The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1005: Change the day

Although the words spoken by men are full of arrogance, Jiang Yun is also demeaning, but Jiang Yun has no anger.

Even, Jiang Yun admitted that the other party is telling the truth!

With his own arrogance on the kendo, it is indeed not worthy of the Tibetan sword that is a Taoist!

The middle-aged man has already carried the sword that has not been squirted in his hand and walked toward Jiang Yun.


Looking at the other side's uncomfortable footsteps, Jiang Yun's pupil can not help but shrink slightly.

Because in his eyes, he saw not a person, but a sword!

The sorrowful swords that came out of the man made the emptiness around him cut out of numerous tiny cracks!

You must know that the other party has not yet shot, and you can have such a strong sword meaning that this sword has been integrated into his body and integrated into his soul.

He is a sword!

Jiang Yun is very clear, he has encountered a strong enemy, a real sword repair!

Jiang Yun himself is also a sword repairer, but he has encountered a lot of sword repairs.

The most powerful of them is Yue Qing.

However, Yue Qing, who faces the situation, does not feel like this at the moment.

It is not difficult to see that the middle-aged man’s accomplishments in the kendo are far more than Yue Qing!

This also allowed Jiang Yun to guess the identity of the other party.

"Hello, should it be Jiansheng?"

For the sacred temples, and even some of the strong people in the world, Jiang Yun has long known about the intelligence collected by the abandon.

Jiansheng is one of them!

Listen to his name to know that he must be a sword repair.

The introduction to him is also very simple, just a short sentence.

Born for the sword, the pursuit of the ultimate kendo!

Jiang Yun did not expect that he would meet Jiansheng on this battlefield!

At this moment, the man had already stopped to stop at the place in front of Jiang Yun, coldly facing Jiang Yundao: I am! You are different from the people I killed just now. ”

"I can see that you not only have a good sword, but also a sword repair, so I will give you a chance."

"What opportunity?" Jiang Yun asked quietly.

"Bright sword!"

Give Jiang Yun a chance to shine a sword!

For Jiansheng, it seems to have given the face of Jiang Yuntian!

However, when he heard this arrogant word, Jiang Yun was awkward.

Because Jiang Yun is very sure, if I don't show my sword now, I am afraid there will be no chance to show off my sword.


There is a Tibetan sword in the hands of Jiang Yun.

With the appearance of the Tibetan sword, Jiang Yun can clearly see that the sword of the sword in the hands of the sword is slightly trembled;

I also saw that the palm of Jiansheng’s sword was slightly exerted, and there was a more powerful sword in his body.

Even, Jiang Yun actually saw a golden light flashing away in the heart of Jiansheng!

The sword immediately returned to normal!

Obviously, although Jiansheng’s kendo is extremely high, the sword in his hand is not a good thing, but in the face of the Taoist sword, there is still the urge to surrender.

However, it was stopped by Jiansheng with his own sword.

However, Jiang Yun is more concerned about it, but it is the golden light that flashed through the chest of the other side.

Because of that golden light, I suddenly let the Tibetan sword in my hand twitch again.

The eyes of Jiansheng deeply watched the Tibetan kendo in the hands of Jiang Yun: "Yes, it is a good sword, it is worth my sword!"

When the voice fell, the other palm of the sword had already grasped the hilt of his sword and pulled the sword out.

He is not fast at drawing his sword, and he can even describe it slowly.

But as the golden blade gradually pulled out of the scabbard, the air has wiped out countless golden Mars!

Just as the air can't bear the temperature at which the sword was pulled out and burned.

Without the slightest sound, a sword with a full body of gold has been pulled out by the sword and stabbed toward Jiang Yun.

Whether it is the action of pulling the sword, or the stabbing of this sword, it looks like ordinary, even as if it is not force, fluttering.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun's face is suddenly changed!

Because in front of his eyes, it was not a sword, but a pen, a pen full of golden paint.

As the golden sword passed, the original bright sky was even a little bit gilded.

This golden sky is as vast as the sea. Not only is there a boundless sword, but it is also a sword of rushing. Under the condensed, there are even a few stars.

Every star is a sword of sharp stars!

The whole golden sky, with countless swords of stars, went straight to Jiang Yun.

Such a huge sword, not to mention the two monks who are fighting fiercely near the two, all stopped the action in their hands, and turned their eyes.

Even the wild prince Yan on the sky, involuntarily looked at it here. At first glance, his eyes flashed a cold light.

"It seems that he should be the famous sword who is eager to pursue the martial arts!"

"The cultivation of Tianyoujing has already had a sword heart, and it is really extraordinary."

"It’s not a swordsmanship to change the day with a sword heart, but it’s almost like a martial art!”

"I don't know if Jiang Yun can take this sword!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun, under the pressure of the golden sky and the swords of numerous stars, only feels that his body seems to be riddled with holes.

This is the real sword repair!

Compared with the other side, his rumor on the kendo is just like the firefly and the glory of the moon. There is no comparability at all!

"If I am really just a sword repair, then this battle, I will die, but unfortunately, I am not a pure sword repair, and this battle is not a simple battle of kendo!"

Jiang Yun's palm suddenly clenched the Tibetan Taoist sword, above his eyebrows, his own "wild" word of the wild lines emerged, and did not enter the Tibetan Taoist sword.

The aura in the body is mixed in the lines, and madly poured into the Tibetan sword.

For this fierce sword, Jiang Yun can only pick up with the sword!

The sword is not a sword, so in order to show respect for the other side as a sword repair, Jiang Yun also made a slight modification of the sword, and joined his most powerful sword so far.

He didn't know a trick. It was just a sword from a figure appearing in the stuntman given to him by the second division.

A trick is called by others to be a sword without a sword!

As Jiang Yun finally slashed his sword, in the eyes of everyone, he saw that under the golden sky filled with the swords of countless stars, there was an equally incomparable sword light to rise up!

The golden sky, Jianguang practice, the two under the impact of each other, time has a moment of static.

And in this stillness, there was a crack on the golden sky.

Then, the crack spreads wildly, and the whole sky is covered in an instant. It begins with a large piece of gold, which is falling off like a wall ash, revealing the real sky.

As for the Jianguang practice, it has also become riddled with numerous holes, and every hole has a sword that floats out.


Finally, along with two loud noises that almost merged into one sound, whether it was the golden sky or the Jianguang practice, it collapsed at the same time.

The sky instantly returned to normal, and it also revealed Jiang Yun and Jian Sheng who still kept their hands.

Both of them, like sculptures, stood there, motionless.

On the sword of the sword in the hands of the sword, just like the golden sky just now, it is also full of cracks, but his body is unscathed.

The Tibetan sword in the hands of Jiang Yun is unscathed, but his face has several wounds, and a drop of blood is slowly falling from the wound.

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