The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1002: Free action

With the unfolding of the war on the ground, in the sky, the nine-handed golden sword belonging to the temple of the sacred temple and the twelve black and white chessboards trembled sharply and violently.

Although most of the monks have left, there are still a few people standing on it.

At this moment, they respectively spurred these golden swords and chessboards, and went to the fifty-four ships in the air.

The abandoned people of the forty-nine shipwrecks of the ship, each sneer, also ushered in all the ruins of themselves and the hull, and greeted them.

The only ship that belongs to Jiang Yun is still in place.

And Jiang Yun naturally has not yet entered the war.

Although the name of Jiang Yun, whether it is the temple or the three major groups, has long been heard, but because Jiang Yun has always been in a retreat, acting is also deliberately low-key, so there are many people in the reincarnation and chaos. I really saw Jiang Yun, not to mention the temple.

Moreover, above such a vast battlefield, he is sitting on a boat, condescending, so not many people noticed his existence, and naturally no one came to challenge him.

Jiang Yun’s eyes watched the battle of the millions of monks who had begun below. Even if he was calm, he was shocked at the moment.

Such a large-scale war contains almost all the strongest people in the real world.

If it is not in this illusion, I am afraid that he has no chance to see it in his life, let alone personal experience.

However, although such a war is extremely strong, the life within it has become negligible.

Although the war has just begun, the two sides’ military forces have just experienced a brief touch, but at least hundreds of lives have vanished.

Although this war is a battle between the tribes to protect their homeland and the temple of martyrdom to destroy them, it seems that the tribes are a party to justice.

But in fact, war has never been too clearly right or wrong.

After all, according to the personal experience of Jiang Yun in this illusion, I can see the kind of high and high, arrogant and overbearing style of the ruined nine.

Just like the abandoned people, they are all called slaves for those who are willing to return, and forcibly killing those who are unwilling to return. This kind of behavior, where is the justice.

For the ruined nine people, the temple of blasphemy is an evil invader, but for the sacred temple, the ninth sect is also the nine tyrants who ruled the world with strong power.

They even controlled the gates of their cultivation and prevented them from continuing into higher realms, forcing them to rebel.

Therefore, the right and wrong in the war are relative, depending on which side of the camp you are in.

Since Jiang Yun chose to kill the Nine, then now, he can only harden his heart.

In addition to Jiang Yun, many people have not joined the war.

For example, the sacred objects of the five major ethnic groups, such as Tianlu and Fan Junyan!

The sacred objects of the five major races are equivalent to the ultimate weapon. The real role is not attack, but deterrence.

After all, once any sacred object is fully motivated, the destructive power caused by it is absolutely devastating. The power is too great, and the enemy and the enemy are not divided. Therefore, no one can dare to act rashly at the last moment.

But as long as one party first urging the sacred object, the other party will inevitably respond immediately.

Tianluo is the coach of the three major races. His mission is to control the actions of six million monks.

So he didn't have to join the battlefield himself, but stood in the air, overlooking the battlefield below, and one command after another.

By his side, there are more than 100 tribes of the tribe, each of which conveys his orders to the various teams in the battlefield through various means such as jade, flag, and so on.

This also made Jiang Yun once again admire the meaning of the sky, and even felt that the sky was awakened before the war, and threatened himself, in fact, on a certain level, it helped himself.

If you want to direct the actions of six million monks at the same time, you can't do it anyway, even if you can do it, you must make mistakes in your busy schedule.

In such a war, even a small mistake, the price paid, will probably be the fall of hundreds of lives.

However, the sky is a relaxed state of mind, and the orders are sent out from his mouth like a stream of water. Obviously, it is easy to cope with such a war.

Naturally, this is also related to the awakening of his identity.

If it is old, even if the old man is going through a hundred battles, his heart is like iron and blood, and he can never be as calm and calm as the sky.

The so-called bystander is clear, for the sky, do not look at his identity as a wilderness, but in fact it is an outsider, even if the abandonment is all dead, he will not have half a bit of pain.

Therefore, standing on the side of the observer, coupled with no slight pressure, but let him more free to command this war.

As for the eyes of the ridiculous monarch, he just stared at the black palace in the air.

Obviously, his goal is only one person!

Of course, he will not take the initiative to rush to the palace to shoot the Tao, who knows what protection will be in the palace.

If the Tao does not show up, he will not move, and as long as the Taoist appears, he will naturally meet for the first time. Anyway, the war below does not need to worry about him.

There were also many people in the temple of the sacred temple who did not join the war. Although Jiang Yun saw these people in his eyes, but because he did not know, he only took a look and recovered his gaze.

After watching it quietly for a while, Jiang Yun’s gaze also looked at the sacred temple in the air, saying to himself: “The other three strong men, the mysterious coach and the refining sorcerer, did not appear. !"

"However, except for the sorcerer who didn't know why, the Taoist and mysterious coaches should all be in the palace, and convey the order by means of sound!"

Because the army that does not look at the temple seems to be extremely scattered, in fact, their offensive defense also has a certain law, apparently someone is secretly commanding.

This commander must be the mysterious coach!

Moreover, he hid in the shrine, and the safety was greatly increased.


To kill him, you must first kill the 18 black dragons, and secondly, break through the defense of the temple, and even face the Taoist in the end.

The best way to win a battle like this is to kill the other coach.

When the coach is dead, the monks under his jurisdiction will have no leader, even if there are other people standing up to take over the position of the coach, but even a moment of delay can have a fatal impact.

Therefore, in addition to helping him to convey his orders, the hundreds of tribes around the old man also protected him. Even Jiang Yun saw the figure of the wilderness in it!

"You must find a way to force the mysterious coach of the temple to kill and kill him."

"Since you are not willing to show up, take this opportunity and first weaken your strength and say that when your strength falls, you will definitely come out!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun has quietly said: "Yi Zheng!"


Yi Zheng and others saw that their companions had begun to courageously kill the enemy. They had already been boiled one by one, and they wished to join the battlefield quickly.

Only Jiang Yun did not speak, they did not dare to act rashly, so now I heard the voice of Jiang Yun, Yi Zheng suddenly shocked his body and shouted loudly.

"You are temporarily led by the wild feathers, join the battlefield, act freely, but everything is to protect yourself first! Later, I will come to you!"

When I heard Jiang Yun’s order, Yi Zheng and others couldn’t help but whisper: “What about the adults?”

"I am also free to act!"

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