The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1001: The beginning of the war

As the black blame moved out of the boss's order, the evil old man naturally did not dare to take the initiative to take the initiative, looking at himself from all directions.

At first glance, his mouth could not help but yell: "Hey, so many people, it seems that it is really going to come to war."

Having said that, he looked up and looked at the temple of the scorpion in the air and shouted: "Dao Zun, you can rest assured that since our brothers have come, this battle will guarantee you will win!"

I have to say that although the evil old man is very strong, his character is obviously a bit weird, so that even the black monster is shaking his head and quietly pulling away the distance between him. .

However, he did not respect the Taoist name, but he also let some people, such as Jiang Yun and others understand.

The refining demon is helping the Taoist temple and helping the temple, but he and his group of people are like Jiang Yun. They are free bodies and are not controlled by Dao.

At this moment, the voice of Tao Zun suddenly came out from the temple of the temple again: "Two, when will your honor come!"

"The boss will arrive later, but he said that you don't have to wait for him, and the three of us can help you!"

The answer to the Taoist is not the evil old man and the black old monster, but a boiled blood sea that appears again on the sky!

Seeing the **** sea, I heard this voice, Jiang Yun’s face has changed again, and whispered three words from the mouth: “Blood East!”

Whether it is this sudden sound, or the blood of this sky, Jiang Yun is too familiar!

At the beginning, he was almost robbed by the blood, and later he lost his mind, but he gave him a lot of good fortune.

So at this moment, Jiang Yun naturally recognized it at a glance. Now, it is in reality that he is being held in the blood of the seven layers of the prison!

Moreover, listening to the blood of the East, it is clearly the hands of the refining demon, come to help the Tao, against the three major!

Looking at the boiling sea that is getting closer and closer, Jiang Yun’s eyes are constantly changing!

Because of the emergence of blood, let him suddenly understand some things!

"The seven layers of the prison are not just one world, but eight worlds, which form a seven-star seal."

"Hou Muran of the Taoist dynasty said that he has already gone to the evil world, the golden road and the **** world!"

"Now there is a **** stream here, and there is an evil old man, the big demon that is held in the evil world, will it be him?"

"If it is him, then can I think that in the eight worlds of the seven layers of the prison, the eight big demons under the refining demon?"

"Even, the blood flow let me go to find his big brother, the so-called big brother in his mouth, will it be the boss in their mouth now, that is, the refining demon!"

In the mind of Jiang Yun, a series of pictures have emerged.

In reality, the refining demon led a few powerful demon people, such as the blood east, to help the Taoist success to destroy the dead and the nine, and to make the Taoist become the master of the thousands of Taoist circles, let the Taoist temple control Thousands of roads.

However, they never imagined that the Taoist who succeeded in winning, but unloaded and killed, in turn began to deal with the heroes who had helped him.

I don't know for what reason, Tao Zun did not kill them directly, but established a prison.

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All these big demon, together with the remnant tribes of the dead Nine, were thrown into the prison, and the eternal life was imprisoned!

"This should be the truth of the prison!"

Just then, the face of the boundless blood that had fallen from the sky highlighted a face.

The look of the face is not even different from the blood flow seen by Jiang Yun.

He smiled and said: "Since everyone is here, what are you waiting for? I will shoot first!"

As the voice fell, the **** sea suddenly expanded and turned into a boundless blood rain, and went straight to a place where the tribes gathered!

I have to say that the last three big demons are really overbearing.

After the evil old man first shot but was swallowed up, the blood flow will appear after the emergence of the same, and the same direct shot.

And his shot, finally opened the prelude to this ultimate battle!

The evil old man has long been unable to wait, and now I heard that the boss is not coming, the blood flow has already been shot, and he can wait for it.

I saw him screaming, his body swaying, and went straight to the sky, and said in his mouth: "It’s quite swallow, the boss can afford you, and I personally come to help you and the demon in this world. ”

"I didn't expect you to be a shameless face. If you don't want to be a boss, you dare to betray the boss. Today I will kill you for the boss!"

His remarks made it possible for people who knew the rebellious reality before the wild world to finally be sure. These three demons were the men of the refining demon.

Originally, the refining sorcerer also took a fancy to swallow the sky. He also wanted to confiscate him. He did not expect that because of the emergence of Jiang Yun, he had changed his mind and returned to the abandonment.

Pretty to swallow the sky and laugh: "I am afraid you can't!"

His body was swaying, and with the colorful fog rising from the body, he had already greeted the evil old man.

"Blood demon, I will come to you!"

The body was swaying, and suddenly there was a cloud of colorful clouds rising above the ground. When the group of three tribes was shrouded, it also ushered in the blood rain falling in the air!

The two companions who watched each other have already handed in their hands, and the black monster shook his head, helplessly said: "Then I can't be idle."

He turned his head and looked at the sky standing in the air, his hands clenched his fists: "The name of the chaotic family has long been swayed, and today Hei will teach you the tricks of the chaotic patriarchs!"

The strength of the black monster is obviously very high, and even the target is selected directly.

This made it impossible for him to smile coldly, and next to him, a veteran of the chaotic family has already taken the lead: "Kill the chicken with a knife and deal with a small character like you, where can I use it?" The clan chief shot!"

Looking at the old man ushered in the black blame for himself, the screaming loudly laughed: "Since it has already begun, then we should not be idle!"

Looking at the sky, I looked at the sorrowful demon statue standing in the distance between the heavens and the earth: "The konjac, we had two hands in the past, but unfortunately failed to tell the winner."

"Now that you have returned to the Taoist, it seems that you should get a lot of benefits from him. Come and let me see if you have grown up!"

On the top of the statue of the ruined demon, a black man appeared, his eyes flashing with the light of hatred, staring coldly at the sky, not talking, stepping out, welcoming .

The konjac is the patriarch of the Mozu, although he has to bring the sacred temple to the temple, but he also hates others to mention it.

In particular, I am still talking with myself as one of the nine people who have died!

Lv Yizhen also reached out and said that the group of hanged in the sky had no fixed soul fire: "The soul is not extinguished, let's come to activities and activities!"


There was a cold cry in the unsettled soul fire, and a white figure flew out, naturally it was the soul patriarch.

In a twinkling of an eye, several top masters have already fought together, and the sky has finally lifted the palm of his hand at this time, and he said with a deep voice: "The three great tribes, killing the temple!"

A simple order suddenly ignited the entire battlefield.

In the numerous screams of earth-shattering, the three great men and six million monks marched toward the monks of the temple.

Although there were no people in the temple, they also greeted the army of the three major groups almost simultaneously.

The big battle, really start!

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