The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1013: Threatening language

Although the goal of Jiang Yun’s fist is only the demon old man who shot himself, but the illusory King Kong ancestors behind him obviously don’t think so!

This punch, the nine old men, together with the white woman all covered!

Nine old people have already opened their eyes, and everyone’s face has a shocking color.

At this moment, they simply couldn’t care to protect the woman behind them, but at the same time, they tried their best to fight all the power of Jiang Yun.


A boxing out, like a skybreak!

In the earth-shattering sound, in the eyes of the heavens and the earth, all the souls of the creatures saw only a huge fist that was extremely incomparable, replacing the heavens and the earth, as if the world was re-created as the beginning of the heavens and the earth!

Because with the Tibetan sword not into the woman's eyebrows, there is no trace of blood seeping out.

Jiang Yun is even more faintly aware that within the woman's body, there seem to be a number of invisible silk threads that spread toward the endless distance.


It turned out that this woman is only a avatar, and her deity does not know where to hide.

At this moment, the helplessness and sluggishness of the woman's face disappeared without a trace. Instead, it was a sneer.

She slowly opened her mouth and said with a voice that only Jiang Yun could hear: "Are you sorry, isn't it my deity?"

Although Jiang Yun was shocked, his face was calm: "Since I can kill you, then naturally you can kill your deity. If you don't believe it, you can let your deity come!"

Jiang Yun’s remarks made the woman’s eyes more resentful and gritted: “I can tell you, Jiang Yun, you can’t kill me!”

"And you killed me in this avatar, it is the real beginning of your three major dreams!"

"One day, you and I will definitely see you again. By that time, today's revenge, I will repay a hundred times!"

When the voice fell, the woman's breath finally dissipated, but her eyes were still round, and Jiang Yun was dying!

Her last few words, although it may be just the threat of her death before death, but make Jiang Yun's brow slightly wrinkled.

Because, Jiang Yun did feel that something was wrong.

Even though the woman in white is only a avatar, her importance to the temple is self-evident, and her existence is comparable to that mysterious coach.

Although Tao Zun arranged a large number of people to protect her, why not let her stay in the temple, it is not safer!

Also, even though the woman is only a avatar, her deity can't appear in a short time, so once it is killed, there will be no more people who can break the temple, and the advantage that will be achieved will disappear.

However, seeing that she was killed by herself, the Taoist did not save her, but let her die, which is a bit unreasonable.

Even if the Tao is blocked by the wilderness, but if he really wants to save the woman, there is definitely a way.

At the same time, a burst of earth-shattering cheers suddenly sounded!

It was from the army of the three major races. The appearance of the illusory demon just attracted the attention of all of them, so that they all temporarily stopped fighting and watched Jiang Yun.

And seeing Jiang Yun finally killing the white woman, plus the sky is also timely to tell the women that they can break the nine blood and the ring, let them suddenly excited.

Even, like Jiang Yun, they believe that the final victory of this war will belong to their own side.

However, before their cheers fell, the shocking sound of the sky was suddenly sounded, and all the voices were pressed: "Not good!"


In the extremely distant boundaries of the battlefield from the wild world, there is a huge monster group!

Among these demons, there are the ghosts of the body that are more than a thousand feet, and the flying insects that are almost invisible to the naked eye. Many of them have human figures, but they still carry various body features. Demon!

Looking at it, the number of these demons is at least a million, but they are quietly standing in the void, motionless.

Because in front of them, there is a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged.

Behind the man is a little boy standing, with a curious look at the demon group in front of him, not afraid at all.

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