The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1006: Nine old and one young

Looking at the very different state of the two people, for a while, the bystanders can not judge, the two men just had a sword confrontation, who wins and who loses.

After a while, Jiansheng finally moved.

I saw that he had put the sword in his hand full of cracks and slowly inserted it into the scabbard.

However, just as the sword of Jin Jian is about to fall into the scabbard completely, it is a sudden sound of a sword!

In the sound of the sword, full of unwillingness and resentment!

Obviously, the sword is already spiritual!

After doing all this, Jiansheng looked up and looked at Jiang Yundao: "I lost!"

"Although I don't know why you didn't kill me, I never want to owe people, so I will give you a piece of advice!"

"You have a sword, and the sword has already been shaped, but your rumor above the kendo is stagnant at the moment the sword is shaped."

"I know that you are looking for sword spirit, but I can tell you that what you should do more than sword spirit is to feel the sword heart!"

"I hope you will have a sword heart when I see you next time!"

After saying this, Jiansheng’s figure suddenly rose to the sky and flew into the sky.

Jiang Yun did not even take a shot to stop his departure. He still stood there in a sluggish manner, letting Jiansheng’s figure pierce the sky, leaving the wild world and withdrawing from the war.

Obviously, Jiansheng came here not to help the Tao, but to his own kendo.

Now that he has lost to Jiang Yun, he naturally has no need to stay here.

"Ginger Admiral, you are fine!"

At this time, a deserted man rushed to Jiang Yun and asked with a voice of concern.

Jiang Yun was just as awake as a dream. He turned back and shook his head gently, but there was still a little confusion and awkwardness between his looks.

The previous sword, the power of time in the sword, completely gave Jiang Yun a chance to kill Jiansheng, but Jiang Yun did not start.

In addition to because Jiang Yun is indeed admiring Jian Jian's kendo, and can't bear to kill him, one of the more important reasons is that just in his mind, the figure in the streak sent by the second division is revealed.

At that moment, the figure, the awesome and the swordsmen in front of them overlapped together, not bad!

This also made him suddenly understand, that figure is Jiansheng!

Although he already knows his own teacher, whether he is a master or a brother and sister, there are secrets that are not known to you.

However, he did not think that the figure contained in the stuntman made by the second division sister Situ Jing would actually be Jiansheng!

This means that the two sisters and Jiansheng not only know each other, but the relationship between the two is inevitable!

Otherwise, how can the second division bring the figure of Jiansheng into the avatar!

Because of this, Jiang Yun gave up the opportunity to kill Jiansheng.

The words that Jiansheng said before leaving, Jiang Yun naturally listened clearly and clearly, and that is the reward of Jiansheng for not killing himself.

My own kendo rumors have indeed been stagnant for a long time.

In addition to being looking for a sword spirit, it is also because there is no one at all on the road of sword repair.

Even, I don't know how to go next.

Coupled with the fact that he has learned too much in this body, Jian Xiu is not the only one of his own, so he did not care too much about it.

But Jiansheng, but it is the next step for the sword repair!

Feeling the sword heart!

Above the sky, seeing Jiansheng leave, Jiang Yun has nothing to do, and Yan Junyan slowly regained his gaze and said to himself: "If this sword is not dead, it will be a generation of masters in the future!"

Even in the shrine of the temple, I also witnessed the passing of all the Taoist sects and nodded: "The ancestor of the sect of the sword, it really deserved reputation!"

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The sword sect in Daozuan’s mouth has not yet been born in this ancient age, but in reality, as one of the nine avenues of the Jianzong!

Of course, Jiang Yun will not know that in this illusion, the swordsman who was defeated by his men today, in the future, became the ancestor of the Jianzong, one of the nine avenues!

In the silence, Jiang Yun looked up again and glanced at the direction in which the sword disappeared. He converges on the inner doubts about the other party and the second division sister, silently turned and walked in the other direction.

Surrounded by battlefields everywhere, the killing between the three great tribes and the monks of the temple is completely endless!

The colorful light radiated from all kinds of magical spells is filled with vast wild land;

Or anger, or the sound of sorrows and explosions, continually ringing;

Blood, flesh and stumps are flying all over the sky!

Nowadays, the war has only started for a few hours, but the number of deaths has exceeded hundreds of thousands!

However, all the dead are just some of the less powerful monks.

The real strong, until now, have not yet won each other.

In the **** sea of ​​blood, the savage and constant impact of the left and right, smashing the power of the landlord, although repairing is not as good as blood, but it can barely compete.

In the hands of the swallowing hand, holding a multi-colored pike, and the evil spirits of the coffin holding the earth-shattering.

The heavens have already turned into the truth, and in the clouds of the sky, it is faintly visible that the konjac inside is like a demon-like tall figure.

Lu Yizheng was separated by nine reincarnations, trapping the soul of the body to become transparent!

Above the sky, fifty-four ships have already blew themselves up, and the golden swords and chessboards surrounded by them have also destroyed one-third.

Not far away, the sky is still commanding the battle in an orderly manner, and the priest Yan Yan is still standing by his side, staring at the temple of blasphemy.

Jiang Yun does not know how long this battle will last. I don’t know when Daozun and the mysterious coach will appear, and what he can do is still continue to rescue and kill!

Fortunately, now looking at the entire battle, the three majors occupy a clear advantage, and the balance of victory is also tilted toward the three major groups.

If at the beginning, the forces on both sides are balanced and the numbers are equal, then now, the three tribes have already crushed the temple with the power of the nine blood.

As long as this trend continues, even if the top powers such as Tao Zun are unbeaten, then they will all become light pole commanders, and the final victory will belong to the three major groups.

However, Jiang Yun did not notice that at this time, on the sky of the wild land, several cracks appeared again.

There are a large number of monks in each crack.

Among them is a crack, among the many monks that have emerged, there are nine old men who have to be white, and a young and beautiful woman dressed in white surrounded by them!

These ten people were mixed in the crowd. Not only did Jiang Yun not pay attention, even the monks of the three tribes near the ten people just glanced at it.

After all, as the battle continued until now, the three majors have long known that the sacred temples continue to have reinforcements to enter the battlefield in this way.

Naturally, these people are definitely the reinforcements of the temple.

However, at the same time that these ten people appeared, they had already lost their powers, or the monks who had been lifted by the three major tribes in a series of nine bloods, but suddenly began a crazy attack!

Even, like the swordsman, the monks who walked alone in the battlefields of many sacred temples also increased the intensity of the attack.

In the face of their mad attacks, the three tribes naturally launched a counterattack, which led to a small climax in this war.

In this climax, the nine old and the young, but they are quietly immersed in the chaos of the battlefield.

Their immersion is like a drop of water dripping into the sea, without splashing the slightest embarrassment!

However, at this time, Jiang Yun’s heart is inexplicably faintly revealed!

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