The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1011: With the total death

Yi Zheng and others, always driving the sky boat in the air, followed by Jiang Yun.

Thanks to the killing of Jiang Yun, they have avoided all the interceptions, and no one has come to them for trouble, so that they just arrived at the same position with Jiang Yun at the same time.

On this road, they watched Jiang Yun’s shots again and again, watching Jiang Yun kill and kill all the sacred temple monks who had blocked their way. They had already let their blood boil, morale was high, and they could not follow Jiang Yun. Kill the enemy together.

Therefore, at the moment, I heard Jiang Yun’s order, one by one, like a downhill tiger, jumping from the boat on the sky and falling to the side of Jiang Yun.

At the time of landing, they had already set up a formation of nine blood and a ring array, and they were all murderous, scorning the 100,000 people in front of them.

If there is really no fear in this battle of thousands of people, that is now thousands of people!

They are the only one of the three major groups to be led by Jiang Yun, and under the leadership of Jiang Yun, they changed their own destiny, from an obscure squad to a world-famous elite team.

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Therefore, they believe that as long as they follow behind Jiang Yun, there will be no enemies they can't beat.

How about 100,000 people, even if they face a million people, they are not afraid.

Not only are they fearless, but they are all eager to kill the enemy.

The strong warfare that emanates from each person is condensed into essence in the air.

Let the opposite 100,000 repairs, can not help but be a heart chill, know that this is a true battle of the division!

Although Jiang Yun’s gaze still can’t see the white woman’s figure, he knows that the other party must be watching himself at the moment.

For this white woman, although Jiang Yun still doesn't know her origins, she has already saved her heart.

It was not because the other party broke open their own nine blood, but because after the appearance of the other party, up to now, at least 100,000 of the three tribes have been broken.

Once the formation is broken, although the people in the array are not immediately dying, there will be a lot of casualties.

Even if there is only half the probability of death, it is the disappearance of 50,000 lives.

Based on this alone, Jiang Yun will kill her anyway.

However, before that, he had to open the wall of human flesh composed of the 100,000 monks in front of him.

Jiang Yun suddenly turned his head and looked at Yi Zheng and others behind him. Shen Sheng asked: "If you go one step further, you may die. You, are you afraid?"

Without any hesitation, the tens of thousands of people shouted loudly and shouted: "Not afraid!"

Looking deeply at the 10,000 people, Jiang Yun suddenly held his fists in his hands and prayed to the 10,000 people: "This battle, Jiang and all of you, die together!"

Although Jiang Yun can't give these people a lifetime commitment, they can give them a promise of this war!

Ten thousand people, also in the same way against Jiang Yun deeply: "I wish to die with the adults, the same life!"

Straight up, Jiang Yun’s eyes are already murderous, reaching out for a hundred miles in front of him, cold and cold words spit out: "kill!"

With the order of Jiang Yun, his own body shape became a gust of wind, and he immediately rushed out.

Behind him, the tens of thousands of people follow closely!

Although the wall of the 100,000 monks is indeed extremely difficult to break, but in such a dense situation, it is also good for Jiang Yun.

It is his attack, no need to have any scruples at all.

From fire, snow, fog, blood, the power of the Five Elements, swordsmanship, Taoism...

All the techniques mastered by Jiang Yun, at this moment, all unscrupulously displayed.

The cultivation of the peak of the spiritual realm, the powerful body of the King Kong body, coupled with the power of the lord of the savage, let the 100,000 monks, no one can stop the pace of his progress.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Yun, who was born hard, was forced to tear a gap in the wall of the person with his own strength!

Behind him, the army of 10,000 people is following this gap, responsible for killing the monks around, tearing the gap bigger!

The reason why Jiang Yun wants to rush in the forefront and carry out such crazy killings, the most fundamental purpose is not to open the way, but to give the opportunity to break the 100,000 monks!

Jiang Yun knows well, leading the 10,000-small team to break through, and the 10,000-squad team is only good at the nine-blood chain, so it is very likely that the white woman commander will break the line.

Therefore, he can only defeat the 100,000 monks through his own killings, so that they have no extra energy and time to break the array of Yizheng they have arranged.

With Yizheng's existence, Jiang Yun has no worries, and can safely hand over his back to these people to protect.

What you need to do is to go all the way and cross the distance of the last hundred miles.

The 10,000 people behind him are equally aware that there is no need to worry about the task of opening the road. What they have to do is to hold the rear and prevent anyone from attacking Jiang Yun from the rear.

One person, 10,000 people, with the trust of each other, with the promise of life and death, all the way forward!

I have to say that the power of Jiang Yun and the smothering of the tens of thousands of people who are not afraid of death are really shocking people who have seen this scene with their own eyes.

It also allowed more and more people to cast their knowledge and eyes on it and cast them on Jiang Yun.

When they recognized Jiang Yun and recognized Yi Zheng and others, the faces of the monks of the three major ethnic groups, especially the deserted people, naturally showed pride and pride.

On the face of the monks of the Temple of God, there are different degrees of fear.

Jiang Yun leads the squad, just like the sharp sword with the same handle, it is invincible!

The kind of slaughter they showed was a courage and confidence for all the monks of the three races, even if Lu Yiwu and others were no exception.

Lu Yizheng even laughed loudly: "My three tribes have Jiang Yun help, and He Hao is invincible!"

Gradually, more and more monks of the three tribes began to follow Jiang Yun's back, helping Jiang Yun to intercept them and kill the monks who were rushed out of the temple.

Their approach is not from the order of the heavens, but from their spontaneous actions.

Even, they did not join the ranks of the 10,000 people, but silently behind the tens of thousands of people, gradually condensed more people!

Because, they are very clear, this time the glory belongs to Jiang Yun and his 10,000 team!

For some things, Jiang Yun did not know at all. He just rushed to the forefront of everyone, and used all his own cultivation to break through everything in front of him!

Although his aura gradually consumed the drama, although his body gradually had a wound, his pace did not stop at all, and there was no slight retreat.

With the tens of thousands of people, the momentum is like a rainbow, the hard-working breakthrough of the wall of the 100,000 people, over ten miles, fifty miles, ninety miles!

Until the eyes of Jiang Yun, you can even see the figure of the white woman.

At this time, the white woman who was always watching Jiang Yun, finally had a touch of emotion on her face.

Although she had known Jiang Yun’s name for a long time, she never really put him in her heart.

Especially when she mastered the law of the nine blood and the ring burst, she even turned Jiang Yun out of sight.

Even when Jiang Yun started to kill himself thousands of miles away, she just mobilized people to intercept Jiang Yun, and she did not believe that Jiang Yun could cross the distance of a thousand miles to come to her.

But now, Jiang Yun really came, only less than ten miles away from himself!

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