The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1000: Old black ancestors

Wilderness Yan took his gaze back from the savage body and looked at the huge black palace that was pulled by the eighteen black dragons, with no expression and no words.

The temple of the temple is also silent, quietly suspended in the air, it seems that there is no one inside.

Both the priests and the priests remained silent, and naturally everyone from the two of them was silent.

The two camps, a total of more than 10 million monks, in this wild world of heaven and earth, confront each other, but no one speaks.

This kind of strange silence makes the atmosphere that is inherently dignified and more depressed.

Especially for some people with weak psychological endurance, under the influence of this atmosphere, it is already sweating at the moment, breathing heavily, and unconsciously holding their own weapons in their hands.

Finally, when these people were almost unable to withstand this oppressive atmosphere, from the black temple of the sacred, a cold voice suddenly came out: "Come on!"

Whether it is Jiang Yun, or Yan Junyan and others, you can hear that this is indeed the voice of Taoism.

However, the simple two words are to let them first glimpse, and then they change slightly.

Because when everyone wants to come, the silent confrontation between the two sides is equivalent to competing with each other for momentum and morale.

However, with the sound of the Taoist voice, it was for them to understand that the reason why the Taoist did not start the attack was because he was waiting for someone!

And someone who can make Dao Zun personally wait...

Although Jiang Yun always sat quietly on the bow, but with the fall of the word Tao, his body was involuntarily tightened.

Because if you don't expect it, the person who Tao Zun personally waits for should be the refiner!


Along with a sharp and whistling sound, suddenly there was a black light at the end of the wild world, and it rushed at a very fast speed.

Because the speed is so fast that the black light on it is like a black flame, igniting the sky, with an amazing momentum, falling from the sky, and instantly falling on the earth.


With the impact of black light and the earth, a loud bang was heard, and there was a gust of wind. The center of the black light was centered and swept away in all directions.

Where the squally winds passed, several mountain ranges crashed directly, and countless grasses were turned into ash, which swept hundreds of miles in an instant and continued to spread.

Not far from the front of this gusty wind, there are a group of squadrons, watching the gust of wind that is rushing toward them, and their faces have changed dramatically.

The strength of this gust of wind is not what they can resist.

Once they are caught in these winds, their bodies will be like the mountains and the trees, and they will vanish and disappear.

Even if they want to hide, the speed of the wind is so fast that they can't escape the wind.

At this moment, I swallowed the wind and slammed it, and suddenly raised my hand, pointing to the hurricane volley.

In an instant, a huge multicolored finger appeared in front of the group of squadrons, gently on the wind.

Suddenly, with the sound of the sound of "嗡嗡", there were countless holes visible to the naked eye above the gust of wind. After a whistling sound, it was completely dissipated in an instant.

Although the squadrons escaped from the dead, but one by one has been soaked with sweat, everyone's gaze is all looking at the black light that fell.

It is only by virtue of the raging wind that is set off by the falling momentum that it can have such power. It is conceivable that the strength of this black light is absolutely powerful.

Where the black light falls, a huge deep pit with a radius of about 10,000 meters has appeared.

When the eyes of the people looked into the deep pit, the black light suddenly rose to the sky and appeared in front of everyone.

It’s a coffin!

The coffin is all black and black, and it is covered with all kinds of runes, and it moves up and down like a living thing.

Then, a cries of laughter suddenly came out of the coffin: "The person who just blocked me, you should be swallowing the sky, come and come, now you will fight with the evil!"

The voice fell, the lid of the coffin opened, and a young man in black was out from the inside. He looked very handsome and had a wicked smile on his face.

Looking at this young man, Jiang Yun’s brow is slightly wrinkled.

Because he can clearly feel the huge demon emitted from the other side.

In other words, the other party is a demon, not a human!

Naturally, it is not the refiner!

Is it that this person is the Tao Zun?

When I heard the man’s words, I was so swift and cold, and the strength of the other party was indeed extraordinary, but I was also intimidated with myself.

"Don't worry, after the start of the war, someone will be with you!"

The young man slammed his hand toward the coffin beside him, and saw the glory directly immersed in his body, just in the palm of his hand, a pattern of coffin emerged.

"What are you waiting for, this time hastily, did not give the boss a face-to-face ceremony, after killing you, use your head as a gift to the boss!"

The man is so provocative, so that the cold eyes are already swollen.

Just when he was ready to let go and the other party hit a game first, there was a sudden sound: "The evil old man, the boss is very clear, before we come, we are not allowed to shoot at random, don't you dare Don't listen to the boss's life!"

Above the sky, there is another black mist, and the sound comes from the fog.

The speed of the black fog is also extremely fast, and the moment comes to the top of the evil old man's head, which shrinks sharply and turns into another black man.

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Looking at the man who made this black atomization, Jiang Yun’s pupil could not help but shrink slightly, and there was a shocking light in his eyes!

Because this man's appearance, even with the old black brother, is somewhat similar!

Moreover, the other party is also the demon of the black fog!

Is it difficult, the other party may be the ancestors of the old black?

Also, the boss in their mouth is the refiner.

"Should be, these two people are all demons, and they are very strong. Only as a refining sorcerer can they be able to withstand them!"

At this moment, the black man who appeared after the evil old man was full of dissatisfaction looked at him: "Black monster, when did I defy the command of my eldest brother, I just wanted to give my brother a meeting!"

"Tell you, when the boss comes, you can't say it!"

Black monster!

Hearing the surname of the other party, Jiang Yun is 90% sure that this black monster should be the ancestors of the old black, and he does not know whether he is from the mountains and seas.

In this illusion, he deliberately sought to inquire about the whereabouts of the mountains and seas, but no one heard that even the wilderness and other people did not know.

And this is also a very normal thing. After all, the world is thousands, and they cannot know the name and location of every world.

As for the only known Lu Lun, he is always indifferent. Whenever he asks this question, he deliberately perfunctory.

Therefore, Jiang Yun can only think that it is either the ancient times, the mountains and the seas, or the mountains and seas. No one really knows.

But I did not expect that there is now a fog demon that may come from the mountains and seas!

This made him decide that if there is a chance, he can ask the other party.

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