The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1007: Breaking person

The various senses of the monks are far superior to the mortal, especially when faced with the crisis of life and death, many monks will have a near-intuitive foreboding.

Jiang Yun is no exception, and this feeling is not the first time he appears, naturally let his heart sink.

In today's form, from the overall point of view, the army of the three major groups has firmly occupied the upper hand.

Although there was a round of onslaughts on the side of the temple, it seemed to anyone to be just a struggle before dying.

Once the three tribes win, they will successfully complete the task in this ruined nine places, the illusion will end, and they will be able to get the real recognition of the sacred sacred objects, thus leaving the land of the world and returning to the real world.

But now, Jiang Yun has such an unclear feeling. When he wants to come, there is only one possibility, that is, Tao Zun and others, they have to deal with themselves!

However, he is not too worried!

For the top powerhouses in the temple, they had a detailed discussion with the people such as Wild Junyan before the war. Each of the top powerhouses arranged opponents of the same strength.

Although the emergence of the **** three demon, slightly disturbed the deployment of others and others, but at least from the current point of view, even the strongest three people in the road are all present, the three majors also have enough staff to deal with .

Therefore, Jiang Yun coldly glanced at the heavenly temple, but looked forward to the Taoist and the mysterious coach can appear earlier.

As long as they kill both of them, then this battle can be over!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun no longer cares about the ominous feeling in his heart, rejoined the battlefield, and began to search for suitable opponents and try to rescue the monks of the three major groups.

However, after only a quarter of an hour, Jiang Yun’s ear suddenly sounded like a voice: “Jiang Yun, the big thing is not good, your nine blood is ringing, it seems to be broken!”

In a simple sentence, Jiang Yun’s heart suddenly trembled and hurriedly asked: “What happened?”

The sky is in a hurry: "About a moment ago, in the northwest direction, a group of nine people who had been trapped by twenty-three people was suddenly attacked by the enemy."

"And, the speed of being attacked is extremely fast, almost instantaneously disintegrated."

"I thought it was just an accident, but then there were another twenty-seven people in the southeast direction who were also defeated by the enemy."

"I still thought it was a coincidence, but just now, there was another ninety-nine people in the direction of Zhengdong!"

"One accident is an accident, two are coincidences, and three times is definitely not an accident and a coincidence."

"Not to mention, the number of people who have been broken in the three times has also doubled, so it can only be said that there are finally people in the temple that can break the nine blood chain!"

Because Jiang Yun is in the battlefield, and this battlefield covers almost the entire wild world.

Even if his knowledge is strong, it is impossible to cover the entire battlefield. Therefore, he can't see the fighting situation in a place far away, and he can only pay attention to the situation around the square.

And the sky is different, he is a master, his strength is extremely strong, always above the sky, condescending to overlook the entire wild world, looking at the overall situation, so the dynamics of every position on the battlefield must be well known, so that it can be the first Time to issue the corresponding command.

Therefore, after seeing three different positions, the nine blood groups of different numbers were directly disintegrated, and he naturally speculated that someone in the temple had mastered the method of breaking the nine blood chain!

Hearing the explanation of the sky, Jiang Yun finally understood the reason why he had just had an unknown feeling.

It turned out that my sense of uncertainty is not because the Taoist people want to kill themselves, but because the nine blood is broken!

Nine blood evenly ring, strictly speaking, is not created by Jiang Yun, but on the basis of the nine snows of the ring under the snow, combined with his understanding of the formation and the improvement of the formation.

Although this power is endless, it does not mean that it is perfect.

There is a law, there is a corresponding method of breaking the line.

The prestige of the nine blood and the ring array is widely circulated, so as the enemy of the three majors, the temple will inevitably try every means to crack this battle.

Although the aristocrats practiced this battle, they were all in the military camps that were opened up separately. It is strictly forbidden to pass the rumors. However, many people have witnessed them on the military merits ratio.

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Among those who are, there must be monks who are in the temple.

Although they may not be able to deduct the method of breaking the battle by watching alone, Jiang Yun then taught the reincarnation and chaos.

Although these two families are also strictly confidential, it is not difficult for the temple to send people into it, so it is not difficult to know the specific arrangement of this array.

In this age, there must be many monks who are proficient in the formation.

For example, it has not yet been born, but it is clear that there has been a prototype of the dynasty!

Then, it is normal for someone who can break the array to appear.

In fact, there will be people who can break through the nine blood circulation arrays in the temple, and Jiang Yun thought about it before.

But there is no way for him to do this.

After all, Jiang Yun’s accomplishments in the martial arts are not the first in the world. The two who are really proficient in the formation are Xue Yucheng and Hou Muran.

He is equivalent to standing on the shoulders of these two people, only to create a nine blood chain.

This array is also the ultimate embodiment of his rumor, and it is impossible to increase his power or add more changes.

Therefore, he can only pray that there should not be such a person, but I did not expect that the coming will not be able to hide.

"No, there is another formation in the direction of the west. This time, it is a battle of thousands!"

Just then, the sound of the sky was ringing again.

At this moment, Jiang Yun forcibly suppressed the fluster that had already swelled in his heart, and calmed himself down: "The sky is falling, you don't have to think about it, it must be the emergence of a broken person."

"And definitely it was not long ago, just came to this battlefield, find this person!"

"I am already looking for it!"

I have to say that Jiang Yun and Tian Lu are both very intimate people, and immediately guessed the general situation.

If the temple of 弑 has long mastered the method of breaking the line, or there are people who have broken the line, then it is impossible to start using it until it is used at the time of defeat.

Therefore, only in the reinforcements that are constantly appearing in the temple, there is a person who can break through the nine blood chain.

The sound of the sky once again sounded: "Not long ago, the army of the temple of the sacred temple suddenly madly countered, it should be to distract our attention and cover the appearance of that person."

"That is to say, the people who broke the line appeared at that time."

"But there are always reinforcements in the temple, and I don't remember who appeared at that time."

"And, this person deliberately broke the array in different directions, so that we can't determine his position, so it takes some time to find this person."

"Find him as soon as possible!"

There is an endless killing in the voice of Jiang Yun: "In addition, the order of all people, before finding this person, all the people of the nine blood lining array can not be less than 10,000 people!"

Jiang Yun knows that the other party's method of breaking the line is not perfect, so it will continue to test on the array of people and then gradually increase the number of people in the experimental array.

So far, after four trials, the other party has been able to instantly break the array of thousands of people, so the array of thousands of people can be broken at any time.

Therefore, before finding this person, Jiang Yun can only let everyone form a group based on 10,000 people, so that everyone can get a short-term security.

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