit on the spot and look pale.

The young and middle-aged recruits are even spit out of their bitterness, their legs and feet are soft, and there is no trace of strength.

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