The World Online

Vol 3 Chapter 861: Shi Dakai is a coward

The satellite city was “emptied” and the second step of the expeditionary combat plan was successfully implemented.

Near midday, the southern suburbs of Rabat suddenly heard the sound of rumble, and the three major regiments led by the expeditionary deputy general Bai Qi rushed to the city and finally rushed outside Rabat.

More than 200,000 troops are like a sun-covered day, and they can't see the margin at a glance.

All the sights are black sergeants, cold light.

I saw the squadron in the army, the flag fluttering, the iron armor Xuanguang, the knife and the gun are standing, the people are awe. When the army is not close, you can feel a chill and come, and people will smash three points first.

On the wall, whether it is the Guards or the Moroccan players, I saw these great military forces, and each face was dignified and shocked and could not speak.

The so-called: do not climb Mount Tai, do not know the height of the mountain; not in the abyss, I do not know the depth of the water.

Seeing the iron and blood army of the Great Summer Dynasty, the Moroccan players know what it means to be a strong army. The players on the wall are not all adventurous players. Some of them have been lords before, but they have been out of luck and have been eliminated by the wilderness and turned into adventure players.

These former lords have become even more emotional when they see such a large army. In comparison, the army of their previous territories was no different from the militia, and even the qualifications for comparison were not available.

The strong summer dynasty is evident.

Thinking of this, the uneasiness in the hearts of Moroccan players has become more intense. Some players in the city can not stand the atmosphere of such a repressed war, their feet are unconsciously shaking, and their faces are slightly white.

I have not really understood this feeling without actually seeing the iron and blood army.

The game designed by Gaia is too realistic.

Whether it is the Dragon Army or the Guards Army, they are all strong fighters who have fought in battles. The soldiers have their own murderous murderousness. This murderous murder is truly simulated by Gaia, constantly stimulating the vulnerable nerves of the players.

Adventurers who have been fighting wild beasts have seen such a battle.

Gaia’s move, with its own deep meaning, is that the player wants to adapt to the killing atmosphere of this battlefield in advance in the game. In this way, the player will not be timid in the face of the unknown challenge.

The team of players who have not been tempered by blood and fire is in a position to face the army.


Five miles outside the city of Rabat, Baiqi was guarded by the Iron Eagle Swordsmen and walked in the middle of the military array. He looked at Rabat City in the distance and saw the light flashed through his eyes.

For this city, Baiqi is no stranger, he also lived in the city for one night. It is known from the white, but if it is the king city, even the lowest level is also a strong city.

If you want to win these heroes, you must have enough patience and you must not be too hasty.

Thinking of this, Bai Qi said: "The order is made, the whole army is stationed on the spot. Life Shi Dakai led the Fifth Army and immediately entered the satellite city to remove the obstacles in the city. There must be no mistakes."

The white military order seems to be casual, but in fact it is profound.

A stone Dakai has just led the army and has not yet made meritorious deeds. This is an opportunity for Shida to open a meritorious service. The second is also an opportunity to investigate the ability of Shi Dakai.

Wang Shang is quite admired for Shi Dakai, but Bai Qi is to see it as a reality.

Nothing to do in the march, even if it is to attack an empty city without defense, it can test the ability of the general. Especially for the gods who are white, there are more things to see.

"No!" The commander flew away.

Slightly tilted, the vast army array stopped and the line was banned. The sea breeze blew, and the black-pressed army did not have a glimmer of sound, like a sculpture standing in the wilderness, motionless.

The Moroccan players in the distance have met, and they are even more upset.

At the same time, the Fifth Army, which was placed on the right wing of the army, suddenly moved. The entire legion broke away from the main force, but it accelerated the marching speed, and turned to the east and went straight to the satellite city.

"What are they doing?" Moroccan players can't figure it out.

Someone hesitated and said: "Looking at the direction, they seem to be attacking the satellite city."

"This time to play satellite city, they are too careful?" Moroccan players speechless.

"Are we going to stop it?"

"No. This may be the enemy's tricks. The purpose is to let us divide the troops, so as to reduce the resistance of the enemy to attack the king city. We can't be fooled."

"It's a good talk. The satellite city is just an empty city. If they want it, they will take it."

In this way, Moroccan players decided to wait and see.

As for the Wangcheng Guards, there is no military order that will not leave the job. The duty of the Guards is to guard the King City, and how to care about a satellite city.

What's more, it is still an empty city.

Of course, this time I want the Guards to take the initiative to attack the city, it is impossible.


Just in time, the Fifth Corps led by Shi Dakai has acted quickly.

As it turns out, Shi Dakai did not let Bai Biao disappoint.

I saw that the Fifth Army was separated from the Chinese army, but it came to the foot of the satellite city in half an hour and did not immediately attack the city. Shi Dakai was the first to rectify the queue, followed by attacking a strong city, and arranging troops in a smooth manner.

When I arrived, I arranged a knife and shield soldier, and broke the city gate.

After entering the city, Shi Dakai first arranged a cavalry to investigate the situation in the city, confirming that there was no ambush in the city, and then arranged for the guard to break the city stone monument of the satellite city until the transmission array disappeared completely.

Throughout the process, Shi Dakai is not ill.

During the period, whether it was the urging of the soldiers of the Fifth Army or the hustle and bustle of the soldiers of the Chinese army, Shi Dakai was deaf to the ears, and sat in the middle of the army with no expression, and the command was determined.

In this way, the Fifth Army took a full hour and a half to win an empty city. Throughout the process, the players of Wangcheng Rabat were afraid to send them and fight the expeditionary army.

When the Fifth Corps entered the satellite city and held the various heavy areas of the city, Shi Dakai sent a person to return the white leader, saying that the satellite city had successfully won.

I heard it from the white, nodded, and thought: "There is a general style."

Only in this way, Shi Dakai inevitably carries the title of "the coward". In the military, carrying such a name on the back is not a pleasant thing.

The eyes of the soldiers who saw Shi Dakai were a bit strange, but Shida opened a serious face, and no one could see any abnormality in the look of Shi Dakai.


The Fifth Army won the satellite city. The expeditionary army naturally did not have a reason to camp outside the city. It was ordered immediately, and the whole army entered the satellite city in turn.

As a result, the expeditionary army acquired a super military camp, saving a lot of time and energy.

The army is coming from afar, and the building tools that are carried are not enough. If you build a camp in the wild, you don’t know how much you have to eat. Do not say anything else, the mosquitoes in the evening are enough for the army to drink a pot.

Only last night, when the army temporarily rested on the coast, more than 200 soldiers were bitten by mosquitoes, infected with the disease, and the whole body was swollen and extremely fierce.

Summer mosquitoes are really a terrible existence, and mosquitoes are also prone to infectious diseases, which is even more of a scourge. Once the army is infected with epidemic diseases, it is a disaster.

The army entered the satellite city, and as long as the hygiene is properly controlled, the situation will naturally be much better.

The ruler of the White Army was strict. After the army entered the city, in addition to the troops responsible for searching for materials in the city, the other ministries were stationed in accordance with the designated zones, and they could not leave without any reason.

Satellite City players are rushing to withdraw, but they are leaving a lot of supplies. In addition to food, pharmacies still have some cheap drugs. The equipment store also has some arrows, which is better than nothing!

More importantly, the artisans in the military can temporarily produce a number of arrows through the workshops and raw materials in the city, and can also repair the equipment for the army, but it is much stronger than the tents in the wild.

If it is not the ancient march, the most like to be stationed in the city, the reason is here.


The head of Rabat, the Moroccan player is completely stupid.

Seeing the army of the Great Summer dynasty, on the city's head, both the players and the Guards have been waiting for the battle, waiting for a dead battle with the enemy in the city, killing a catastrophe, and defending the country.

When I thought of it, the enemy’s momentum came, and I turned a blind eye to Wangcheng Rabat. I took the satellite city in a blink of an eye and swayed into the city.

"What do you say? Do they not know if this is a national war? It is so leisurely!"

"Hey, his mother is too look down on people!"

“Is the Daxia Dynasty ready to trap us in the city? It’s According to the inertia of the players, since the two sides started the battle, it’s natural to be mad. The Mediterranean fleet of the Daxia Dynasty has already won the Uda Ya Castle, breaking the North Gate, did not reason to stop.

This time to enter the satellite city, not to play people.

"How do I feel that we are counted again?"

Moroccan players face each other and have a bad feeling.

In this way, the army of the Daxia Dynasty is strong and strong, but there is no grasp of victory. Therefore, the enemy will not immediately attack the city. Instead, they choose to take a stronghold and prepare to fight a long-term battle.

"I knew this before, we should take the initiative and give them a lesson."

"That is, we are still too conservative."

Not the Moroccan players are conservative, but the expeditionary army with a strong military command is the first to win the attention of the Moroccan players. In the case of the talent, how dare they take the initiative.

"That's not necessarily, we really have to attack, the enemy may have something to wait for."

Some people are so comforted.

"Yes, the other party is too embarrassing!"

Although it is said that the players are faintly regretted, they know that they will not evacuate the satellite city so easily, but let the enemy smash a cheaper.

"We don't have to panic, so dragging it down is even more unfavorable to the enemy. Don't forget, there are still three territories in the country. When the army of the territory comes to the king, the enemy is afraid to be clever and clever."

There are also talents among players.

"It's a good saying. There are plenty of food and grass in the city. It is more beneficial for us to consume it. On the contrary, the enemy forces come from afar. The materials carried by the army are afraid to last for a week. Since they want to consume, then we will accompany them to the end."

"To accompany the end!"

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