The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 860: First arm

Rabat City, Udaya Castle.

The war will not be subject to any ups and downs caused by the outside world, and the war process will not be stagnant due to personal will. Just as the Mediterranean lords talked a lot, Rabat City was already in full swing.

The first to suffer was the Udaya Castle.

In the face of a premeditated, well-designed raid, the Udaiya Castle's comeback looked pale and weak. More than 20 artillery pieces of the castle were fired only twice, and basically all were reimbursed.

In this way, Udaya Castle lost its counterattack force.

At this time, a cannonball crossed the wall and exploded directly inside the castle.

The hateful shells are like eyes that are long-sighted. The focus is on the garrison barracks in the castle, so that the garrisons that have not yet responded will suffer a lot.

The next step was a burst of bombing.

The narrow castle, under the attack of three hundred and sixty degrees of unrecognizable shells, has no place to live in, and it is like a hell.

This is a completely asymmetrical war.

The Mediterranean Fleet was unintentional. Before the war began, Alvaro’s intelligence on the Black Snakes, which coordinates of which warships were stopped, and which one of the targets aimed at, was calculated in advance.

The castle garrison was made awkward, but in desperation, he could only give up the castle and retreat to Wangcheng. Staying again, they can only be buried together with the castle.

Less than an hour before and after, the steel castle, which was regarded as the sea post of Wangcheng Rabat, fell into a sea of ​​fire and will eventually be burned into ruins.

The war is ruthless, and the fire is ruthless.

The squadrons of the wolverines who escaped from the castle were less than 40,000, one by one being smoked into blacks, but for these guards, the disaster has just begun.

The Udaya Castle is built on the promontory and is connected to a narrow road on the land.

The castle guards have to evacuate, and there is only one such option. The Mediterranean fleet, which is docked at the port and the sea, will have the opportunity to beat this wonderful dog.

As soon as the guards stepped out of the castle gate, the artillery on the battleship followed the target of the attack.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Almost as soon as the Guards rushed out of the castle, a shell was blasted in the military squad, making it a man. Unfortunately, the hit by the shells, the lighter was injured and fell to the ground. If no one is going to treat, it is estimated that it is impossible to escape. The heavy ones are directly blown up, and the blood is splashed and the flesh is flying.

"Oh, shit!"

This is the road to retreat, which is simply a road to hell.

"Chong, can live a few count!"

The defending general saw that there was no retreat. When this happened, he only had luck. Courage is big, going forward, there is still a line of life; if you are courageous, if you stop, you will only have one dead end.


The so-called: set the dead and then born.

A group of garrisons who had no retreats, braved the gunfire and embarked on a road of no return that was destined to be filled with blood. On the way to the evacuation, the artillery fire roared and flesh and blood flew.

From time to time, I can see that there are soldiers who have been bombarded and bombarded, and the blood is dyed in the sky.

Even if you jump into the sea, it is hard to escape. The Mediterranean fleet can be equipped with not only artillery, but also tens of thousands of soldiers on the battleship. With the gunfire, it was the rain of the sky.

Less than five kilometers long, the Cape Long Dike was completely soaked in blood. The corpse was everywhere, and the flesh and blood were blurred. It was like hell, and even the surrounding sea water was dyed bright red.

In the end, if you really can survive, there will be no one.

By the time the Guards broke away from the artillery range, the number of Guards who survived was less than 5,000. In this case, there were still many injuries on the body, and even the defending generals were killed.

The warring parties have not yet faced each other. The Moroccan Guards Army has lost one-fifth of it. It is feared that no one believes.

The power of artillery can be seen.

The surviving guards of the Guards were pale and white, and some looked back at the road. They saw the bodies of comrades who died in the same way. They even vomited, and even the gallbladder spit out.

They are finally regretting now, it is estimated that they have eaten breakfast.

Even if it is a veteran of the battlefield, why have you seen such a fierce war scene, this is not a killing of the same magnitude, but a ruthless massacre.

The Moroccan Guards Party did not have any counterattack force. They only passively accepted it. With the flesh and blood, they gave birth to a **** road. With nearly 90% of the deaths, they exchanged a small number of comrades for survival.

Even so, the soldiers are still lucky.

"At least, they have survived, aren't they? This is a miracle in itself."

After a little rest, the guards moved again.

"Go, go to the West Gate!"

The remaining Guards did not dare to withdraw to the nearest North Gate because the entire North Wall was now covered by the artillery of the Mediterranean Fleet. They decided to take a detour and walked the nearest West Gate to the beach. The field corps of the Daxia Dynasty had not yet arrived at the battlefield, and these remnants finally escaped and succumbed to the city.

Knowing that the Udaya Castle fell, the 50,000 Guards were almost devastated, and Muhammad VI was pale and almost unsteadily standing. He seemed to be faintly aware that Morocco was afraid of escaping this time.

The first round of the national war, Morocco is defeated!


Take the Udaya Castle, and the second formation of the Mediterranean Fleet followed the Braygray River.

The first formation saw this and temporarily stopped the shackles of the northern wall of Rabat and went upstream again. For a while, the north wall was already blown up.

There are no more than twenty large caverns on the wall, and the gates are directly razed to the ground. Tens of thousands of civilians are unfortunately hit by a stray bullet and are on the spot.

In front of the Daxia Dynasty, it is an undefended city.

Muhammad VI saw this, in addition to leaving 50,000 Guards in the Royal Palace, 50,000 Guards guarded the other three walls, and mobilized 100,000 Guards to defend in Beicheng District.

The Guards will build a fortification on the basis of houses and streets in the city.

Otherwise, there is no way to fight this.

As for the defense of the other three walls, you can only rely on the professional players in the city. In just one hour, more than half a million players were transferred from the satellite city to Rabat.

The Moroccan guild reached an unprecedented consensus. With the five most powerful guild leaders as the core, the CCP was formed in a rush, unified command and dispatch of all the players in the city, and the Guards were deployed throughout the city.

For everyone, they have no way out.

At this time, only the death war.

Therefore, the next step will be a tough battle, and the national war will soon be transferred to the second stage.


And said that the first formation of the Mediterranean went upstream, not for anything else, it was to attack the satellite city. Without pulling out the satellite city, the field army did not dare to boldly launch a general attack on Rabat City.

Otherwise, if the expeditionary army of the Daxia Dynasty was launching a raid on Rabat, the Moroccan player suddenly sent back to the satellite city and attacked the rear of the expeditionary army. It was enough for the expedition to drink a pot.

The expeditionary army naturally does not make this common sense mistake.

Before attacking Rabat City, the transmission line of the satellite city must be destroyed to eliminate the aftermath.

This time, the satellite city can be followed.

The players in the satellite city were intensive. Under the sudden fire of the artillery, they dared to stay where they were, and they were desperate to go to the crowd. The scene was once embarrassing, and it was almost going to make a stampede.

In this case, the player only wants to save his life, but he is not conscious of the queue.

There is only one transmission array. The scene is crowded, people push people, people step on people. The roar of the man, the scream of the woman, the complaints of the old man, the crying of the child, the sounds of each other, and the noise.

Helpless children shivered in crowds, except for the mother of the child, who ignored it.

At the juncture of life and death, no one can remain calm, and the ugliness of human nature is often exposed at such a juncture. What is needed at this time is not moral condemnation, but strong repression.

Fortunately, at the crucial moment, there are still people in the satellite city.

After receiving the news, the satellite town guards stood up in time and immediately organized an elite group to rush to the scene to maintain order, any who dared to jump in the team, was directly thrown to the end of the team.

If you don't accept it, you will be greeted with **** suppression in minutes and teach you how to behave.

On the spot, two of the most violent players were killed by the elite group, five steps of bloodshed, and the corpse was on the spot. This time, I don’t kill a few chickens.

Sure enough, with the support of the Guardian Guild, the scene was gradually controlled, and the situation did not deteriorate further. If Moroccan players kill each other because they are competing for a transmission, they will never be able to lift their heads around the world.

For a while, hundreds of players have been trampled into serious injuries.

Moroccan players who are waking up see this scene, one by one shy, consciously queuing, young people are taking the initiative to let the elderly and children first pass away.

The life of the doctor's professional players spontaneously stayed and took the initiative to treat the injured compatriots.

The brilliance of humanity re-emerges.

Players can't think of why they would become so crazy and lose their humanity.

In the end, it was a sudden war. The nerves of the big guys collapsed too tightly. They were slightly irritated by the outside world and became uncontrollable. This is human nature.

Otherwise, the player can't be so panicked by a round of artillery attacks. The fire of the Mediterranean fleet is even worse, and the killing of the city is still very limited.

Even so, the satellite city players have accelerated the pace of retreat, no hesitation.

Looking at the situation at the moment, it is meaningless to stay in the satellite city, but it may be attacked by the enemy. Instead of this, it is better to retreat to Wangcheng.

The cautious awkwardness of the Daxia Dynasty has left the Moroccan players with a lingering fear.

At ten o'clock in the morning, except for a small number of players who remained in the depths of the underground world, the entire satellite city was basically an empty city.

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