The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1012: The ancestor of the Mozu

Although there is a touch of movement, but for the white woman, Jiang Yun brought shock to himself, and that's it!

Because in front of her, there are nine old people!

The nine oldest people, the weakest is the Tao, the strongest is the Tao.

Under the combined efforts of nine people, even the strongest in the context of humanity and isomorphism can block.

These nine people are her true reliance, that is, she is determined that Jiang Yun can not get close to her strongest defense.

However, this is less than ten miles away. However, she can't let Jiang Yun break through easily in any case. Therefore, she is still the same three words: "kill him!"

Her opening this time, the voice is extremely light, and it is not facing the 100,000 monks who have collapsed, but the nine old men who have been sitting close to each other in her body.

As her voice fell, there was an old man who opened his eyes and raised his hand. The volley flew toward Jiang Yunyi.

In an instant, a palm-sized palm appeared above the top of Jiang Yun’s head, and there were numerous black lines on it.

Magic lines!

This old man turned out to be a Mozu!

However, Jiang Yun understands that the nine old men who protect the white women should be the strong ones chosen by Dao Zou from all ethnic groups.

Although the palm of the hand is not large, but the old man is the cultivation of the Taoist platform, the majestic pressure contained in the palm, such as the mountain is generally pressed against Jiang Yun and the body behind Yi Zheng, but it is the momentum that makes them advance. Stopped.

Feeling the pressure from the black palm, Jiang Yun's body momentum is also suddenly rising, under the skin that everyone can't see, there is also a black line of texture that begins to emerge rapidly, that is the diamond pattern!

As the King Kong magic pattern crawled over the body of Jiang Yun at a crazy speed, the 10,000 people behind him felt the pressure on the body.


But at this moment, Jiang Yun’s mouth suddenly issued an order.

With a thousand people, Jiang Yun rushed over a distance of more than 90 miles, breaking through the wall of 100,000 monks, and letting 10,000 people, one person is not dead!

Now, Jiang Yun knows that the last remaining distance of less than ten miles, and the nine old people, are not tens of thousands of people can compete.

With the total death!

Jiang Yun can't let one of them die because of himself.

Even if he wants to die, he will die first. Therefore, at this moment, he used the King Kong body alone to withstand the pressure from the black palm above, letting the million people retreat, and they will go through this last distance alone.

When I heard Jiang Yun’s order, 10,000 people were together, and 10,000 pairs of eyes looked at Jiang Yun at the same time.

Although they knew that Jiang Yun was trying to protect them, they were ready to die before the start of the war. At the moment they stood next to Jiang Yun, they were ready to protect Jiang Yun with their own lives.

But now, Jiang Yun actually let them back.

Yizheng, who was in the blood of the blood, wiped the blood on his face, and said in a hurry: "Adult..."

Not waiting for Yi Zheng to finish the words, Jiang Yun has been unceremoniously interrupted: "Retreat!"

The military order is like a mountain!

Under Yizheng’s erection, he slammed into Jiang Yun’s fist and then turned around and shouted at the 10,000 people: “Everyone has not heard the words of the grown-ups, and they all give back to Laozi, retreat, and retreat!”

While shouting this sentence, Yi Zheng’s eyes had already risen with water mist, blurring his sight, but he clenched his teeth and set an example, and the first one retreated toward the rear.

Ten thousand people, no longer hesitate, one by one, clenched their teeth, and endured the tears in their eyes, and began to recede.

Although Yi Zheng and others are not willing, but under the same two orders of Jiang Yun, they can only retreat!

Although the body is retreating, each of them has made an oath in their hearts. If Jiang Yun has any danger, even if he fights against the military order and fights for his own death, he must protect Jiang Yun as much as possible.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, the hearts of this 10,000 people all have the idea of ​​self-destruction!

In the eyes of other people, although the tens of thousands of people have retired, but behind them, there is a lonely figure of Jiang Yun, no retreat!

Not only did not retreat, but Jiang Yun also with his own power, strongly blocked the falling palm above the sky.


This scene, let the old man in the shot reveal a trace of surprise.

Jiang Yun’s performance in this road is actually in his eyes. He knows that Jiang Yun’s true strength is definitely not as good as himself.

Therefore, this palm is a deliberate expression, wants to kill Jiang Yun and 10,000 people.

But Jiang Yun was able to block his palm, which naturally made his face flash unpleasant.

In the case of his own shot, if you can't stop Jiang Yun, it is really detrimental to the face.

Therefore, he gave a cold sigh in his mouth and saw that the dark palm was falling straight toward Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun suddenly looked up and looked at the palm of the hand near the top of his head. He spit out four words in his mouth: "Your magic is not as good as mine!"

In the voice of the voice, the King Kong magic pattern skyrocketed again, climbing his face from the body, and even his eyes were filled with magic lines!

For the first time, Jiang Yun showed all the diamonds, and for the first time, everyone saw him completely covered by the magic lines!

At this time, a huge figure appeared in the back of Jiang Yun!

Although the figure is illusory, it can still be seen clearly. It is a whole body dark, the first two corners, up to the sky... the devil!

With the appearance of this demon, just like the previous Taoist appearance, let the battlefield of these thousands of people reappear quietly.

The old man in white, Huo Er’s eyes widened, revealing a deep incredible and fearful color in the depths of his eyes.

All the demons, in the depths of their hearts, could not help but raise a shudder.

In front of Lu Yizheng, the tall konjac is dull and staring at the ghost behind Jiang Yun.

Always standing between the heavens and the earth, the statue of the three-headed and six-armed sorrow that had not yet been shot, shivered slightly.

It was not the trembling of the demon, but the trembling of the democrats.

Because only they are very clear, the demon standing behind Jiang Yun is the real demon.


Even, it is the ancestor of the Mozu!

Most people think that the Mozu has only one ancestor of the Mozu, which is the ancestor of the statue of the Mozu sacred object.

But in fact, the Mozu has ten ancestors!

These ten ancestors, the earliest owners of the top ten magic bodies, each of them are the ancestors of the demon.

However, the 10 groups of the Mozu have long fallen, not to mention the current Mozu, even if it is the oldest record of the Mozu, no one can see one of the ten ancestors.

If even one ancestor exists among the ten ancestors, the entire Mozu will not fall to the qualifications that need to be returned to the Shrine to preserve the continuation of the ethnic group.

They can only see the illusory ancestors like the coming of the ancestors when the tribes have the corresponding magic body.

This is the statue that Jiang Yun has shown behind him.

That is the King of the Rings!


At this moment, the dark palm finally fell, but it did not fall on Jiang Yun's body, but fell on the statue of the demon.

"Block me, die!"

At the same time, Jiang Yun was also screaming out loud, clenching his fists, and squatting toward the old man who shot.

It’s not just Jiang’s fist, but the one-of-a-kind demon behind him, also raised his fist and squatted toward the old man.

This punch, without the slightest aura fluctuations, does not have any magical powers, and some are purely physical forces.

However, this is the power of the King Kong, belonging to the power of the illusory ancestors!

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