The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 1011: Emperor dust

On the flagship Gaihai, Yu Dazhao saw through the telescope the appearance of the squadron of the city, and grinned: "A group of young ladies who have never seen the world, this can not stand."

"All have, shelling the port city!" Yu Dazhao turned and ordered.

The east wall of Da Nang City is only 400 meters away from the pier. It is still within the range of the fleet artillery. There is nothing to say, and it is a fire and a gun.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A steel cannonball crossed the beautiful arc in the air, like an iron fist, slamming on the brick wall, igniting a piece of gravel.

Splashing stone debris flew past the head of the city guards, like a bullet.

But for half an hour, the seemingly indestructible walls, cracked into cracks everywhere, like spider webs; some places have even been completely sunken, and they will collapse.

"Aiming at the depression, concentrating the firepower, first blasting a section of the city wall." Yu Dazhao ordered.

Suddenly, the intensive artillery fire was like a meteorite falling in the sky. It was rubbed against Mars, and it carried out continuous blows on the wall. The walls of the city shook like mountains and shivered.


The flag that stood on the tower was hit by a cannonball and broke into two pieces.

On the head of the city, the Third Army Corps of Haiphong City was waiting for the battle. Fan Tianming, the head of the army, frowned and looked serious. While appeasing the soldiers, he ordered a counterattack.

Artillery technology is naturally not unique to the big summer, Haiphong City also masters the artillery manufacturing technology, but the entire industrial system is not as developed as the big summer, and it is impossible to mass-produce.

Thirty guns were placed on the wall of the Danang City Wall. The same shells were also poured, and the enemy ships parked in the port were hit and splashed with huge waves.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Because of the condescending, although the number of artillery in Da Nang City could not be compared with the Yashan Fleet, it still caused great trouble to the Yashan Fleet. In the twinkling of an eye, three ships and ships were destroyed and slowly sank into the water.

The number of hits by shells is even more numerous.

No way, the port is too small, the forty ships of the first formation of the Yashan Fleet are in turn, densely packed, as long as the enemy artillery is not a fool, it is easy to hit the target.

Yu Dazhao ordered the death, no one dared to retreat, facing the city's gunfire, a warship to carry out a counterattack, even if there is a warship, as long as it has not sunk, continue to bombard the wall.

The fierceness of the enemy forces made the defenders of the Haiphong City timid.

"This is a group of desperados!"

Fan Tianming saw that the city wall would fall, but in desperation, he began to deploy troops to evacuate the city wall, ready to fight with the enemy in the city.

He did not believe that after the enemy fleet came ashore, he could win the third legion in the street fighting.


At this time, there was a loud noise from the south side of the wall. Under the continuous bombardment of the artillery, a wall was finally blasted out of a large hole and collapsed.

For a time, the smoke rolled.

The soldiers standing on the wall of the city screamed and fell from the city, and were submerged by the bricks. It was not alive.

In this way, Da Nang City declared its fall!

"Withdrawal!" Fan Tianming no longer hesitated, and led the department to leave the city wall.


Finally, the wall was collapsed, and Yu Dazhao’s face was relieved and his head was saved.

Then it is the turn of the army to appear.

As the Yashan Marine Corps directly under the Marine Corps established a stronghold at the dock, the Second Army Corps of the Guards and the Second Army of the City Guards entered the port in turn, and quickly landed and assembled.

Since the city of Da Nang is the focus of the attack, it will not be arranged for the army to follow.

At the moment when the city wall collapsed, the fate of the Dagang City and the Third Army of the Haiphong City was already doomed. The next step was nothing but a fearless struggle. After all, it was impossible to control their respective destinies.


Huo’s disease led the cavalry along the blasted passage, braved the fireworks, and took the lead in killing the city. Even in the middle of the city, the Guards were fearless.

With their superb riding, they will only pick up even more awkward killings.


Mu Guiying led the department closely behind.

The city suddenly set off a **** battle. The people in the city fought and screamed, and they did not dare to go out.

This killing lasted for a day and a night.

Although the Third Army of the Haiphong City was determined to be determined, it was not able to catch up with it, and it was defeated by the Daxia Army. In the night, Fan Tianming wanted to escape the door, but he was in the middle of Huo.

As everyone knows, in addition to rushing into the city's cavalry, Huo went to the hospital to ambush two cavalry divisions outside the city early, waiting for the rabbits, and annihilating the enemy remnants in one fell swoop.

By the morning of the next morning, Dagang City had already changed a master, and with the fall of Dagang City, Daxia won the first stronghold in Annan.

According to the arrangement of the commander of the Expeditionary Forces, Mu Guiying was stationed in Dagang City. Huo went to the south and went to the south. Together with the Yashan Fleet, he planned to take down the southern part of Annan.

The Fourth Army Corps of Haiphong City, stationed in the embankment city, fell into isolation and helplessness.

Mu Guiying's stay in Da Nang City is not as simple as defending the city. They are also responsible for the task and are a key part of the battle of Annan.

When the Yashan Fleet left, two shipbuilding warships were left in the port, and ten mimetic aircraft were parked on the deck of the warship, which was the secret weapon left to Mu Guiying.

Success or failure, to some extent, determines the direction of the entire battle.


Annan, Lu Pingcheng.

Luping City is a county town located north of Haiphong City, adjacent to the Beibu Gulf and close to the border.

Almost immediately when the Yashan Fleet took down Dagang City, the first formation of the Pacific Fleet was not outdone, and successfully won this small northern city as the stronghold of the Great Summer Army in the north.

The expeditionary army deputy general Shi Wansui was led by the First Army Corps, the Third Army Corps and the Fifth Army Corps of the City Guards. They were stationed in Luping City and were responsible for sweeping the territory north of Annan.

A county army stationed three legions, it can be seen that Baiqi attaches importance to Annan North. After all, both Wangcheng Hanoi and Haiphong City are in the north. This place is destined to be the main battlefield of the Battle of Annan.


April 7, Haiphong City.

After losing the city of Dagang and Luping City in succession, the ants on the hot pot were in a hurry. In particular, the sudden fall of Da Nang City gave a fatal blow to Hao Tian, ​​completely disrupting the deployment of Haiphong City.

"The Third Army has been destroyed, and the Fourth Army must not have anything!"

Two days ago, under the shackles of the scorpio, the adventurous players organized a large army of 500,000 people to the south. The main targets were two. One was to keep Annan South, and the other was to keep two field corps in Haiphong City.

With the destruction of the Third Army, the Fourth Army was in jeopardy, and Annan and the South were all caught in the flames of war. Both of the two goals could not be achieved.

"I hope they can live up to expectations!" 阮天阙 muttered to himself.

It is reasonable to say that the 500,000-strong army teamed up with the Fourth Army Corps of Haiphong City, and the two legions of Daxia could not stop it. Needless to say, the primary target of the attack is that Dagang City is only stationed in a field army in Daxia.

I don't know how, I always feel a little uneasy in my heart.

China, Yucheng.

When the big summer dispatched a million troops to attack Annan, the Chinese region was alive.

In April, the earth rejuvenated, the ice and snow melted, and even the Central Plains and the northern land have already smelled the spring, the frozen land gradually thawed, the animals ended hibernation, and the grass broke out and exudes vitality.

As the land was thawed together, there was a desire for war that was brewing deep in the hearts of the people, calming down the land of the Central Plains for several months, and the smoke revived.

The protagonist of this time is [Yan Huang Meng].

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the six members of the "Yinhuang League" gathered in Yucheng, claiming that: "Xi Chu Bawang Xiang Yu is cruel and inhuman, and harms the people. It is the poison of the world, please join the people of the world."

The title is grand, meaning only one: "[Yinhuang League] to start with West Chu!"

In order to connect the territories as soon as possible, taking advantage of the opportunity of the summer expedition, the Dust and others are willing to take the risk of "actively provoke the civil war" and smash the army.

Do not blame the imperial dust, the battle of Annan, the military in the summer is like a broken bamboo, the news is frequently transmitted, no one knows when the war will end, so the dust can not wait, can only take early shots.

In order to make quick decisions, [Yanhuang Meng] has fully transferred 400,000 troops, and placed their respective territories in a precarious situation. The border garrison dropped to a dangerous value.

If Daxia did not use the soldiers in and others, they would not dare to take such risks.

"The machine can't be lost, the loss is no longer coming."

[Yanhuang League] When the news of the Chu Chu was released, the world suddenly talked about it.

Some people accuse the "Yinhuang League" of taking the initiative to provoke a civil war when the national war is coming. It is really hateful.

Some people also argued for the "Yinhuang League", saying that Xichu is a wilderness in the wilderness, and it is not a civil war at all. "Taking down the West Chu, the strength of the "Yinhuang League" is not falling and rising, and it is beneficial to the national war."

This is not unreasonable.

"Xi Chu is a big summer ally, how can it not be civil war?!" Someone retorted.

More people are arguing for the big summer, thinking that in order to give the Chinese region a little more national honor points, the big summer will not hesitate to throw a million soldiers to fight outside the field, but they can sing; [Yanhuang League] is attacking the allies of Daxia at this time. It is the danger of taking people, what non-gentlemen do, it makes people feel bad.

No matter which faction, I hope that Daxia can stand up and show its status.

This is of course only the wishful thinking of the players. As before, the summer palace is silent and silent, and there is no meaning to stand up and speak.

Players are used to it.

Some people joked: "Xia Wang has never been able to move when he can do it. How can this be an exception?"

No one believes that Daxia will really be indifferent.

As for how to deal with this summer, there are various versions circulating in the market. Some people say that the big summer will be a double-line battle. It will not ignore the life and death of Xichu. Some people say that Daxia has powerlessness and can only swallow the bitter fruit silently. .

At this time, Shanhai City had a small news spread, saying that as early as the year before, Xia Wang had an early warning to Xi Chu Bawang Xiang Yu, but he was unwilling to accept the assistance of Da Xia.

This time, the "truth" immediately became clear.

Players can already foresee the next tragic fate of Xichu.

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